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> Birth Stories !!!, all birth stories are welcome.
Posted: Dec 30 2005, 12:49 PM
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WOW! She is beautiful and I am so glad you are feeling better. hug.gif hug.gif

PMEmail PosterYahooMSN
Posted: Dec 30 2005, 01:24 PM
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WOW huh.gif Girl I would have passed out with all that pain Congrats she is beautiful wub.gif


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Posted: Dec 30 2005, 01:56 PM
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Waiting for sun!

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Simply Beautiful Kimberly!!! Waht a lovely story adn you are right it will eb remembered forever!!

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Posted: Jan 1 2006, 09:11 AM
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My two cuties :)

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what an amazing story Kimberly! I'm sorry you got so sick afterwords. hug.gif I can't wait to see pics of her! wub.gif wub.gif

Sara ~ Wife to Scott, Mommy to Andrew 6-12-05, Alison 2-20-07, and our angel in heaven 4-20-06

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Posted: Jan 1 2006, 10:03 AM
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Ruby Member

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You tell a great story - I am going to read that one over and over!!!!!!! She is wonderful!!!

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Posted: Jan 1 2006, 01:00 PM
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Praying For Spencer

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WOW Kimberely that is an AMAZING story!!!!! Kayleigh (I hope I'm spelling that right blush.gif )made quite a dramatic entrance love2.gif love2.gif CONGRATULATIONS again hug.gif hug.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahooMSN
Posted: Jan 1 2006, 03:03 PM
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Anna was induced after being two weeks overdue. I had a midwife and she was great! I was alone during most of it because my husband seemed to get bored easily. I decided not to have any pain medication or an epideral. It wasn't that bad until the last part of labor. The in laws kept coming in the room which was annoying me and I finally yelled at them to leave me alone (a particular painful contraction was happening at the time). My parents stayed in the waiting room and didn't bother me the whole time (it would have been nice to have my mom there after the fact but oh well). Toward the end of labor they gave me some type of seditive and it was horrible to sleep for two minutes and wake up with every contraction (i guess they wanted me to save up energy for the pushing but it didn't work very well!!!) Finally they decided I was ready to push and after about what seemed like forever I couldn't push anymore I was so exhausted they had to bring in more nurses and they all pushed on my stomache and out came Anna at 8 oz 11 pds and 21 inches. Oh she was so little and adorable!!!

My second baby didn't go as well. I decided to try a doctor and at 6 mths this doctor decided to tell me her life story at one of the checkups and it thoroughly pissed me off (I am a bit mean when I am pregnant) so I decided not to see anyone again! I thought I would just have my husband take me to the hospital when I went in to labor. Well I finally went into labor and the ambulance took me to the hospital ( I refused to have a bumpy car ride with my husband at the wheel!!) I got to the hospital and they were a bit pissed I didn't have a doctor but everything was going along very well until the babies heart rate started to go down. All of the sudden about four doctors came in and told me I had to have an emergency c-section!!! I yelled at them to get out of my room and they finally left and I tried to calm down and relax which brought the heart rate back up and then my husband finally talked me into having the c-section! I never had any surgery before or anything drastic happen to me (except the first birth) so I was terrified. Good thing I had the c-section Ivan was 10pds 4 oz!!!!! He was huge! It was great when we got home cause everyone helped me out and I got to stay in bed for two weeks!!! Ivan is still adorable although he is a skinny little guy now although pretty tall for his age!

The third one was a great surprise! I thought two was enough and all of the sudden I am prego again! I completely had forgotten everything about babies having only toddler info stored in my brain. I decided to have the same doctor that did my c-section and he decided that I should have another c-section because it wasn't very long after the first one. It was nice having a scheduled date to have the baby!!!! I was still a bit terrified but my husband was there holding my hand so that was cool (plus he looked cute in the surgery get up!) I had my tubes tied at the same time no more little ones bawling.gif !! Bryce Jasper was 8 pds 8oz and 19 inches. He is a chunky little toddler and is trying to climb everything in sight!!! He has cute curly sandy blonde hair and looks like his dad. All the kids have my husbands hair colour My two year old looks alot like me though!

