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> My cloth diaper PSA, For anyone interested or considering Cds
Posted: Jun 5 2003, 10:56 AM
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I know lots of people are happy with disposables but I thought some of our expectant moms might be considering cloth and I wanted to say how easy it is and give some helpful info.

First, CDing has come a long way since the days of pins and plastic pants! There is a dazzling array of styles to choose from, many made by work at home moms and sold over the 'net.

First, you have your different kinds:

The regular flat ones (Chinese Prefolds, bleached or unbleached) are sold as "diaper service quality" which means they are much more absorbant than those gerber ones you get in the store. You can fasten these with a rubber dohickey called a "snappi" which is WAY easier than pins. Then, any number of covers go over the prefold. These fasten with velcro, snaps, or are pull-on. They come in fleece, wool (both very breathable) or the more waterproof PUL kind. Some of my favorite brands are bumkins, stacinator, bumpy, nikki, and motherease covers.

Then, you have your fitted diapers. These are cut to velcro or snap on and are shaped just like a disposable and made usually out of hemp or cotton fleece or terry. They have elasticized legs and waists to contain the leaks (and believe me, they do!!!) My favorite brand of fitted are Kissaluvs, but motherease also makes a good one. You will need a cover to put over a fitted too--looser ones like the motherease are better IMO than tight fitting ones like bumkins or bummis. Kissaluvs makes an AWESOME newborn diaper that has a fold down middle to protect the umbilical cord, and they are soooo soft! When I got mine in the mail the first thing I wanted to do was call kissaluvs up and ask if they could make me some mommy-sized underwear out of the fleece material!

There are also "contoured" diapers which are cut to wrap around but don't have snaps or velcro. You can use a snappi on these. They are easier than CPF's since you don't have to fold them but not as leak proof as the fitted IMO. Kissaluvs makes some contours too.

Then you have your AIO's (all in ones) which are a combined diaper and cover. The most popular of these is the fuzzi bunz, which has a pocket inside to put an absorbant pad like the joey bunz they sell and then when you change the baby you can just switch out the wet pad and put in a new one. Bumkins and happy heiny's are other brands of AIOs. I haven't tried them yet but I just ordered a happy heiny to try.

If you wanted to use all fitted you could start with 2 dozen (they are a little pricey, from $6-$10 each depending on brand and size) and wash every other day. I have 18 fitteds and wash almost every 3 days. If you are using prefolds only, you should get 3 dozen to have plenty. For newborns, you should have about 6-8 covers (in case they get wet or poopy). I normally use the same cover for a whole day unless it gets poopy which happens very rarely and is usually my fault when I change him! For older babies 3-4 covers should be plenty.

As far as washing goes, people have different methods, but toilet dunking is a thing of the past! This is what works for me: I have a safety first diaper pail (or you could use any trash can with a tight fitting liner) and a waterproof Bummis tote bag to line it. All the diapers (and cloth wipes) go in the pail just like if you were using disposables. Then about every other day or so the whole thing--diapers, bag, covers, wipes--goes into the washing machine. I wash once on COLD cycle, no detergent or anything. This gets out the stains. Then I do one hot cycle with regular detergent, oxyclean (for whiteness) and some tea tree oil which has antibacterial properties and makes them smell fresh. Then the diapers go into the dryer and the covers and bag hang to dry in the bathroom. You could put them in the dryer but supposedly the waterproofing will deteriorate after a while if you dry them.

Once the baby is older and the poop is more solid, there are different methods. You can use a flushable liner (kooshies makes one, I have some rice paper ones) that you just flush down the toilet with the poop. Or some people like to use a little device called a "mini shower" which attaches to the water supply on your toilet and you just rinse the diaper into the toilet before throwing it into the pail.

That's it! It does cost more up front but if you consider how much disposables cost, plus the cost of "disposing" them in the trash, plus the benefits for baby's skin, it does seem worth it to me. The sizes last a long time--our size 1 kissaluvs have lasted since Iain was 2 months and are good until 25lbs, so probably a good 6-12 months or more depending on how fast your baby grows.

