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> 30 days of healthy meals
Posted: Dec 12 2011, 09:23 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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So...it's been slow here lately but I need to make a food change in my life and thought this would be a good place to journal about it because knowing there is a chance strangers will read this will keep me from cheating...hopefully.
Ok, so the plan is simple--no processed food, no cow's dairy, obviously no meat, no sugar, no white flour, no white rice, nothing from a can, etc.
Only healthy food--black rice is allowed, goat cheese in moderate amounts is allowed, some fish is allowed, traif would be allowed but due to a deal I made with God, I am traif free until further notice so I will have to essentially make do with fruits, veggies, herbs, some grains, eggs, fish, and those sorts of things.
I would love to do this for a full 90 days but let's start with 30 days and see how things go. I am not so much trying to lose weight, although I could certainly stand to do so, but rather, am curious how this diet change will affect my skin, my naturally puffy eyes, my asthma, my sleep, my overall feeling of wellbeing, etc, which I will keep track of here.
I am also wanting to note what I'm feeling grateful for with each meal AND trying to take pictures, at least of the food I eat so as to hopefully turn this into a bit of a 365 so that I can also see if the positive food change affects my pictures at all.
I also don't really eat salt but did get some low sodium soy sauce to use occasionally and will try to take a magnesium supplement at night because last time I tried something like this, I ended up with an electrolyte imbalance that made me feel like I was dying.
So--this morning I had a bowl of blueberries and a Glowing Green Goddess, aka Triple G, which is my recipe blend for a green smoothie...have been perfecting this recipe for weeks and finally seem to have gotten it right, finally adding in wheat grass this morning, which actually made it a bit too sweet but I am not sure how to fix that other than maybe to cutting the banana in it down to half, which I will try tomorrow and see if it's better. All in all, the Triple G is actually pretty good...it's not pancakes and maple syrup good but it's healthy good and very green and I'm actually coming to like drinking it in the mornings. What I don't like is making it--it has a ton of ingredients and that makes it tedious and then cleaning the blender afterward is not much fun either. But anyway, no negativity here, that wouldn't send me off to a good start, would it?
So this morning I'm grateful for sunny days, the ocean, and cute, furry creatures.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
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Posted: Dec 12 2011, 09:44 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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Ok seriously--I had the Triple G about 1 hour ago, maybe closer to 1.5 and I'm already starting to feel a bit hungry. I have to try to hold out at least another hour before eating some more.
I need to drop something off at the post office, which is a 30 minute walk each way so that should do the trick.
I also wanted to start the p90x during these 30 days but I am nervous because I've heard it's really hard and I'm afraid I won't stick it out. Will start some kind exercise this week, though, and will hopefully start the p90x in the next couple of weeks.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
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--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 12 2011, 05:19 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Well, I seem to have gotten through my first day.
So, it was really weird--after I got back from my walk, I wasn't hungry anymore so I didn't have any lunch; I saw no value in forcing myself to eat if I wasn't hungry.
So I meant to eat dinner early instead but seeing as how I just finished dinner, that obiously didn't happen.
I went to Whole Foods to try to get some goat cheese...everything I was craving for dinner required some cheese. I did have a tiny bite sized sample of raw, vegan, organic flax crackers, or whatever that was. It was so weird asking the sample lady if it was vegan...I'm so used to saying, "is there meat in here?" when offered any food and now that I've given up things like cow dairy and sugar, etc, it's far safer to just ask if something is vegan. I kind of feel guilty asking it though because at a place like Whole Foods, it leads people to give me a look of respect that I haven't earned.
Anywho, three cheers for WF--they had their goat brie on sale...goat brie is my fave brie and brie is my fave cheese of all time. So I got some of that and some watermelon. I almost got a larabar for dessert but they have more calories and sugar than a candy bar and I'm just not convinced that they are a good alternative. I also had a handful of selenium nuts at WF. I'm starting to really like those, oddly enough.
