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> Birth Stories !!!, all birth stories are welcome.
Posted: Jun 24 2009, 08:44 PM
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Well,you got a BEAUTIFUL baby girl out of it..I am so happy for you Marcus and Jenna..CONGRATS again!! hug.gif wub.gif

Shawna~wife to Chris 7-28-93
Mommy to Kameron 4-30-99, Kyleigh 11-13-02 & Kassidy 1-28-09

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Posted: Jun 25 2009, 04:50 AM
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Awe Shelly, I am so happy for you and your family. It was worth it in the end, for sure. You are going to L O V E having two girls. wub.gif It is the most fun ever and I bet they become as close as ever. wub.gif wub.gif Tell Marcus to enjoy being the only male. I secretly think they love it, even if they complain about too much estrogen around. wink.gif tongue.gif

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

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Posted: Aug 13 2009, 03:41 PM
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Ok, here's the story of Miss Isabelle Rayne - 8/11/2009
8 lbs - 20 inches long - born at 10:34am


1 cm dilated - 75% effaced
Went into the hospital to "start" the process. That night they inserted a cervical gel stuff to get my cervix ripe and ready to start pitocin in the morning. We rested that night, minor contractions from the gel

2 cm dilated - 75% effaced
8am - started the pitocin. Mild contractions all day. Never anything above a "3" (got to love that number system). My dr was suppose to come at noon to break my water. For whatever reason, she was unable to get away from the office (off site) and it got later and later in the day.

Although my contractions weren't bad, my drs are super strict. I had to be hooked to the monitor at all times. The only time I was allowed off was to potty. I was able to stand and sit on the ball and in the rocking chair. The problem was the pain, well discomfort, was in my hips. Not back, not stomach nothing but my hips. It wasn't so fun. tongue.gif

Unfortunately my body didn't corporate and my contractions never got on a good schedule and never really got strong.

At 5 or 6 my "normal" dr came in and said that b/c I'm diabetic, he doesn't like me going w/o eating for long stretches of time. So he decided to stop the pitocin, let it get out of my system and let me eat and then start bright and early in the morning.

2 cm dilated - 75% effaced
5:30am - started pitocin. Immediately the contractions are a bit stronger then the day before.
7am - checked again - 3 cm!!! smile.gif At this time the dr decided to use a follo bulb. Basically like a water balloon they stick in your cervix and force you to dilate to a 4. They gave me a shot of nubane before this b/c well, it isn't so comfortable.
9am - now at 4 cm, time to break my water. The dr said she'd see me that evening to have a baby. She leaves to go to the office.

Pretty much w/in 10 mins or so the contractions started getting REALLY strong. My husband had went down to the cafeteria for breakfast before they closed b/c, well, we expected it to take all day! By the time he got back the nurse (who was great and never left the room) had me on focused breathing to get through the contractions. I asked when I could have some more nubane and she said not until 10 ohmy.gif (had to wait 3 hrs).

She suggested we try going pee to see if that relieved some "pressure" (yeah, pressure). To my surprise we got out of bed and made it to the bathroom emlaugh.gif And to my FURTHER surprise, even though I never peed, sitting on the toilet was better. I told her it felt like I had some pressure "down there". So she decided to check me. At this point its close to 10. So she had the nubane ready and was asking to see if she could give it early.

So she checks and immediately calls the charge nurse for a second opinion. To everyone's surprise I was 10 cm and 100% effaced. And I wanted to push. She called my Dr and told her to get to the hospital, I was ready.

I pushed for 24 mins and she was out. The dr didn't make it to the hospital in time. And the dr that was just across the hall BARELY made it in to catch her.

So all in all. Once labor STARTED, it was only 1 hr 34 mins long!!!!! ohmy.gif

My dr said if we have more babies, to make sure we get to the hospital sooner rather then later! emlaugh.gif

On a sentimental note, her birthday is 2 months after mine and 2 months before our wedding anniversary love2.gif
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Posted: Aug 13 2009, 05:51 PM
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Praying For Spencer

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awwww Casey sounds like a PERFECT labor!!! Congratulations again she is beautiful!! wub.gif

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Posted: Aug 14 2009, 04:10 AM
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wub.gif beautiful, congrats hug.gif

PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Sep 10 2009, 02:04 PM
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I was 38 weeks with Riley and I had a cardiologist appointmet to on the thursday with anika and we were to meet our new family doctor on the friday. My mom called me wednesday(the 4th) and told me that she really had expected me to go into labor that day because I had the appointments the thursday and friday. I sat down for dinner and told my boyfriend and his parents and they all sort of laughed and we went about our dinner. I finished dinner walked downstairs and reached over a big pile of laundry I had just washed and was going to hang out and WOOSH..water breaks all over my clean clothes.

