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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Expecting Club > It normal to start getting nervous already? :)

Posted by: KatieLeigh79 Apr 15 2003, 04:10 AM
We went to our second class last night and the breathing instructor told us that if we practiced everything she was showing us labor "shouldnt be to uncomfortable" then proceeded to show us an actual size replica of a 9lb baby going through something the size of a 140lb woman - i honestly thought i wanted to cry *laugh* is it normal to start this panic phase already such as am i sure i can do this, what did i do i have no idea how to be a mom, etc smile.gif the 3 hours of sleep is getting to be less and less now - not because the little one won't lay still but because of everything that runs through my head blink.gif

Posted by: supermom Apr 15 2003, 05:26 AM
Yes, it's perfectly normal to be nervous, especially with your first one. I am nervous and this is my fifth! So, don't let that worry you, because it's something I think that everyone goes thru.

And as for labor, IMHO, if you don't think that you can handle it when you get in there, you need to discuss with your Dr. the different pain relief that's available.

I truly admire the women who did natural childbirth, but me personally, give me an epidural! laugh.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 21 2003, 02:23 PM
I was nervous from the time I took my PG test. LOL!

I took those classes too. It was nice to find out what to expect...but it was nothing like what I expected. LOL. I have heard a lot of people say that the breathing helped them, but I forgot all about the breathing...heck, I don't even remember breathing. My biggest memory is of Ashley after she was born!

I tried to have the baby natural but left the option for pain relief open. I was induced, which I have heard makes the contractions a little harder and stronger and closer together. I went for about two-three hours in real labor without pain relief, then I finally asked for an epidural. I got the epi at 10:25 and Ashley was born at 10:46. She came too fast and I was only 130 lbs pre-PG and she was 8.98 lbs at birth. So, I'm glad I got the epi in the end.

I would discuss all your options with your OB. And, if you want to try to go natural and end up taking meds...don't feel bad about it, there's no shame in it.

But, in the end, it is all worth it and nothing that happened before your baby is born will even matter!

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 21 2003, 02:26 PM
what did i do i have no idea how to be a mom, etc
Trust me, I went through that too! I read everything I could...I took the parenting classes too. But, I was still paranoid. My big phobia was how to give her a bath, in particular wash her hair. I was soooo scared of the soft spot. I feel silly when I look back at myself, but it is only natural to have these fears.

We're here if you want to chat! And, like I said, reading and taking the classes helped me a little... I felt a little more prepared. smile.gif


Posted by: MamaMartie Apr 22 2003, 04:23 AM
I think it is normal to be nervous, especially when people start telling you stories. I try to aviod any "Oh you're pg? Then let me tell you what happened to my sister's-best-friend's-neighbor's niece's-2nd cousin...." rolleyes.gif I really don't think your child birth instructor needed to give you the low down on a 9 pound baby coming out of a 140 lb woman. Seriously, 9 pound babies aren't all that common. I think the average is probably in the 7 pound range. So don't let her freak you out.

Plus there are always lots of different options on how to cope from self hypnosis techniques all the way to epidurals. And there is no shame in using any or all of them. the goal is to have the best birth possible for you & your baby. Being relaxed helps both of you. I've used lamaze breathing & had epidurals with all of mine. This time I am also learning self hypnosis, b/c I've seen it on tv and it looks pretty cool. I'll let you know how that works out.

I think the hardest part about the first baby is not knowing what to expect and the fear that comes with the unknown. Once you've been through labor once it is easier to relax and let your bodu do what it has to do. I remember Brian's cousin going on & on how beautiful pg & birth was when I was pg with our first. Mind you she told me this when I had all day morning sickness and couldn't eat anything except plain mashed potatoes. The look I gave her stopped her in her tracks. biggrin.gif But now I really look forward to labor. But shhhhh! Don't tell her. I still think it was a stupid thing to go one & on about when all I wanted to do was curl up and fall into a nice 7 month coma.

With #2, I was afraid of how I'd cope & love 2 children equally. With #3 I was afraid of how the financial aspect of 3 kids and how we'd ever get any time together alone as a couple. My fear with #4 (this one), that Brian won't want any more. rolling_smile.gif

So remember 2 things: everyone has fears & it is good to talk about them, but don't let anyone freak you out over what can/might happen.

Martie edd 5/25 with #4

Posted by: Schnoogly Apr 25 2003, 06:35 PM
Like most first time moms, I was like you too. I was afraid of all the horrible things that could happen during labor. I really wanted to do it without meds, and I did everything I could to go au naturale. I watched those birth shows on the discovery channel obsessively so I would know all the medical stuff they do to you in labor & why. I took birth classes, read all kinds of natural birth method books, got a doula, had midwives and an OB. I did perineal massage to avoid tears/episiotomy (didn't work for me--had the episiotomy anyway) and kegels every day. Ha! I thought that if I had heard of something in advance I wouldn't panic when it happened to me. Well, I didn't prepare for the one thing that did happen--that something was wrong with my baby (heart defect).

My biggest fear was that my water would break but labor wouldn't start (or else I would have to be induced) and I would need pitocin (the drug that stimulates contractions) which would make the pain worse so I would beg for an epidural which would slow my labor, etc. etc. ending in c-section. Well, my water did break first, but then ctx started 3 minutes apart and continued that way for hours upon hours. I had back labor (he was facing the wrong way--"sunny side up") and decided after 16 hours of that I needed the epidural. It worked great and I don't regret it at all. I delievered vaginally (but with a vacuum). The thing is that you are in a different place--a different mindset totally--when you are in labor. It's not like you are the way you are every day. It's hard to explain--like you are dissociated from yourself, watching it happen to someone else or something. But you're also experiencing it. Things that happen (i.e. peeing all over the midwife in my case) don't bother you. You don't care. My DH told me afterwards that he was in awe of me during my labor. Long afterwards, at my post partum checkup, I overheard my midwife talking to the other midwives about how difficult my delivery was and I felt, oddly, kind of proud, like I had joined a very exclusive club or had passed a difficult test. It is life-changing. But it only lasts a little while--the baby will be around for the rest of your life!!

I also worried about being a mom--nervous from the time the test was positive!! I was terrified of holding him even! Bathing, changing, and just what to do with a baby all day long! But when he was born with a heart defect and had to be in the hospital for 3 weeks I forgot about all those little things because there were so many big ones to worry about! Of course once I got home I would panic whenever I tried to suction out his nose. It takes a while to be comfortable caring for your baby--don't feel bad about this! Just trust yourself.


P.S. If you want to read my birth story (I was obsessed with reading other moms birth stories while I was PG) it is on Iain's site (link below).

Posted by: CantWait Apr 25 2003, 09:48 PM
just over 11 weeks to go and I'm practically pooping my pants now I'm so nervous wacko.gif

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