So I made pasta with konjac noodles...best thing ever invented--no calories, no soy, no sugar, no gluten, and nothing unnatural. I have to remember to order some more tomorrow. So I sauteed some red onion and fresh basil that I picked from my little basil garden in olive oil, added two large heirloom tomatoes, some garlic and the konjac noodles. Then added some of the goat brie because this recipe for homemade pasta is not at all new or experimental to me, but I usually add a generous serving of parmesan or mozzerella cheese. And somehow, I just knew that it wouldn't be as good without it, so I tried adding the goat brie and since it was a mild goat brie, it was really good...wish I'd added it all in instead of just what was left after I'd eaten the rest of it. rolling_smile.gif Luckily, it was a small wheel of goat brie.
After that, a bit of watermelon and really, I'm not craving anything else. It's so weird considering that yesterday I was scarfing down a Reese PB cup in the shape of a Christmas tree in the evening. Evenings are when my sugar cravings kick in the most and I seem to be doing ok.
This btw, is definitely helping because I was SO tempted to just have pizza for dinner instead but I knew I'd be forced to report that here and I couldn't accept failure so I was a good girl instead.
So...my energy level has been off the charts today, not a nasty nervous energy but just feeling energized but Idk if that can be attributed to this new food plan because Idk if the results would come so soon. Of course all I had before dark was a bowl of blueberries and a Triple G so who knows, maybe the extreme healthiness o it really did take its toll, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.
I will have an Ocean Potion before going to bed but that has no calories, just nutrients so I don't see how that affects anything.
So...it's too bad I have to keep my gratitude G rated laugh.gif but anyway, tonight I'm grateful for family and friends, being able to walk to nearby places (like the post office) instead of driving everywhere, and screaming babies...odd as it may sound, the kids screaming their heads off in the elevator in my building tonight were loud and annoying but they were having such a good time running around the elevator screaming that it made me think that perhaps they have the right idea about enjoying the moment, even if you're bored inside an elevator.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
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Posted: Dec 13 2011, 09:06 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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Ok, so so far, so good, I am down 1.5 lbs from yesterday. I doubt that sort of weight loss is sustainable but it's encouraging, anyway. My plan, however, is only to weigh myself once a week so next Monday will be weigh in day to compare to what I weighed yesterday but I was just curious today when I woke up to see how much I weighed.
So this morning went as per usual--Triple G with just half a banana and I actually did like it better although it is still very sweet...it's weird how "sweet" greens really are. I am feeling much lighter this morning than yesterday morning but that too may just be in my head, we'll see if this continues. I'm also hoping I get used to the tedium of making a Triple G every morning.
No other dramatic changes as of yet, which is to be expected, it's too soon to tell but I do feel better inside and that for sure is not in my head.
I always have the weirdest feeling after having a Triple G--I don't feel hungry but don't feel full, it's like a clean feeling, like I don't want or need more food but I never get that icky full feeling that I get when eating other foods. I really wish I could always hold on to that feeling but at the very least, it's a great way to start the day.
This morning I'm grateful for happiness, that I'm usually in a good mood always, and for being able to act like a kid even while being a grownup, if that makes any sense...it does to me.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
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--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 13 2011, 07:06 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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So today went well, again, no lunch but did have two handfuls of selenium nuts at WF...gotta go easy on those nuts. Was very proud of myself--they were sampling my fave fig brie but I didn't take a sample because it was made from cows' cheese...so far, so good. Unfortunately, I am loading up on goats' cheese and while it is WAY healthier and doesn't cause inflammation the way cow cheese does, it is still not meant to be eaten daily and I really need to lay off of it...WF's sale on goat brie that lasts through January isn't helping either but anyway, it's just my first week so I'll give myself a pass this week.
So dinner was homemade sushi--I pan seared some salmon, five seconds on each side so it was essentially entirely raw except the very outer part, took some seaweed sheets, put in some cucumber, haas avocado and the salmon, wrapped, and then dipped in low sodium soy sauce mixed with the authentic wasabi from Japan that B sent me. It was really good but I'm ashamed to say that I actually prefer the American version of wasabi, it's hotter. Also, what would have made this perfect is some cream cheese, which I can get in goat form but again, wouldn't that be defeating the purpose? I may still try it one of these days.
Then had watermelon and then ate one sheet of seaweed...I saw a mom at WF feeding it to her kids who seemed to be eating it with delight so I was curious how it would taste on its own. Not bad but I was thinking it would be great in a wrap with an heirloom tomato, haas avocado, cuke, and some goat cream cheese, I may try that one of these days. Also, cut up an heirloom tomato and ate it after the seaweed because I just can't go a day without having at least one tomato.
