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> Marie's Journal
Posted: Jul 22 2009, 12:51 PM
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Diamond Member

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Ok I need something to track my progress and I'm hoping this will keep me somewhat honest to myself, although I have to say it hasn't always done the trick (scroll back to last year) tongue.gif This is a new journal though and a new mission.

I started writting a new blog today because I found it really interesting how my weight has fluctuated in the last couple of years, well actually the last few years, lets be honest.

I started at around 208-212 the day Anthony blew out his first birthday candle. Before going overseas, (and a little more than 3 years later) I weight not much less, just under 200. Upon coming home after having watched what I ate, partly because I wanted to be more aware of what was going into my body and party because the food wasn't very good and after 6 months of the same thing it became mundane, and due to the midnight runs I put myself through while overseas, and the high temperatures, I went back to Canada having lost close to 30 lbs. I was sitting around the high 160's to mid 170's. I knew I initially gained some weight my first while in Russia, and fairly enough it was quite early on when I became pregnant, also during the Christmas celebrations, I packed on a bit of weight in anticipation that weight would not have to be that much of a factor, well I was a little wrong and baby after baby and miscarriage after miscarriage I was naive enough to think that this would be the one and here I was a little extra cushion each time. After my first miscarriage in December I vowed to go back to the gym, but as the eather got colder (cause I'm not a real Canadian and I become a hibernating bear in the winter wanting to stay curled up where it's warm, I dared not venture outside the 5 minute walk to the gym). It is now almost 3 months since my last miscarriage and I am tired of being fat again. I go home in less than 3 weeks and the first thing I want to hear when I get off the plane in Canada from my family is NOT how much weight I've gained, and trust me when I say it has been said before.

So here I am, Day 2 of the new me (again), weighing in not at a dreaded 200 lbs, but also not at the 160 I would actually die to be at this time. I stepped on the scale yesterday and was surprised when it "only" read 185.5lbs. Two pounds lighter than when I was weighed at the doctor's back in April.

So that's it. At the moment my task is only to go to the gym twice a day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and once on Wednesday and whatever I can do on the weekend. At the moment I'm only going to add going to the gym, not cutting back on junk. I've already drastically reduced my soda intake, so that should account for something.

So Day 1, went to the gym during the evening, this was the first day of my new plan, of course I thought of this plan at night.

Day 2, didn't go at all, instead, polished off 3 bottles of wine with a new friend that just moved in next door. Had to play get to know you, so I skipped the gym today period.

We'll see what Day 3 brings.

~Marie, mom to Robbie, 15 and Anthony, 7 and our newest addition, Mia Eliana~

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~*~I promise to forget you not, my angels in heaven being watched by our fallen heroes, Dec 23 08, April 1 09, & May 18 09~*~

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Posted: Jul 22 2009, 12:52 PM
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Diamond Member

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Starting weight:


~Marie, mom to Robbie, 15 and Anthony, 7 and our newest addition, Mia Eliana~

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~*~I promise to forget you not, my angels in heaven being watched by our fallen heroes, Dec 23 08, April 1 09, & May 18 09~*~

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Posted: Jul 27 2009, 03:32 PM
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Diamond Member

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Ok so first week was a very busy week and schedule did not go as planned, I went to the gym twice.

Monday is the start to a new week and I went twice today.

~Marie, mom to Robbie, 15 and Anthony, 7 and our newest addition, Mia Eliana~

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~*~I promise to forget you not, my angels in heaven being watched by our fallen heroes, Dec 23 08, April 1 09, & May 18 09~*~

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Posted: Jul 27 2009, 08:11 PM
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Praying For Spencer

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You can do it!!!!! thumb.gif thumb.gif

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