Water broke around 7, got to the hospital around 8 (colin had to stop for tim hortons). I was checked and was 3cm. Around 9 the contractions started to be uncomfortable but still only a 3 they sent me to the antinatal unit saying I was going to be there a very long time but they couldnt send me home because my water had broken. Around 1230 I asked for some demoral so I could relax and get some sleep. She came and checked me and I was 4 1/2 so they sent me back to labor and delivery. Around 230 I requested an epidural and after 6 or 7 tries he finally got it in because my body was involuntarily tensing up and he couldnt get it in properly. At 4 the nurse came in to put a cathedor in and checked me.. I was a stretchy 5. A couple minutes later I was feeling intense pain, the epidural wasnt working at all and she went to check me again but didnt have to because she could see Rileys head. She started running all over trying to get things ready as they didnt think he would be born for a few hours. The doctor made it in as rileys head was coming out, she had to leave another woman who was in the process of pushing because riley was comin faster. I had to stop pushing because the cord was around his neck. All in all I pushed 4 times and he was out. 6lbs 5oz and 20 inches of handsome little man. a much better birth then with anika which I will post also when I have time.
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Posted: Sep 10 2009, 02:14 PM
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ok maybe I have some time now hah
Anika was due march 15th. On the night of the 16th I started having really really bad back pain and was lying on the couch watching tv on my hands and knees with my butt in the air. Around midnight I started having slight cramping and by 4am it was getting worse. Still didnt realize it was contractions. I went to the bathroom and noticed a bit of blood so decided that hey maybe I should time these' cramps'. By 5 am I decided I was in labor and tried to wake up colin, took me 5 minutes but once I got him awake enough to tell him what was happening he took off soo fast. We got to the hospital around 6 and I was only 2 cm. At 730 I had the epidural because the nurse kept pushing it on me even though I said I wanted to wait and by that point I was so tired from not sleeping all night I didnt care anymore. They noticed that Anikas heart rate kept dipping if I layed on my back or right side so I spent from 730-2 on my left side with periodic checks and all that fun stuff. I was a full 10 cm at 215 and started pushing shortly after. Around 245 her heart rate was dipping very dangerously low with every contraction and everything went crazy. I remember the doctor yelling things, at least 20 people in the room......and then I saw them........the forceps....ugly ugly claws haha. He told me that they needed to get the baby out NOW or I needed an emergency c section because her heart was going so low. Anika was born at 259 with the help of forceps and a great big second degree tear for mommy. She was 7lbs15oz and 21.5in long. Her heart rate had been dipping because the cord was right up against her neck and when Id contract it would squeeze it.

This post has been edited by ChristineA on Sep 10 2009, 02:14 PM
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  Posted: Feb 14 2010, 02:06 PM
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Raina-Rane' Jazmine's birth story

now this has been almost 12 years ago so some of the details are a little fuzzy but i'll do the best i can. wink.gif

shortly before christmas 1997 i started having pregnancy symptoms. one of the big tip offs was the fact that anytime i tried to eat eggs and orange juice in the same meal i'd puke my guts up. seperatly i could eat them just fine but not together. rolleyes.gif now at the time my periods were extremely irregular so according to a 'normal scedual' i wasn't 'late' yet but i went ahead and took the test anyways. it was positive! biggrin.gif . i'd started having some pretty bad cramping pains so i call the clinic and tell them i need to come in for a PG test. they ask me when my last period was and since it wasn't actually 'late' yet they want to make me wait another month to get in. i keep trying to explain that i'm very irregular but apparently they didn't get it. i call my regular Dr. and they have me come in and do a blood test. i was still having pains and they were thinking it might be an ectopic pregnancy, so they send me to the ER. so they do a sono and the lady goes "i don't see anything at all." now at the time i'm seeing this tiny little speck and was wondering what it was. rolleyes.gif however since the 'expert' didn't see anything that the test was wrong and i wasn't pregnant. well when i got home the Dr called and i told them what the hospital had said. they tell me that the blood test came back positive so i was most definitly pregnant. they called the OB and got me in the next morning. i go in that morning doctor looks at me with the sono and right away goes, "yup there's the baby" it was the same little speck i'd seen before that the 'expert' at the hospital said was nothing. rolleyes.gif . apparently my uterus is tilted, very tilted and the baby was pressing on it even more and that's what was causing so much pain.