Then walked for 1 hour and 10 minutes on Brickell Key...it was really nice and breezy but warm enough to go in shorts.
I really wanted an orange and planned to eat one upon getting home but I had 16 ounces of water first and after that, I didn't want the orange anymore. So I guess the old adage about killing a craving with a glass of water really is true.
Doing the Ocean Potion on an empty stomach tonight, which is awesome, that is how it's meant to be.
So tonight I'm grateful for walks on the bay, glasses of water, and full moons.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
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--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 13 2011, 07:07 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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So today went well, again, no lunch but did have two handfuls of selenium nuts at WF...gotta go easy on those nuts. Was very proud of myself--they were sampling my fave fig brie but I didn't take a sample because it was made from cows' cheese...so far, so good. Unfortunately, I am loading up on goats' cheese and while it is WAY healthier and doesn't cause inflammation the way cow cheese does, it is still not meant to be eaten daily and I really need to lay off of it...WF's sale on goat brie that lasts through January isn't helping either but anyway, it's just my first week so I'll give myself a pass this week.
So dinner was homemade sushi--I pan seared some salmon, five seconds on each side so it was essentially entirely raw except the very outer part, took some seaweed sheets, put in some cucumber, haas avocado and the salmon, wrapped, and then dipped in low sodium soy sauce mixed with the authentic wasabi from Japan that B sent me. It was really good but I'm ashamed to say that I actually prefer the American version of wasabi, it's hotter. Also, what would have made this perfect is some cream cheese, which I can get in goat form but again, wouldn't that be defeating the purpose? I may still try it one of these days.
Then had watermelon and then ate one sheet of seaweed...I saw a mom at WF feeding it to her kids who seemed to be eating it with delight so I was curious how it would taste on its own. Not bad but I was thinking it would be great in a wrap with an heirloom tomato, haas avocado, cuke, and some goat cream cheese, I may try that one of these days. Also, cut up an heirloom tomato and ate it after the seaweed because I just can't go a day without having at least one tomato.
Then walked for 1 hour and 10 minutes on Brickell Key...it was really nice and breezy but warm enough to go in shorts.
I really wanted an orange and planned to eat one upon getting home but I had 16 ounces of water first and after that, I didn't want the orange anymore. So I guess the old adage about killing a craving with a glass of water really is true.
Doing the Ocean Potion on an empty stomach tonight, which is awesome, that is how it's meant to be.
So tonight I'm grateful for walks on the bay, glasses of water, and full moons.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 14 2011, 09:01 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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So, this is weird but I'm down another 1.5 lbs from yesterday...that's three pounds in two days...I know it's not sustainable and that I really just should not be weighing myself daily altogether but now I'm curious to see how long this goes on and will continue to do a daily weigh in until I stop losing 1.5 lbs a day. We'll see what I weigh tomorrow.
So I started the day with an orange, mainly because I was hungry and didn't feel like bothering with a Triple G but then after the orange, I made one and am still drinking it...I added some konjac to it to see what would happen and I see it was a wise move...I can't really drink it very fast with the konjac in it and I bet it will keep me full for longer.
To be fair, I've not been hungry for any meal between the Triple G and dinner since I started this but I usually start to feel hungry somewhere between 4-5pm, before dinner and I am hoping maybe adding the konjac will help with that. I'm also curious now to add it to dinner, which I am planning to be curried lentils so that I can have a vegan day for a change. I do want to try to have 3-4 vegan days per week.
I have to say that adding wheat grass to the Triple G was smart--it doesn't quite blend so I find myself chewing bits of it but it does seem to add a lot to the smoothie so I'll stick with it.
Planning a major cleaning sesh at home today so hopefully that will be my exercise, plus I may head back to Brickell tonight, it was nice and relaxing yesterday.
So this morning I'm grateful for the gorgeous weather we're having, for green drinks, and for greenery in general, I think it just can't possibly get too green for me.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 14 2011, 01:26 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Ok, so sitting at home does make you hungry. So I just had "lunch" which consisted of a fatouche salad, Jennifer style, meaning no salt or pepper and no pita bread. It was just a organic greens, half an organic cuke, half an organic green pepper, some red onion and an heirloom tomato, drizzled with sumac, lemon juice, and olive oil. It was good and I bet it had fewer calories than the two handfuls of selenium nuts I had yesterday. It was good but I just realized that I should have added some flax seeds, chia seeds, chlorella, and spirulina...maybe tomorrow.
