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> Halloween Weekend
Posted: Nov 7 2005, 06:30 AM
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Jeannette ~ Mommy 2 Eliana

Group: Members
Posts: 800
Member No.: 536
Joined: 9-June 04

In a matter of 3 days Eliana went from having a simple cold to being really sick. She had an ear infection, chest cold, equivelant to a serve sinus infection (but they don't have sinuses at this age) and low grade pneumona. She had a fever then came and went. Her runny nose was clear for those 3 days (Wednesday-Friday).

By the time we got to the dr's appt. she was dehydrated. She weighed 16 pounds 4 oz at the dr's office. (in May she weighed 15 pounds 4 ounces, she has only gained 1 pound in 5 1/2 months according to the dr, will have to bring this up again with her regular dr) Needless to say we spent 2 days in the hospital to make sure she got enough liquids.

OH yeah IV's suck. Took them 3 times before they could get it to stay in. My poor baby girl. It was a very scary weekend for me. And I of course panicked and forgot simple things to help her. Her fever went away by Saturday. And giving her meds is a pain in the butt as she is afraid of choking so it takes 2 people to give her the meds.


ps...as you can see it's 4:04am got up at 2:30am to go pee and can't get back to sleep


PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: Nov 7 2005, 07:36 AM
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Diamond Member

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poor baby and mama sad.gif i hope she is better soon and you got some sleep. jade gained 1lb in about 3mos and the doc seemed a bit concerned but she made up for it in the next few months. she was also sick in that time. i am sure Eliana will be fine. as for IV's.. yes they do suck but in the nurse's defense, it is really hard to put an IV into a baby and even harder when they are dehydrated (even in an adult). lots of ~~~sget well and stay healthy~~~ vibes your way. hug.gif

user posted image mama to Jacob, James, Jade, Kaleigh and Riley!!
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PMEmail Poster
Posted: Nov 7 2005, 07:58 AM
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Jeannette ~ Mommy 2 Eliana

Group: Members
Posts: 800
Member No.: 536
Joined: 9-June 04

yes it was a horrible weekend. she is all better now after being sick for 12 days. Eliana has only gained 1 lb in the last 6 months. yes iv's suck and i can't bear to watch. thanks


PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo

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