i was having some pain and bleeding off and on for the next few months. interestingly they gave me a due date of august 18. (she wasn't born on that date but her sister was born on that exact date 11 years later.) don't ask me how but i just 'knew' that the baby would come before that. i even told them that nope 'it'd' get here before august. well on july 6th i had an appointment. i had about 6 weeks to go and so they did an exam. so i'm alying there and the nurse practitioner is checking me. she tells the nurse to go get the doctor. doctor comes in and checks me. he goes "well it looks like you're having a baby" rolleyes.gif i tell him "hum yeah obviously that's why i'm here." he says "no i mean today or tommorow." i tell him "no in 6 weeks" he tells me that "no i'm 4 centimenters and i need to go over to the hospital." now at this point i was having no pains aside from the normal ones i'd been having through the whole pregnancy. i certainly wasn't having 'contraction' like pains. so i go over to the hospital and tell them what's up. tell them i think the doctor is mistaken but he wants me checked in anyways. lol tongue.gif. my fiancee (husband now) was out of town so we got ahold of him and told him what was up. they check me at the hospital and tell me that yup she's on her way. now i'm still not having in real pains so i still think they are wrong. lol. so i'm laying there watching tv and talking. they come in later and check me again and i was 7 centimeters. well my labor ended up 'stalling' that night so they gave me something to help me sleep. i wake up the next morning and the doctor comes in to check me around 8:30 that morning, well while checking me my water breaks. so at this point i'm starting to believe they might be right and that she's comming today. laugh.gif. i was still about 7 centimeters then and was starting to have some pains. being as it was my first baby they figured it would still be a while before she got there so i went ahead and had they epi done. well about an hour and a half later they check me again and i was at a 10. since she was 6 weeks early they were worried she's have problems so in addition to my doctor and nurse, they also had another nurse and the pediatrician in the room and the helicopter on stand-by just in case she had to be transported. i don't remember pushing for very long maybe about 20-30 minutes and at 10:43 am miss Raina-Rane' Jazmine was born. she weighed 5lbs 11 1/2 oz and was 18 inches long. they had to do chest compressions on her because she wasn't breathing right. she ended up having to stay in an oxygen tent for a few hours. after that though she was fine. she did end up staying a week in there due to some pretty high juandice. i remember i'd have to leave the 'door' to the incubater open when i sleep or else i couldn't hear her because her cries were so tiny. she sounded like a little bird lol wub.gif after a week in the hospital she was able to go home.

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Posted: Jul 5 2012, 06:19 PM
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I'm new here, and I decided that I would post my birth story (for now) for my frist son, Ravioli Michael.

Rav's EDD was May 12, 2006

Okay, so, the night of May 9, 2006, around 11pm, my hubby and I were watching a movie on the couch. We were sitting there, cuddling and all of a sudden, i felt this huge rush.. Like niagra falls just exploded in my pants. The couch and my pants were drenched..So we called the hospital and they said to come on in.

I had to pack a bag fairly quickly, because I wasn't expecting to go to the hospital that night. I was still in my nasty pajama pants, so I quickly changed and we left for the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 AM May 10, 2006. I wasn't in any pain whatsoever. I was so excited I could barely contain myself! The lady at the nurse's station got all our info and that sh!t, so we got settled into the L&D room around 1:15/1:20am. As soon as I got up from the wheelchair to get into the bed, i had my first contraction.. I said to the nurse getting me settled "I think I just had a contraction.." and she then said "oh, you'll know when you have one of those" I was confused, but you know, whatever.

The nurse hooked me up to the monitors and stuff, I didn't know much about medical stuff, I still don't.. But all I know is they wrapped this huge thing around my belly to measure the heart beat at all times. I kept getting these small crampy-type things every 5 minutes, which I told the nurse about. She then said that I waws having contractions. She checked me and said that I was 3cm dialated.

At 3:30 ish, the nurse came back and checked me again, saying I had moved up to 4cm. My contractions were stronger and longer, about 3 min apart. She said we were making pretty good progress, and if we kept this up, (1cm/hour) we would have a baby by 10AM!! I was so psyched, just to think, i could possibly have my little baby by that morning..

Hubby and I had fallen asleep for a while, although my contractions began getting stronger and harder to handle. I have a good pain threshold but i really started feeling terrible when i had the ctx. I was almost 5cm and they were about 3 min apart and getting stronger. Hubby of course, got more sleep, while I sat there in pain every 3 min..

