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> Had to bring Jordan to the doc today...
Posted: Nov 8 2005, 11:59 AM
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She's all right, but I needed the reassurance. She's been straining an awful lot lately to the point where she's been having a hard time sleeping at night. So I called the doc and they made an appointment. The doc says she looks fine and nothing is blocked or anything. Apparently it's normal for a newborn to do this as they learn how to use all of the muscles that are used down there. I have read that somewhere, but I just get upset watching her turn beat read and then cry out because she's having a problem. On an up side she now weighs 8lbs 2oz. She has almost tripled her birth weight in 4 weeks. As long as she is healthy I am happy.

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I've been hugged by Lisa, Kelly, Jennifer, Erika, Jimmie, Nichole, Kimberly, and Tammy. Thanks ladies!
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Posted: Nov 8 2005, 12:09 PM
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Diamond Member

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You know Megan is this same way and always has been. We've been in and out of the pediatric gastro specialist for months now for reflux and this issue has come up as well. She acts like she's so constipated and we've even had to give tylenol to get her to calm down in the wee hours of the morning because of the straining. She can go days w/out a bm too. She went over 10 days one time. Then when she goes she strains and strains and strains to go like it's just plum difficult to poo. sad.gif They still tell me it's fine and that things will get better with solids. Grrrr.

Kylie was never this way so it worries me. I know how you feel. hug.gif

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Nov 8 2005, 12:14 PM
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Ruby Member

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My little guy had a terrible time with constipation. It got to the point where he would have bloody diapers. They would just tell me to give him a little dark karo syrup in his bottle. it didn't work. They would say, give him a little more, now just a little more, don't worry, it won't hurt him... finally I did the math and discovered he was getting 6 oz. of syrup a day. I fianlly demanded they do something about it. They put him on 1/2 tsp. of lactulose a day and it cleared him right up!
it still makes me angry. I hate being blown off by dr.s.

Posted: Nov 8 2005, 03:16 PM
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Russell strained like that too...but it went away...My neice however strained till she was 3 and they finally realized that she is lactose intolerant....I always thought lactose people got diareah, but apparently it can have either of the symptoms.

Wife to Leithan and mommy to Mckaylee (4) and Russell (3)

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PMEmail Poster
Posted: Nov 10 2005, 06:33 AM
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Diamond Member

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poor baby girl. glad she is ok and way to grow Jordan!! hope things regulate soon. hug.gif

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PMEmail Poster
Posted: Nov 10 2005, 08:58 AM
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Praying For Spencer

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OMG poor baby!!!!

WTG Jordan!!! love2.gif I hope that her problem goes away quickly!! sad.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahooMSN

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