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> Ok ladies... I need your help/moral support...
Posted: May 19 2003, 09:56 AM
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Sawyer is 3.5 months and is VERY fussy. I just got off the phone w/ a LC about what to do... she said it could be one of 2 things. It could be a supply issue (not sure... maybe) or a Cow's Milk allergy or something of the sorts (probably this).

I remember Laiken doing something similar to this around the same age... and that's when I stopped BFing her. I put her on formula... which got changed to Prosobee (soy and can't really remember why) and she was a different kid.

Ok... here's what he does... he'll be nursing and he'll pull off (after the letdown, but seems like there's still some milk) and he'll either grunt or cry. He has been crying ALOT lately... and it's bout driving me crazy. He pulls at my nipple sometimes and grunts. He's VERY gassy.

Here's the deal. I'm tempted to stop bfing him (which I kinda want to, just because of what's going on and kinda don't). I have to go back to work at about 5.5-6 months, and will most likely be supplementing w/ formula around that time because I don't have a double pump and have trouble getting a letdown w/ a single.

Do I just stick it out and try to see if I can increase my supply and see if that does the trick (he seems to be gaining decent, but it still could be the culprit because I don't know how much he weighs right now)? I'm not going to continue to BF him if it is a cow's milk issue because I don't have the time/energy to figure out what it is I can and cannot eat and then NOT eat those things... it's not worth it to me.

I'm lost and at my wit's end w/ this... it's been going on for a few weeks now.

Lindsay mom to Laiken (6-3-00) and Sawyer (1-31-03)
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Posted: May 19 2003, 10:13 AM
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Happy Spring!

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I am no expert, this is my first time BF. But, it it were a cow's milk issue, don't you think you would have had problems from the beginning??

Does he have any other symptoms? It kind of sounds like Ashley with reflux, but there would be other symptoms too... spitting up A LOT, arching back after eating, crying After eating.. Ashley actually had projectile vomit too.

You also said he cries after your let down... maybe it is a supply issue. Or, do you have a really fast let down? Some babies don't like that either.

I know I am not much help, just trying to give you some things to think about. If I were you, I would schedule an appointment with a LC. Our hospital did not charge for this service. I would also talk to your Ped before you give up BF. It might be something you can solve easily. I think it is great you want to try to continue to BF, so I would try those resources and see if they can help.

Good Luck and hang in there! Hugs! grouphug.gif

Dee Dee , Mommy to:
Ashley Marie 9/05/02
Joshua Lee 2/03/00 (Our Angel in Heaven)

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Posted: May 19 2003, 10:24 AM
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Me too, Me too!!

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I am probably one of the worst ppl on this board to be answering you - giggle - and I hope that I don't sound so adamant about BF, but I am going to try to be soooo objective!! So bear with me....

OK, with that said, if it is a supply issue, you might try feeding him different ways - maybe lay down with him, get into a different position by holding him in a different way, or anything else that would allow you two to get more comfortable. If he's having a lot of gas, maybe rubbing his back while you are nursing (if he'll let you without getting to distracted) will help.

The other question I want to ask is if you have started him on solids at all and wondering if you have it that could be the culprit, and not your BM.

If your daughter (even though she's a different baby) got placed on Soy formula when you switched from BF to formula, and I know that sometimes certain allergies can run in families, if your son IS allergic to cow's milk/milk products, then you would need to eliminate all of those things from your diet (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc) in order to find out if this is causing his problems. It would a little while to do that, though, and if you are not willing, (not a flame or put-down, just what you had said) then maybe you are better off just switching to formula.

I guess what it all boils down to is how much you really want to continue to BF. There are many benefits and rewards, even past this age, to say for BF, not just the physical ones (perfect food, increased immune benefit, increased protection for him and you against certain diseases, etc, etc) but also the emotional ones as well.

You have to decide what is best for you and him, and then go from there. I think that once you make that decision, your direction in this dilemna will be more clear.

Hope I wasn't just rambling and HTH - good luck!

Beverly, DH Eje, and mom to PJ, 20 Leah, 18 Sara, 16 Anders, 5
and Emily, almost 2

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Posted: May 19 2003, 10:30 AM
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I am not an expert either, this is also my first time BF. Kaitlin is now almost 5 months old. I had to give up milk for a while, she would be VERY gassy and spit up after eating, and after talking with several people we figured it might be dairy. I used to drink a ton of it, in fact the last month of my PG I was buying a gallon every other day! So I gave it up cold turky ( I did not like it, was VERY hard for me) she got better, which was good for her but bad for me. I talked to my doc ( I was worried with me not having dairy about getting enough calcium) she suggested I slowy re intruduce dairy back into my diet. Well I did it VERY slowly, I would only have one sip or two a day then a glass and so on.

I hope you find help and dont give up its so rewarding. I love it. Yes sometimes I wish (in the middle of the night) she would take a bottle, but I would not give up breastfeeding for anything!

thumb.gif Hang in there and keep trying!

But do whats best for you and your baby! We are hear to support you!