At 7am I couldn't sleep anymore, so I called my parents and told them we had been at the hospital since 1ish, and they could come over any time..We would probably be having the baby that day. They were so excited and came right over with my brothers Kevin (15 at the time) and Kyle (17 at the time) I woke up the Hubby and told him to call his parents and tell them to come over too.. So he called them, and they brought along Hubby's sisters, Luanne and Leanne (twins who were 15 at the time) so Kevin and Kyle could have someone to hang out with.. At this point, my contractions were 60 seconds apart and very strong.. A nurse finally came back to check on me after I sent out my hubby to get someone.

By 8, my ctxs were so strong and lasted almost one minute per ctx. they were still about 1 minute in between. The nurse checked me around 7:30 and said that i was 6cm dialated, and said i could have an epidural if i wanted one. i said yes. She said she would be back with it in a few minutes. It was 8, a half hour later, and she still wasn't back. I was very irritated and sent out my Hubby to get her in there right now!!! She came right in, and by 8:15 i could no longer feel those horrible ctxs! thank god for pain meds! smile.gif

By 10:30, my parents, Hubby's parents, my brothers Kevin and Kyle, hubby's sisters Lianne and Luanne, my friends Sara and Drea, and my cousin Kristen were all there to witness the birth of our first child...The doctor came in and examined me, saying I was 8cm and would be delivering soon. While we waited, the entire family and I all wrote down names for baby girls & baby boys and put them in a hat and drew them one by one, saying if we liked them or not.. We had not chosen a name for the baby, but had a few in mind. since we did not know if it was a boy or girl, we had to keep our options open. My mother had suggested Ravioli for a boy and Anyelisa for a girl. I had said "why Ravioli, ma? kids are gonna make fun of him.." She said that Ravioli, although a pasta dish (LOL), was a mixture of names from our family & things having to do with my life.. -Ra came from my grandfather Ramos, -vio came from the street that my Hubby and I first met on (he was visititing his uncle who lived right next to us) on a street called Violo Street, and -li from my dad's name, Lionel. I had to admit, at first, i thought it was so stupid, but i came around to it.. it sounded very italian and unique. note: we were going to name our first son after my husband, Dale.. and call him Dale jr., but my Hubby already had a son from a previous relationship, named Dale jr... Sucks, i know.
My cousin Kristen suggested we name the baby Karter if it was a boy, which i also really liked.. she said we should name it Kailee if it was a girl..which was also very cute. My brothers said for a boy, we should name the baby Augustus, and for a girl, Leah. The name options were between Ravioli, Karter, and Agustus for boys; and Anyelisa, Kailee, and Lean for a girl.. we just had to wait and see what came out!

We were all sitting around, playing cards when the doctor came in around noontime. I was ready to have a baby. He said that i was 10cm, and we were ready to start pushing. I wanted everyone in the room to see me give birth, I didn't care who they were.. However, there was a 5-person limit in the room.. So, it was me, my hubby, my mom, his mom, and my cousin Kristen. (my friends wanted to stay, but we drew names, quickly, and my cousin Kristen was the one who got to stay).

The doctor was teaching me how to push, and it was easy at first, because i still couldn't feel anything..But then they turned down my eipidural, and i began to feel the ctxs again.. i wanted to cry. I pushed for 15 min, and the doctor said that the baby was moving closer, but slowly.. So he had me push with the nurse for another 20 minutes, and he came back with a gown on and gloves, and we went in for the kill.

I pushed really hard for 5 minutes, and i screamed the whole time. Then, He told me that he could see the head, and to give a huge push like i had to poop. My hubby was holding my hand and counting, as was my MIL. my mom and cousin were holding my feet back, cheering me on. I pushed for another 5 minutes and finally, i felt a pop, it hurt like hell, and i screamed but the head was out!!!! I started crying, as did my Hubby, my cousin, and my mom..
Getting his shoulders out was the toughest part, my boy was big! All the pain was so worth it!!

Finally, at 12:58 PM on May 10, 2006, our first child, our babyboy, our oldest prince, Ravioli Michael Orsh was born! He weighed in at 9lb 1oz and 21 inches long, and was perfect from head to toe.. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I fell in love. I knew he was a Ravioli when I saw him, he was half me, half Hubby, and we're both very weird people, so we decided that our child should have a unique name! and we love it! We now call him Ravi, Rav, and Ravvster!

They took Ravi away, they weighed him and measured him, my whole family minus my Kristen went over to see him.. She stayed with me the whole time, holding my hand and telling me what a good job i did.

Ravioli got wrapped up and handed to me, and from that moment, he had me wrapped around his little fingers...

all the pain was soo worth it.

& After that first baby, we went on to have 5 more, and we have another coming in less than a month!!

This post has been edited by Momma716 on Jul 5 2012, 06:19 PM

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