I am feeling better eating this way, less heavy and just more energetic...so at the moment, I am grateful for having lots of energy, feeling lighter, and yummy veggies.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 14 2011, 04:56 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Well, I got through day 3. Dinner was not lentils as planned, maybe tomorrow. Instead, I made two small sandwiches, using sprouted, flourless bread...a weird variation of the BLT that I saw Adam Sandler's character make in Spanglish. So I heated the bread, placing a bit of goat brie on one piece, cut up a tomato and some red onion, soft cooked an egg, sunny side up, and spread some avocado on the cheese free piece instead of mayo. It was REALLY good...I was surprised, considering it's meant to be made with crusty French bread, lots of melted cheese, mayo, etc. But it was so good that I'm tempted to make it again tomorrow.
Then had blueberries and a lemon Larabar, which I really don't want to make a habit of but it was also really good.
No walk today, housework instead, and tomorrow too so we'll see if I lose any weight between today and tomorrow morning. Still, I'm calculation that I'm probably taking in about 1500 or so calories, maybe less, so I can see why the weight would initially be coming off fast...it's effectively the WW principle except without points. I would love it if I could lose 5-6lbs the first week, just for encouragement...I realize that this too, is not sustainable as the weeks go by. But it would be a good start as this isn't easy.
I really like the way I feel after eating now--not hungry and not full, just satiated, which I think is a principle lost among many as our portion sizes have grown to the point of being ridiculous and we often tend to stuff ourselves till we're ready to burst. I always feel like I could eat more now, after every meal, but I don't feel like I need to eat more, so this is the first obvious change from this new eating plan.
So tonight I'm grateful for goat brie, good food that's also healthy, and willpower.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 15 2011, 07:54 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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So today I'm down 1.4lbs from yesterday...still really good, still totally unsustainable in the long run but since I said I'd stop weighing myself daily once I stop losing 1.5lbs a day, I will not weigh in again till Monday morning and see what the totally weekly loss is. Still, 4.4lbs in three days is nothing to complain about but I know it can't always be like this. Would love to get a good start off to this by a total loss of about 6lbs come Monday, though.
So I haven't done the Triple G yet because I took some green tea polyphenols which were really disgusting, tomorrow I'm going to try to blend them into almond milk instead of water, hopefully they will be less gross that way. Anyway, between them and the other supplements, I drank a total of about 48 ounces of water and am just not hungry. I did have an orange and will do the Triple G in about two hours or so, I think.
So I am thinking that I'm eating too much goat cheese, even though I know I'll be eating more tonight...I really need to try to do three vegan days in a row, or at least three completely dairy free days in a row, maybe next week, trying to go a little easy on myself this week. I noticed that I woke up feeling much better this morning than I used to feel so I am definitely feeling the change of eating this way. I'm curious to try to go vegan for 3-7 days or so, not that I plan to completely go vegan...I like goat cheese, salmon, oysters, and caviar too much, shame on me. But I'd like to see the changes I feel after doing it for several days in a row, so maybe next week.
So this morning I'm grateful for a fast metabolism, the gorgeous day out my window, and asthma, because I now it could be SO much worse.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 15 2011, 12:52 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Ok, so I just now had my TripG, the new shortened version of Triple G, which is a shortened version in itself, lol. I forgot to add wheat grass but did add a sufficient amount of konjac, which is really filling. I actually added some konjac to water, earlier, before, eating anything, including the orange and it really did fill me up. I really like how I feel today and I'm full of energy.
So right now I'm grateful for energy, fresh air, and a beautiful view of the bay and ocean.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 15 2011, 06:02 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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So I made it through another day of this. Dinner ended up being taboule that I got at WF, along with some ash ripened goat brie, which had mold growing on it...that was the point, it's a delicacy that I can rarely afford so it was just this one time, but I absolutely love it and it was really good. Also, J hooked me up with some tuna that I plan to sear for dinner tomorrow. So I cut up an heirloom tomato and added it to the taboule because I just wouldn't be Jennifer if I didn't add a tomato to just about any salad. The taboule already had some tomato in it but of course I wanted more so I added one. It was actually much better than usual with the additional tomato chunks.