This post has been edited by Kaitlin on May 19 2003, 10:32 AM

Di ~ mommy to Kaitlin wife to David
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Posted: May 19 2003, 10:53 AM
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Thank you ladies... I need all the support I can get. Let me see if I can answer some of your questions. He is exclusively breast fed... so it's not anything else. I have tried giving up milk and cheese for about a month, and that didn't do anything. He's been like this for a while, but the past 2 weeks or so it's been worse.

Maybe I will try getting rid of dairy again (completely... ice cream too LOL) and I will also try to increase my supply and see if it helps any. I really want to continue bfing him, but I want these problems to go away.

Lindsay mom to Laiken (6-3-00) and Sawyer (1-31-03)
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PMEmail PosterAOLMSN
Posted: May 19 2003, 11:52 AM
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How very frustrating for you! This is my first successful BFing attempt and I am only 3 weeks into it, so I don't know how much help I can be.

I would think it was a dairy allergy since your other baby needed soy, but you said that you gave up dairy for a month and it didn't change.

So maybe it is a supply issue. If that is so wouldn't taking Fenugreek (an herb used to increase supply) help?

Another idea is that maybe you have a very fast/forceful letdown? A friend of mine had that problem and if I remember correctly it led to her baby being fussy and gassy and pulling away from feedings. You miht want to look into that online.

I would call a LC if I were you. They'd probably be better able to give you advice, especially if they can watch you BF.

Good luck!

Lucky Mommy to:

Jared 2/18/97

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Posted: May 19 2003, 02:48 PM
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Cary the Lemur

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I had oversupply and my DD acted like your baby. Maybe that's it? If so, mine fixed itself after about 6 months.


PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: May 19 2003, 05:52 PM
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Me too, Me too!!

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QUOTE (razz05 @ May 19 2003, 01:53 PM)
Maybe I will try getting rid of dairy again (completely... ice cream too LOL) and I will also try to increase my supply and see if it helps any.

I am glad you want to continue, and I'll try to help with suggestions as much as I can. Since he's not getting anything else, then if it is dairy, yes, you will have to give it all up.......and also be sure to check labels on breads, etc, because some to contain milk products. I know that will be tough, but in the long run will be well worth it......

If you are needing to try to increase supply, and he's not helping by pulling off, maybe you could try pumping a little on each side while he's eating on the other one? Sometimes when I needed to get some milk when we were going to try to leave him at the sitters, I would pump one side while he ate the other, and I seemed to get more milk that way than just by pumping alone. I seemed to be able to let down better with him than without.

I already suggested different positions, but if I think of anything else to help I will be sure to let you know. You say it's been going on quite a while, is it possible he's teething and just being 'fussy'? Just another thought is all.....

And my last piece of advice, hang in there, this too shall pass......grouphug.gif

Beverly, DH Eje, and mom to PJ, 20 Leah, 18 Sara, 16 Anders, 5
and Emily, almost 2

"A mother holds her children's hands for just a little while, but she holds their hearts forever."
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"Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years."
PMEmail PosterUsers WebsiteICQMSN
Posted: May 20 2003, 03:10 AM
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Jason's mommy

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ok, I am the other end of the spectrum.....I gave up breastfeeding after a week. It just wasn't for me. This decision is a big one, as you know, because once you give it up....thats it. EVen though breastfeeding is best...it is not for everyone. It is a major commitment. Jason and I were much happier with formula. I can't really give any advice, just remember not breastfeeding is ok and your baby will be fine with formula. You have to do what is right for both of you!

~*~*~*~Edie, Jason 9/23/02, and Emma 11/19/06~*~*~*~

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Posted: May 20 2003, 04:42 AM
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Mmmm. Ice cream!

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Hmmm, this is a toughie. Are you single side feeding? Sophia used to get very gassy when I was switching sides all of the time. She would cry as soon as she latched on. When I stopped switching sides and began to let her eat to her fill on one side, this stopped. It is sometimes a matter of foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. I don't know if this will solve your problem, but it's worth a try if you aren't doing it already. I hate to see people give up when they obviously want to continue. Go see a LC - they have so much info! Here is a link to check out: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/concerns/fussy-...le-nursing.html

I hope you can figure this out without quitting. But if not, know that you have given your baby a great start!!

Amy - the lactivist!

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Posted: May 20 2003, 06:01 AM
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So nice to be back :)

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I am so sorry you are having some problems...I know that it must be so frustrating!!! I am totally not an expert but I had an over-active let down. I am wondering too, if you have an over-active let down. When your babe drinks does he gulp really fast when the let down is coming?? I believe that it may cause a imbalance of hindmilk and foremilk. I had an over-active let down as well but Alison seemed to have handled it well but I fixed it nursing twice on one side before switching and do the same with the other side. What I would do is nurse Alison til she was full...then the next time I would nurse her again on that same side until she was full. Then the next time I would nurse on the other side and repeat. It took a few days for my breast to become adjusted but it worked out well. Also some LC advise that when you feel the letdown come pull your baby off and let your milk go into a cup for a while and then after that attach your babe again. This allows the some of the foremilk to empty and your hindmilk to start "pumping" that way your supply is more balanced. Hope it all works out in the end...



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