Here are some of my favorite sites for ordering diaper supplies:

Kissaluvs (check out the outlet section which has cheaper seconds)

And a cloth diapering FAQ (plus a great site to order from)

Don't want to offend or flame anyone for not using cloth, but I just thought people might be interested to know how much easier it is than it used to be! (or than they thought)

Attached is a pic of my sweetie in his kissaluvs fitted with a fleece stacinator cover on top


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Steph, mom to Iain born 12/24/02 whose heart was fixed 3-20-03
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Posted: Jun 5 2003, 11:08 AM
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Me too, Me too!!

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He is SUCH a cutie, and getting cuter every time I see a new picture of him.....

Although I probably won't ever go that route, you are awesome to take the time to write out all that info!!

Thanks Steph!

Beverly, DH Eje, and mom to PJ, 20 Leah, 18 Sara, 16 Anders, 5
and Emily, almost 2

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Posted: Jun 5 2003, 11:20 AM
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Just want to let you know, You are awsome for giving all that info. I wish I talked to you back when I had Maddie. I would definatly have her in cloth diapers. When hubby figures out when we are going to have the next baby I will definatly be using cloth. As of for Maddie I will be looking into it for her.
What size do you think she would be wearing in cloth if she wears a size 3 in disposables? How many do you think I would need ?
I know that took alot of time to type and alot of people will definatly appreciate it. Agagin thanks for all the info.

Posted: Jun 5 2003, 11:22 AM
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wow what great information! Thanks for sharing!

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
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  Posted: Jun 5 2003, 01:30 PM
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Not that long actually. I type fast (a condition of graduate school!)

And the sizing depends on the brand. Most come in NB, Small Med Large etc. There are weight limits just like disposables. Iain wears size 2 pampers when he wears them and is usually in a medium size of the cloth--or size 1 in kissaluvs and medium covers. He weighs somewhere around 16-17lbs. He has a small butt smile.gif

General sizing I think is NB 6-10lbs, small 11-16lbs, medium 13-20lbs, large 20+lbs, and they also have toddler sizes.

Most sites where you buy would have sizing charts. If you're in between sizes, it depends on what is most important to you--if you want them to last a long time, get the bigger size. If you want them to be trimmer (not as bulky under clothes--some of the fitteds can get a little bulky) get the smaller one.

HTH and thanks!!

Edited to add that how many you need depends on how often you want to wash! To keep the cost down since I am using the more expensive fitteds I ordered kissaluv's package of 18 (they gave me some free doublers & wipes too!) and I wash every other day. IMO they get a little stinky if you go longer than that, but you could get more and wash every 4-5 days. I would just figure out how many disposables you go through in a day and go from there. I prefer washing diapers to anything else b/c you don't have to fold them LOL. Although it could get tricky if I were working full time, or if he was in daycare full time.

This post has been edited by Schnoogly on Jun 5 2003, 01:36 PM

Steph, mom to Iain born 12/24/02 whose heart was fixed 3-20-03
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Posted: Jun 5 2003, 04:25 PM
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is that a cloud9 fleece cover?
we have several of that "brand" and they look like those.

i love my cloth diapers. we've used them for 8.5yrs and 5 kids now smile.gif
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  Posted: Jun 5 2003, 05:12 PM
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QUOTE (supermom @ Jun 5 2003, 12:08 PM)
He is SUCH a cutie, and getting cuter every time I see a new picture of him.....

Aw, shucks supermom. Not that I'm biased but I think he's pretty cute too smile.gif And so does he, smiles at all the strangers he sees 'cause he knows they're admiring him. Stinker!