I was still hungry afterward so I finished the haas avocado I opened yesterday to spread onto the bread in the sandwich. So I had about 3/4 of a haas avocado and also, 1 handful of selenium nuts at WF.
So then I had some blueberries and blackberries and I have to say, I am still hungry. What I really want is either some more cheese or a Larabar. Luckily, I didn't buy either so I won't be having either...not today, anyway.
So I'm still adjusting to this and being hungry won't kill me, all in all, dinner was fab and I will get used to these smaller portions. Also, the ash ripened goat brie has about half the calories of the regular goat brie so that may explain why I'm still hungry.
Anywho, Ocean Potion tonight and I will also try to blend some green tea polyphenols into some almond milk to see if it's palatable for tomorrow...there is NO way I'm doing the polyphenols plain the way I did today, that was just gross! But I do have to find a way to take them.
Got a lot done today, so I'm grateful for that, for P, and for David.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 16 2011, 09:02 AM
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Treehugger and proud

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Woke up with more energy than usual this morning. So far, had some blueberries, blackberries, and an orange. Took my green TP in almond milk, which was SO much better.
Going to see Pam and when I get back later, I'll have my TripG.
So far, so good, but nothing out of this world, of course I'm sure I'd get better results if I stopped the near daily goat cheese, none today, I'm searing tuna for dinner today.
This morning I'm grateful for the cool breeze that woke me up, the Floofs, and good health.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 16 2011, 12:37 PM
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Ruby Member

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Hey! Just wanted tO let you know I am here with ya!

Posted: Dec 16 2011, 04:19 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Thanks, Tara! Are you on a special diet also?

So, I did not TripG today, shame on me. I went to WF on my way back from Pam's and had 1.5 handfuls of selenium nuts, a bite of smoked salmon and a bite of goat cheese with cranberry...I'm sure the cranberry had some sugar in it but I just had a tiny bite, literally. I did not have the cow brie with figs that I love or the chocolate truffles that I also love, even though they were both being sampled, so good for me!
Got home and had some kale with sesame oil, raw organic apple cider vinegar, a bit of low sodium soy sauce and a bit of garlic. It was really good, actually...and I'm not a fan of kale, usually, but trying to get myself to eat it, it's healthy.
Then had some organic edamame that I picked up at WF. And then an orange.

Then dinner was the seared tuna that I barely cooked at all so I literally had raw tuna that hasn't been properly frozen as sushi always is and now I'm feeling a bit nauseous so hopefully this will pass and is not a wormy infection...we'll see, I suppose. I had that with a haas avocado and some organic cuke. I wrapped it in one sheet of seaweed...I could have sworn I had more sheets of seaweed but apparently I was wrong. So what didn't fit into the sheet I ate with a fork because I didn't pick up chopsticks because I thought I'd be eating it in seaweed wraps...I don't like eating raw fish with a fork but I got over it. So the tuna was seared in the ginger/sesame seed combo I got at WF...it was good but I could barely finish it and it wasn't that much, I was literally stuffing myself at the end.
I do have some watermelon that I meant to eat after but heading out now. Maybe when I get home later tonight.
So tonight I am grateful for hopefully not getting sick from this tuna, all the cute little dogs that live in this building that I see out and about on a daily basis, and nice Miami weather, even in December.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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Posted: Dec 18 2011, 05:19 PM
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Treehugger and proud

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Shame on me for not updating all weekend. Have kept to the diet but have not Triple G'd for three days now so have to get back on track with that tomorrow. Kale salad both days this weekend, yesterday with edamame and today with an apple with almond butter.
Dinner yesterday was same as a few days ago--taboule with an heirloom tomato and ash ripened goat cheese...yummy. Tonight's was Jenniferized fatouche salad, Sabra supremely spicy humus and half a mini wheel of goat cheese. Then cut up a pear and added almond butter and sprinkled on some cacao...pretty good. And then a banana and blackberries and blueberries.
Tonight I'm grateful for the internet, for stable emulsions (this won't make sense to anyone but me), and for whoever invented the camera.

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Another mother's breaking heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken....
--The Cranberries
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