PMEmail PosterYahoo
Posted: Jan 5 2006, 05:46 PM
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Kimberly, sounds like you knew more then the mw. LOL. I hope that you are enjoying your prefect little angel. I can't wait to see pictures of her. hug.gif hug.gif

Holley~ Loving wife to Shawn, (03/22/03), stepmom to Brandon (5/23/88), mom to Annika Lily (12/28/05).
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
  Posted: Jan 5 2006, 06:03 PM
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All right here goes nothing. I'm sure you can guess that Annika is asleep right now. blush.gif I probably should be also but I can't.

Annika Lily
8 pounds 9 ounces
19 3/4 inches long
Dec 28th 2005 at 0948 hours.

We arrived at the hospital at approximately 1201 hours on Wednesday December 28th. We checked in and went up to Labor and Delivery floor. The nurse that took care of me when I was admitted was my nurse again. She is such a sweet lady. I dressed out into a gown, did the famous tinkle in a cup (boy am I going to miss that LOL), and got hooked up to the monitors. She came back in to put in my IV. I forgot to tell her I had scar tissue on my left wrist where she was trying to put the IV in at. OUCH! bawling.gif bawling.gif I started crying and Shawn remembered about the tissue damage there from a break. She apologized to me and went into the top of my hand. Piece of cake then.

We got all the paper work taken care of that needed to be completed by them and braceleted up.

They put the low dose of Pitocin into my IV and gave me an Ambien to be able to sleep at 0130 hours. I had been wired all day so I didn’t nap. My mom and sister showed up around the time they started the drip. Shawn and my sister fell asleep. My mom and I sat there talking. blahblah.gif (I guess it's got to be hard thinking that your little girl is fixing to be a mommy.) Shawn would wake up when I was getting up to go to the bathroom. It’s so much fun unhooking all the monitors and totting the IV with you to the potty. My blood pressure was still up so they were watching that closely.

Around 0300 hours I got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke. blink.gif The nurse came in about that time and used one of the strips to check to see if it was amniotic fluid, DUH right. LOL. Nothing like wetting all over the place to just make your night go so smoothly. blush.gif (I had been checked about an hour prior to that and was 3 cm and she could feel the top of her head.) Well after my water broke I started having contractions and they were fast and hard. Not to mention there was nothing cushioning her head down there any longer. I said some really nasty things. soapbox.gif (Of course Shawn reminded me of this. LOL) I also told the nurse that I wouldn’t like her nosmiley.gif anymore if she pushed anymore Pitocin through my IV; I was doing well enough on my own without the help of that. She just smiled and did it when I wasn’t looking. The pain was pretty intense at times. She came in and gave me a shot of narcotics to help ease the pain till anesthesiologist could get there for my epidural but it didn’t even touch the pain.

I asked the nurse if the other girls were in labor and she told me they were sleeping. I told her that was no fair to go wake them up and really push the Pitocin for them, why should I suffer alone right? noooooo.gif She got a kick out of me. I’m such a dork.

At 0700 hours the nurses switch shifts. My daytime nurse I had during my prior stay walked into my room to check on me. I asked her if I was getting her again, she told me she would be more then happy to be my nurse today. (There were three on the floor that day, so I got to chose.) She told me the anesthesiologist was there and asked if I was ready for my epidural. yessmiley.gif yessmiley.gif yessmiley.gif yessmiley.gif I asked her if she was kidding me. She moved my bed to the highest position and helped me sit up. It was quite painful sitting up and leaning forward because Annika’s head was so low. (I was still only 3 cm.) She had me lean on her shoulder. I never even saw the man that walked into the room. I felt him back there working but that was about it. I felt the little sticks but it was no more annoying then my tattoo was. I felt him putting tape on my back and asked my nurse what he was doing. She said he was taping the catheter in place. I looked at her with amazement and asked her if he was done. I didn’t feel a thing and she helped me lay back down.

