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> Booey's New Lifestyle Changes, Journal
Posted: Mar 10 2007, 05:45 AM
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Thank you both, I am feeling better today, and not so bawling.gif . It took me forever to fall asleep last night even after taking the advil night time med, I didn't fall into a good sleep til after midnight, that is when my 102 fever broke.

Today is a new day and I know that He would not give me something I wouldn't be able handle, he does have a grand plan for us all. (sorry for the religious content I just find it easier to put my trust in Him during these hard times.

I will do okay today and will try and get back here soon.


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Mar 10 2007, 06:28 AM
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QUOTE (booey2 @ Mar 10 2007, 07:45 AM)
Today is a new day and I know that He would not give me something I wouldn't be able handle, he does have a grand plan for us all. (sorry for the religious content I just find it easier to put my trust in Him during these hard times.

I think that is exactly what He wants us to do. hug.gif I also think He is giving you the strength not to turn to food, but to deal with your hurt in other ways. I'm glad you came here and journaled it. That was a good outlet.

I hope you feel better soon, Terri and I'm SO sorry about the sitter. sad.gif hug.gif I know how difficult it is to live away from family. We have no one here, either. I hope the boys adjust well to the new sitter come May. hug.gif hug.gif

Hang in there and I hope your weekend improves. You will be in my prayers
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Mar 10 2007, 06:37 AM
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Just funny!

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What a rough patch! ohmy.gif I sure hope things work out for you and your sitter and I hope that you're feeling better even as I type this. Good job staying away from the stress eating and what a great DH for noticing your shrinkage. Keep it up, Terri. I hope we get to see "less" of you more often. I've missed you. hug.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahoo

  Posted: Mar 12 2007, 10:57 AM
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Thanks everyone, I am in a better place today, well not really being here at work with my PITA co-worker. But hey it could be worse. We are trying to help them find a new place but we can only do so much. It sounds like they really want to stay in this neighbourhood and her son still wants to go to the school he is at right now. He thought if they moved his mom wouldn't have to babysit but she will have to do it more so when they move because they will need the money more. I am taking it one day at a time and living in my own little world here at the office.

On a brighter note our office is having its first ever open house here at the office and it will be a grand affair, lots of elegance, food and alcohol, I will try and get some pics of it and post for y'all to see what it is we do and rent stuff for. It is on the 22nd of this month.

Gonna run and do some work, I miss you all so much just wished we all lived closer as your support means so much to me. Thanks again.


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Mar 12 2007, 03:16 PM
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Just funny!

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Terri, no thanks are necessary. I am happy that you are feeling a bit better. I am still praying things work out with your sitter. That must be such a stresser. Keep your chin up. I'm proud of you. hug.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahoo
Posted: Mar 13 2007, 05:42 AM
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Keep moving forward Terri. Hopefully things slow down soon and a resolution comes with the sitter. I know how stressful those things can be on a person. hug.gif hug.gif Hang in there. We are here for you.

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

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Our Lil' Family
Posted: Mar 13 2007, 05:43 AM
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We're a Who Dat family!

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Keep it up girl, you are doing great. I can't wait to see pics...I love events!!!!

Naomi, Wife to Tim & Mommy to Thomas (7) and Andrew (2)
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  Posted: Mar 16 2007, 06:20 AM
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Good morning, well actually it is a pretty good morning. My PITA co-worker has miraculously decided to talk to me again, after one of my other co-workers said something to her. I have now learned to not to speak to anyone about what is going on here or they will high tail it to those involved. Why can't they just but out. Anyway, today is pretty good. The sitter is going looking on the weekend for a new place, gonna pray she finds one quick and that it is in the neighbourhood. Even if she isn't in the area, I have someone to cover May and June and I will drive the kids to her place in the summer and I only have to find sitters for the fall and by that time Thomas will be a full day at school so it is only really 1 hour or less in the morning and from 3:45-5:45pm each day and I have a couple of leads.

This weekend will be nuts, we have a hockey practice at 8am then we are going out of town to 2 birthdays, my mom's boyfriends is actually tommorow, St. Patrick's day so we are having lunch with them and and then it is off to my BIL and SIL's for their kids birthday. They have boy/girl twins who are a year older than Matthew and are having their party tommorow, their birthday was this past Monday. We will be very busy this weekend and on Sunday I get the pleasure of taking Matthew to his 8am practice because DH (not so dear) has to work on Sunday is exhausted and bixchy so he needs to sleep in so he can go to work on Sunday.