Steph, mom to Iain born 12/24/02 whose heart was fixed 3-20-03
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Posted: Jun 5 2003, 05:14 PM
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QUOTE (msjennbug @ Jun 5 2003, 05:25 PM)
is that a cloud9 fleece cover?
we have several of that "brand" and they look like those.

i love my cloth diapers. we've used them for 8.5yrs and 5 kids now smile.gif

nope it's a stacinator, but she uses malden mills fleece like most wahms do! It's the best at repelling water. So cute too!

But he doesn't fit in much with that giant butt--we normally just put him in a tshirt when he's wearing that cover smile.gif


Steph, mom to Iain born 12/24/02 whose heart was fixed 3-20-03
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  Posted: Jun 6 2003, 05:55 PM
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What a thoughtful, informative post! Thanks so much for the information, perhaps if we have another baby I will consider this method of diapering once more smile.gif

Jessica smile.gif

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Posted: Jun 6 2003, 06:57 PM
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ya, here too! they worked really well with the girls, b/c we could just slap a dress on over them. the boy, though, ya... tee shirt and adorable diaper or cover. um... ya with the REALLY cute dipes, i forego the cover - I wanna SEE the dipe. LOL

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Posted: Jun 6 2003, 07:46 PM
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Happy Spring!

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OMG!!!That is such a cute picture of Iain!!! wub.gif

Thanks for the info too, that was great Steph!

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  Posted: Jun 12 2003, 10:50 AM
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thumb.gif I agree that cloth diaper have come a long way. I started Cding with my first 6 years ago, and they have changed so much since then. My old diapers would be saoked inside an hour and a half. Now during the day Joey and Hannah can go 3 hours between changing and with 2 inserts Joey goes all night, no leaks. it is wonderful. I just bought all new diapers ( fuzzi bunz) and I love them. They are very easy to use, quick to wash & dry, and economical....oh & adorable. I also have some diapers made by WAHMs that are even cuter. I absolutely love cloth diapering & I have to keep myself away from cd sites, b/c buying htme is addictive. wub.gif

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Posted: Aug 25 2003, 06:50 AM
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thumb.gif After researching it more, I just wanted to say that I'm really considering switching to cloth diapers. I've thought abut how much is thrown away & wasted, and that's starting to bug me. I'm going to talk it over with DH and see what he says. He probably won't agree, but I will show him the stuff I've printed out, and hopefully I'll convince him.

Thanks for the websites, Steph!!
Posted: Aug 25 2003, 09:09 AM
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Cool! Can I just say that it irks me that it's always the dads that don't want to CD? I mean, they aren't the ones doing the changing, washing, etc. (usually) So what does it matter to them?? The snap or velcro on ones are just as easy as disposables to put on, if not easier!

Iain has the cutest diapers of all the daycare babies smile.gif They have turtles, stars, leaves, moons and kitties on them! I have enough for 2 days worth of all-in-ones for daycare and I just take home the diaper genie every day and wash every other day. Since I made them it cost me about $80 for 20 diapers. That's $4 a diaper, and they'll last for at least 6 months. Consider the cost of disposables (what, $10-$20 a week for cheapies vs. pampers??) and it's a bargain!

Steph, mom to Iain born 12/24/02 whose heart was fixed 3-20-03
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Posted: Aug 25 2003, 10:01 AM
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QUOTE (Schnoogly @ Aug 25 2003, 12:09 PM)
Can I just say that it irks me that it's always the dads that don't want to CD?  I mean, they aren't the ones doing the changing, washing, etc. (usually)  So what does it matter to them??  The snap or velcro on ones are just as easy as disposables to put on, if not easier!

Exactly! Why should they care? They're not doing the work! I don't care, I think I'll still do it anyway!

I guess I don't know where to start! I like the fitted ones better. So far my favorite looks like the Kissaluvs. Are the diaper covers "universal", or do you need certain covers for certain diapers? I guess I sound like an idiot, but I just don't want to forget something.

Where do you prefer to order from? Just curious, I guess.

Thanks again, Steph!

This post has been edited by teddybearmom on Sep 20 2003, 05:27 AM

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