Around 0800 hours I was still 3 cm but the pain was easing with the epidural taking effect. My nurse came back in and checked me around 0850 hours and I was 9 ¾ cm. I still had control over my legs even though I couldn’t feel them. I was able to get my behind to the edge of the table without any problems. The doctor was happy with that. (When you have broke both knees and they have been in braces for so long you learn how to move dead weight with bone and brain alone.)

I started serious pushing at 0905 hours. At 0948 hours Annika Lily was a part of this world. horray.gif horray.gif

It’s amazing the emotions that you go through when this little person is laid upon your stomach for the first time. You see this blue little bundle of squirmy flesh and you think “This is my daughter.” I counted her toes and fingers; there were ten of each. I couldn’t get over the head full of hair she had. Shawn cut the umbilical cord. There are not any words that can explain the look of pure, unconditional love that was present on his face looking down at his daughter. cloud9.gif The emotions were just raw. love2.gif

The nurse took her to get her cleaned and swaddled while the doctor stitched me up. He was unable to locate a tear that was internal for a bit but was finally able to locate it. I lost a lot of blood during that time. I don’t think I have ever been so exhausted in my life. They brought Annika back to me and I got to bond with her for a little while. They then took her to the nursery for her further evaluation. I couldn’t tell you who all came to my room and who didn’t. All I wanted to do was sleep. Not to mention I was starting to feel like I was going to get sick. (Which I did.) My nurse removed the catheter and told me when I felt that I was ready to be up and about to let her know. Well I finally thought I was ready and she and Shawn helped me to the bathroom. I was fine on the way but once I was in there it was all downhill. Everything went white before my eyes and I thought I was going to pass out. They helped me into a wheelchair and took me back to the bed. She told me my other room was ready and that she was going to move me down there. We got to the other room and she re catheterized me. She didn’t want me back out of the bed at least for 12 hours. Around 0130 hours on December 29th, Shawn and I took Annika to the nursery for her vital check. It was a slow walk but we made it. It felt good to be up and about. She called about 30 minutes later and Shawn went and got her. I was unable to sleep because my bottom hurt so badly. bawling.gif bawling.gif

Around 0900 hours my daytime nurse was back. She un catheterized me and told Shawn that when I got up to go to the bathroom to help me and to let her know. From that point on I was able to move about a little bit. Shawn would hand me Annika from her bassinet since it took so long for me to get up and down. She got checked over by the pediatrician and was given a very clean bill of health. bigtup.gif

The following day (December 30th) we were allowed to go home. She was a little on the fussy side. I have learned that she does not like change in environment. LOL. Oh well she got over it. Shawn was walking the floor with her and I was putting together the aquarium bouncer. LOL

New Year’s Eve night I ended up with the worst chills of my life. I was laying there in bed shaking so violently that I was in pain. Shawn had to get a diaper bag together, called the hospital, loaded up Annika; and then loaded me up. He dropped Annika off at my mom’s house and took me to the ER. All my veins had been blown previously during my hospital stays so getting blood and starting IVs was pretty painful. I was also re catheterized a 3rd time. They told me I was probably going to have to stay overnight. Well now all I could think of was Annika and how she was going to have to be fed a bottle. How, here she is only 3 days old and I’m not even able to be there to take care of her. Needless to say it was a moment of pure water works. I was told I had a Urinary Tract Infection and they were going to have to put me on antibiotics. I was not going to be allowed to breast feed for 17 days. I was going to have to either feed her formula or get donors milk. Again, here come the water works. I was a little on the devastated side. My mom called an on call LC at one of the bigger hospitals in our area. They gave my mom the name of an antibiotic that I could take and was still safe to breast feed on. We got home 10 minutes till midnight.

It’s not an experience that I am sure to soon forget but all the pain and turmoil were well worth it. For all that went wrong there were more positives then negatives.