That is all for now, oh I almost forgot, I lost .8 at my WI on Wednesday night, so if I average out my losses since last May 24th it is about half a pound a week, which is all good in my books, now I just have to pick up the pace a little lose some more.

Have a great day, will try and post more as the day goes on as it is dead here at work and the boss has yet to show.

PS if you got this far, cyber brownies and chocolate milk to you. beer.gif

eta: I am trying to work on a plan for next week for Thursday so I don't have to drive to work so I can have a few cocktails at the open house. Don't know if any of you have heard of the show The Heat (on the food network here in Canada), but the host is one of our clients and should be here on Thursday, can you say yummy.

This post has been edited by booey2 on Mar 16 2007, 06:28 AM


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Mar 16 2007, 07:52 AM
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Okay, so after posting this things have gone nutso in my life again. So if I disappear for a while, more so than usual, could be a long while just say a few prayers for our family right now (if praying is your thing) can't post much more right now. will be back... bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
  Posted: Mar 16 2007, 11:30 AM
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Okay, I have collected myself a litte, only took almost 4 hours. The reason for the distress is that my mom called to let me know that her boyfriend of 20 years has to go in on Monday for surgery/testing I believe to stage how far along and confirm bowel/colorectal cancer. When she first called she just said he was going in for surgery on his bowel for and it was cancer. I was a mess. She called back to let me know he is going in for further testing on Monday and after some research I did I think that is when they are doing the testing/staging for his prognosis. We will see him tommorow and celebrate his birthday. Thanks for letting me get this out I am in a much better frame of mind, my DH on the otherhand took it harder than I think I did, we have only talked one other time today and we had to hang up as he was in tears again. Gotta run and do some work here. Take care and thanks again.


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Mar 16 2007, 11:41 AM
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Diamond Member

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hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Terri you all are in my prayers. I'm sorry to hear such bad news. sleep.gif Please keep us posted, hun.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Apr 2 2007, 07:49 AM
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hug.gif how is everything going? I hope your doing well.

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
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  Posted: Apr 4 2007, 06:22 AM
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Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I have finally gotten a few minutes to me and can update. As far as WW is concerned these days I am taking it one day at a time, had a gain last week but TOM was ready to hit and I had some not so friendly high sodium soups 2 days before WI so I think that was it. As far as activity goes it has been non-existent, unless you count the walks I am taking these past mornings to take the boys to the bus.(more on that below). Tonight is WI and I am praying for a small loss or maintain.

Sorry to go major MIA but after finding out about my step-dad's cancer I totally fell apart and withdrew from everyone and everything. This bad news was compounded by the fact that my sitter has to move on May first and since finding out this news, her father passed away last Thursday so she has been in PEI since Friday. Luckily after the first trip down east she made I now have a back-up sitter right across the street and the boys don't seem to mind her. So I have had to take the boys each morning to the bus and be late for work because the backup sitter has a small job first thing in the mornings from 7am-10am and then she picks up Thomas from the bus and Matthew goes to her house after school. So it hasn't been that bad. I am also caring for the sitter's animals - 1 turtle, 1 hamster, 1 cat and a ton of fish, while they are away. I am at her house twice a day feeding and cleaning up after them

With all that has been going on I totally forgot that Easter is this weekend and Matthew has informed me he KNOWS all about the Easter Bunny now. We told him that there is an Easter Bunny and he gives the parents the treats and presents to hand out because there is no possible way that he can get to everyone's house within a couple of hours and the parents put them out. I still have to get Easter shopping done.

A couple of weeks ago my company had an open house and we had a great time I will try and get pics of the warehouse(where it was held) and post them here. It was a great stress release.

That same weekend we went out for dinner with my sister and her hubby, my mom and step-dad and had an awesome meal and time. That and this weekend will really be the last few times he (my stepdad) will be able to indulge. His surgery is a week today (April 11). So I will be a wreck for a while longer, they will be trying to remove all the cancer from his colon and he will end up with a bag for life. His other tests showed some cancer throughout his body but not a lot and they will only know the extent of it when they cut him open next week.

Well that is all for now, sorry for being MIA, I will try and get back here more. Thanks again for thinking of me.