Annika is the most precious gift.gif that I have ever been given. Shawn and I ( lovebirds.gif ) have the perfect little_angel.gif baby.gif

Holley~ Loving wife to Shawn, (03/22/03), stepmom to Brandon (5/23/88), mom to Annika Lily (12/28/05).
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: Jun 7 2006, 12:04 PM
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I hope it's o.k. if I tell you all about my unique birth story, since it's been awile since anyone has shared one. I have 3 DS, but I'll tell you about the birth of my youngest, Jaxon. In Dec. 2003, my younger sister found out she was pregnant with baby #2 baby.gif . Back then my cycles weren't very regular so I never really could use a missed period as a sign of pregnancy. All throughout Jan. I new something was up. I wasn't sick, but just felt different. Finally after a month and no period, (I'm not THAT irregular) I took a pregnancy test and it came back possitive. We weren't trying, and I was acually still on the pill. ohmy.gif Well, my mom is an O.b. nurse at our local hospital, so she got out her pregnancy wheel, and I was due Sept. 21, the exact same day as my sister!!! tongue.gif Well, the next few months, all we would hear is stuff like, "Whoa, you guys must have had some freaky party" ect. We all got a good laugh out of it. laugh.gif I was very sick with this baby. When my mom went to draw my first set of blood work, she couldn't find a vein that wouldn't burst, and after she finally got the blood she needed, I had a bruise the size of a grapefruit on my arm. I ended up in the hospital with IV's and ended up loosing about 35 lbs before I started gaining it back. sad.gif Well, August came and went. My sister had been put on bed rest because of something that had to do with amniotic fluid leaking or something like that. But Sept. 1, the dr. (we both go to the same dr.) decided he needed to take the baby c-section so she wouldn't go into distress. I told my mom to give my husband and I a call when she went in to surgery and we would come out. So about 11:00 p.m. mom called and we got my in-laws to come stay with our kids while we went out to support my sister. And I am not kidding, once we hit the hospital doors, my contractions started, nothing terrible, kind of like braxton hicks. I just told my self that they were sympathy pains because I had to have a c-section with my middle son. Well, the whole time they were in surgery, the contractions got worse and worse, but I kept thinking, "This is Miranda's day, not mine", so I just sat on the floor and rode them out. My husband knew something was up, but I just kept telling him I was fine, but when my mom came out of the O.R., she looked at me and said "let's get you in a room and hooked up to a monitor." I got all hooked up, and sure enough, I was in full fledged labor. biggrin.gif already dialated to a 5+, I just had enough time to get an epidural. So needless to say, my dr. just stayed in the dr's lounge and my son was born Sept. 2, 2004 at 4:13 am, just 5 hours after his cousin, in the same hospital, by the same dr. baby.gif We all laugh about it and say that someone had this set of twins, but knew neither my sister nor I was prepared to have twins, so they came together, to the same family, just to different mom's. baby.gif baby.gif It's been fun having them grow up together, but they also have thier different birthdays, so they don't have to share!


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Posted: Jul 15 2006, 06:36 AM
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I was due July 21st and went into early labor between 31-32 weeks. I had to be airlifted and put on magnesium sulfate (which was the absolute worst). I was kept in the hospital for a week, then sent home on Procardia (nifedipine) and bedrest.

Well 2 weeks later the same thing happened. Went in for a routine checkup and was 4 cm dilated... another airlift, more magnesium sulfate, and another week in the hospital.

The next week I went into labor a THIRD time and was stopped, this time using only fluids and requiring only a 3 hour hospital stay, and no airlifts..