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Apr 4 2007, 06:28 AM
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Oh hun, I guess I must have missed your last few posts. sad.gif I'm so sorry for everything you've been going through. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif P&Pt's headed your way.

I hope things start to settle down a bit for you and that your step-father's surgery goes well. This is just too much for one person to handle. I wish I was there to help you out. I would do so in a heart beat. hug.gif hug.gif

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

PMEmail Poster

Posted: Apr 5 2007, 05:43 AM
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hug.gif sorry your dealing with so much right now. I hope everything gets better.

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
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  Posted: Apr 12 2007, 07:32 AM
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Okay I am really trying to re-focus on me for a while. My stepdad's surgery was postponed because the surgeons MIL passed away on Tuesday night so they got the call early yesterday morning. The waiting has been the worst on him.

As for me, I am ready to take control of what I can. We are starting to slow down at home, hockey is over, swimming lessons are over and we will be gearing up for soccer soon. We decided not to register for swimming lessons for spring/summer as Matthew has to repeat his level and Thomas passed but needs to grow a little before he can fully master the next level. Hopefully by September he will have grown a couple of inches. I have some recent pics I will post in the general area later, I know coming here and posting keeps me grounded so I have to come out of my lurkdom again and get posting.

Had WI last night and am still maintaining which is key for me right now. I will be starting my activity again with my walking dvd's and am going to work my gazelle in there too.

Thanks again for thinking of me, I really appreciate it and miss you all. I will start posting everywhere again as I am re-finding me.

This is my new red suit that I wore out to dinner back in March...

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PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Apr 12 2007, 08:31 AM
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hug.gif Love the color on you, I cant do red just night right on me. Glad your mantaining thats a big plus now you can focus on the losing again. I tel you I have been walking 1 mile a day (takes about 16 minutes) every day but 2 so far this month and it feels great. Best of luck and come on back we miss you.

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Apr 12 2007, 08:36 AM
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Just funny!

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Welcome back, Terry. I've missed you. Hope your refocusing goes well. And I'll be happy to see "less" of you more often. I really like the red suit on you. The color really looks good with your complexion and coloring. hug.gif thumb.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahoo
  Posted: Apr 12 2007, 12:36 PM
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Thank you both, just got an email from my mom, they have re-scheduled the surgery for next Wednesday April 18th at 9:30am. So at least he has a date and focus on it and we will be able to see him on the Sunday when we go down for my nephew's First Communion.


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Apr 12 2007, 05:58 PM
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Waiting for sun!

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Just sending a hug.gif and a wavey.gif . I don't get on here much anymore but wanted to let y aknow i was thinking about you! Hang in there!!

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PMEmail PosterAOLYahooMSN
Posted: Apr 12 2007, 10:09 PM
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Hey Terri. Glad things are settling down for you. So sorry about everything that's been going on. hug.gif hug.gif

~Marie, mom to Robbie, 15 and Anthony, 7 and our newest addition, Mia Eliana~

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~*~I promise to forget you not, my angels in heaven being watched by our fallen heroes, Dec 23 08, April 1 09, & May 18 09~*~

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  Posted: Apr 13 2007, 04:55 AM
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wavey.gif Good morning one and all, thanks for all the well wishes and kudos. Things are going okay, had a little slip last night and had some of the Easter chocolate and didn't get my activity in. Will work on that this weekend (activity that is) and will make sure I do it. Have a great lunch packed and will stick to plan. Have a great day everyone will try and check back in as the day goes on.



He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Apr 13 2007, 05:16 AM
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hug.gif Glad yoru back at it. Kep going foward and you will get there.

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Apr 13 2007, 05:24 AM
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I'm glad to see you here Terri. I missed you. You already knew that, though. happy.gif hug.gif hug.gif

I know how hard it can be to try to focus on oneself when there is so much chaos going on, but you will feel better about dealing with all the chaos if you do try. At least I found that to be true for myself.

Keep doing what you are doing. The pictures of you are great! I can tell your hard work is paying off and I can't wait to see more pics of you. Keep it up girl! cheerleader.gif cheerleader.gif

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Apr 13 2007, 05:40 AM
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Thanks Karen, pictures of me are few and far between I am usually the one behind the camera and I don't dress up that often. Who knows, maybe the more I shrink the more I will want to be infront of the camera. dunno.gif

Have a great weekend away. wavey.gif


He is in a happier place.
PMEmail PosterMSN

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