8 days later.. labor again.. and they finally let me have my son smile.gif I went into labor at 5:30pm, went to the hospital at 8 and was dilated 4cm, they broke my water at 9, was dilated 8cm by 10, and had Ethan Matthew at 11:16 pm on June 27, 2006. He was 6 pounds, 8.8 ounces and 20 inches long.. absolutely amazing and beautiful child smile.gif

SOOO just wanted to say... that as FRUSTRATING as it may be if you go into early labor and have to keep getting stopped... DONT REFUSE THE MEDS. After I had magnesium sulfate the first time and was incredibly sick from it for 2 days straight (couldnt eat, move, stand, sit up, etc without throwing up) the doctor said I could refuse it the second time I was admitted (he said many women do). I was THISCLOSE to refusing it because I knew how sick I was going to get.. and I was at the point where I just wanted to see my baby instead of going into early labor and being stopped.. but DONT REFUSE IT!! When Ethan was born at almost 37 weeks perfectly healthy I realized how important that magnesium sulfate really was. It kept him inside long enough to be healthy and not need any help breathing smile.gif SOO if you have a sucky few weeks with medicines, hang in there, it's worth it times a million.
PMEmail PosterAOL
Posted: Jul 15 2006, 10:09 PM
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Jazz Hands!!

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Ok, here goes.
For those who remember Aprilnewbee, well that was me. After Owen was born, I decided to change my name.

My due date was April 14, 06. That day came and went, so did many others. We decided to induce on the 26th. That night, 10pm, (I dunno why they wanted me there at night, but they did), I went to the hospital. The room we were given was huge! At least as big as my living room, and the night nurse was a girl I had gone to school with, so I was really comfortable with her. At 11pm they put the cytotec on my cervix, to make it dilate (I was only at 1cm). I got a couple more doses of that med, and by 5am I was having strong contractions. As the day progressed the contractions got more intense, especially after I got the pitocin drip at 7am. At 1pm my doc broke my water, and tried to put the scalp electrode on the baby, she couldn't get it to attach properly. We had been watching my contractions get stronger all day, and his heartrate drop. At 1:30, my doc told me his heartrate was 80 bpm and dropping fast. He wasn't recovering from the contractions, and I had only dilated to 2cm, so doc decided to do a c-section. At 2:02pm Owen Reed was born. It all happened so fast. After I agreed to the surgery I was in the operating room in 5 minutes. Since I had been laboring all day without any pain meds I got a spinal. Me likey spinal biggrin.gif After they pulled him out they started shouting lots of medical jargon, and I later found out his umbilical cord only had two vessels. They are spose to have two arteries and one vein, he only had one artery and one vein. Which helps to explain why he was two weeks late, why he couldn't handle the contractions, and why he was so petite. After I saw him, I fell asleep, and slept in the recovery room for a couple of hours. Around 5 I was wheeled into the room we would spend the rest of our stay in, and it was not the same room we checked into. It was so tiny!! growl.gif They moved us to a room a 4th of the size we had origionally. Not fair. Apparently the first room is the labor and delivery room, but since I had a cesearean I was put into a surgical recovery room.
Anyways, that didn't matter because I have a beautiful baby boy. Owen was born 6lb 13oz, and 20in long. He was so petite and tiny. Now he is 13 lbs 10oz, and 24.5in long!! Amazing how they grow. Anyways the rest of our stay was normal. I rained the whole time, which I didn't get to enjoy (we'd been in a drout since Nov).
After I got home, I did some research on his umbilical cord issue, and it is referred to as Single Umbilical Artery (SUA). And it is more common than I thought, about 1 in 100. I read that with SUA induction is not recommended because the contractions are too intense for the baby, that continuing the cytotec would have been the ideal plan. So that got me all emotional that I could of prevented the cesearean if we had just had a u/s done later, my last one was at 18 weeks, doc says that would have been to early to detect the vessels in the cord. So now that I have had one cesearean, I have to have repeat ceseareans. Doc says that in the state of Oklahoma our malpractice insurance won't allow for VBAC's (Vaginal Birth After Cesearean). They say it is too risky. I feel like I have been robbed. Robbed of my ability to deliver naturally. I was so looking foreward to pushing out the baby, having him lay on my chest, letting Curtis cut the cord. Now I have this big ugly scar that has become a constant reminder of how I will never deliver my babies naturally. bawling.gif
I think I have gone on to talk about something I should save for the ppd forum. But I can't stop thinking about it.
I am going to try to post a pic of Owen now. So we can see why it is all worth the trouble.

Beth, proud Army wife to Curtis, supermommy to Owen!

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Posted: Sep 3 2006, 09:29 AM
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myluvbugs was here...

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Lexi Alice....Born: August 31st, 2006

OK! Birth story time......But first I want to preface this by saying.....I have the best husband, midwife and doula. smile.gif

So, on Wednesday night (30th) at around 7:30pm I had a contraction (AGAIN! rolleyes.gif ) right in the middle of dinner. But considering I'd been having them off and on for days....I really didn't bother with it. So, we get done with dinner and I have another.....hmmmmm.....So, we sit down in the living room to watch a little Project Runway, and they start coming 5-6 minutes apart. dry.gif I looked at DH and said "I'm going to miss the new episode b/c this kid wants to come out!" LOL Needless today we called the Midwife and the doula and went to the hospital a little after 9pm. We were all checked in and in our room by 9:40pm, and were all hooked up to the monitors for 20 minutes and in comes the midwife....Let's check ya and see if we've changed since this morning. (In her office that morning I was 4cm) She checked and I was almost 6!! WOW! So, she says "well, you're definately staying here and having a baby tonight." biggrin.gif

So, I got my IV antibiotics started and got up on the ball, walked around, did the slow dance thing with DH, and kept feeling this pressure, but was able to breath through the contractions just fine. They didn't really hurt, just a lot of pressure and stretching. KWIM? So, the midwife thought we'd be comfy in the tub for a little bit....By now it was almost midnight. The tub was fine...took all the pain away but not the pressure feeling. By 12:35....I was tired of the tub. LOL laugh.gif and needed to be checked....Still 6cm. dry.gif Grrrr.....(what happened to the fast labor I was promised? LOL laugh.gif ) Anyway....We decided to walk around and do some more ball and some squatting.....well the pressure and length of the contractions got worse, but the pain was still managable.....So, at 2am I'm getting tired and I'm only 6.5 cm. The midwife says "well, if you want we could break your water"....I of course say...."HECK YEAH!! Let's get this party started...I'm tired." (famous last words rolleyes.gif )

Water breaks (2:17am) and it's filled with Merconium (sp?)So a water birth is out of the question, and I'm now restricted to the monitors to make sure she's ok. But the contractions kicked into FULL GEAR!! and I instantly became 7cm. ....45minutes later and several 2 minute long contractions I was saying the F-bomb left and right, and the midwife says "Ahhh! She's in transition now!" B/c Aparently that's what the F-bomb means....LOL laugh.gif , so she calls the nurses and stuff in to get ready and checks me...I'm 8cm and completely effaced. She and the doula are massaging my feet and back. DH is holding my hands and rubbing my head....and I screamed that it hurt and I didn't want to do this anymore. The midwife gets her "deliver outfit" on and checks me....I'm 9 cm with a lip (3:04am) and I said "NO!!! I need to push NOW!!!" and she checked again...10cm and crowning (3:05am).......pushed and screamed....pushed and screamed.....and at 3:37am she was born in one big push! Her head didn't even cone. rolleyes.gif BUT !!! I didn't tear, so I'm really glad about that.

It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but so worth it.

Sorry that was sooooo long, but I hope you all enjoy it! smile.gif


Momma to Lorelei & Lexi
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Posted: Sep 3 2006, 09:44 AM
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The hair I wish I had...lol

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Wow...did you go drug free woman?...I bow down to you....I can't wait to see pictures.

Wife to Leithan and mommy to Mckaylee (4) and Russell (3)

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Posted: Sep 3 2006, 12:16 PM
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Lot of candles for Spencer! Praying he gets better soon!

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Wow! That's amazing. TFS! thumb.gif
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Posted: Oct 10 2006, 06:58 AM
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I looked at the clock, it was 7:00pm. “I don’t care if this makes me a loser I’m going to lay down.” I told Jeremy. By 7:30pm he was snoring. I lay awake awhile longer then gave up and turned the TV off. At 4:00am the next morning I understood why we fell asleep so soon. I woke up with horrible pain in my lower back. It didn’t matter how much I tossed, turned or flopped, it didn’t go away. I gave up and climbed the mountain that was Jeremy to try to lay on the couch. He woke up and I told him where I was going. I paced the house a few times and stood next to the bed. Jeremy looked up at me. “I don’t think I’m going back to sleep.” I told him. “It’s alright,’ he says, ‘I was kind of up already, you know the 7:30 bedtime.” I paced around the house while he settled in for his morning coffee and finally gave in to the urge to take a shower. The warm refreshing water gave me a new urge, the urge to take a bath. I switched the water over and plugged the drain loving the nice warm water. All too soon I noticed the water was getting cold, and the bath wasn’t getting and fuller. I yelled for Jeremy who brought me some saran wrap to help plug the drain but we both gave up that idea quickly. I wandered around the house in my robe for a little while in too much pain to get dressed. The back pain had turned into contractions. I had a feeling these weren’t the Broxton Hicks that had kept me awake the two nights before. I brought out a notebook and started writing down times. Jeremy looked at me a little scared, but a little excited. I told him “Just in case.” trying not to get his hopes up again.
Around 6:00am I decided to call my boss and tell him I wasn’t going to make it into work. He asked me if I was going to the hospital and I told him I wasn’t sure but there was no way I could work with those contractions. An hour later I was on the phone with the hospital asking when a good time to come in was. The contractions weren’t regular, they would range between 15 and 7 minutes apart so the nurse told me I’d probably be more comfortable at home but I could come in if I wanted. She suggested that I aim more towards under 5 minutes apart. I called my mom to bug her even though it was 5:00am her time. She laughed because she’d been up since 3:00am her time, when I’d first woke up. I talked to her and my best friend trying to calm down. At 9:00 The contractions had moved to 3 to 7 minutes apart. Whenever I had one I was convinced we had to go to the hospital right away. When I wasn’t having one I figured I could wait it out all day.
On the way to the hospital I called my mom, my best friend, and my dad. My step mom answered the phone and told me her dad had just died. She promised she’d tell my dad and reminded me to breathe. When we arrived at the hospital we followed the maze across one and a half football fields of construction to the mother baby center. They checked me into triage, the first room I enter to see if I was going onto labor and delivery or back home. After donning a really sexy backless gown a nurse came in to check if I was dilated. I’d moved from a 2 with 70% effacement to a 4, or 5 with 100% effacement. 9:30am the ‘official’ labor had started. They gave me some medicine to take the edge off the pain since I’m a woosie. (The nurse was amazed I’d make it that far on my own.) and Jeremy’s family started showing up. We kept the mood light by cracking jokes and doing everything to distract me from my contractions. At 1:00 they decided to move me into labor and delivery and asked if I wanted an epidural since my pain medicine was wearing off. I wavered a bit but when a really bad contraction hit I decided I’d take anything they gave me that wouldn’t hurt the baby. They checked if I was dilating anymore since I’d spent the last 3 ½ hours having contractions but I’d only moved to ‘A good 5.’ The nurse reassured us that in a first time pregnancy with pain medicine it was expected that I would dilated at about 1cm an hour, putting my delivery time at about 7:30. I tried to relax again and laid on my side until I started getting a horrible pain in my hip. I figured it was due to how my big mommy hips were laying so the nurse helped me switch sides. It didn’t help much. She reminded me I could hit the button on the epidural but that didn’t allow much relief either. At last I said it might be the baby’s head putting pressure on my nerves and the nurse decided to check my progress again. “Oh my.” She said. I was nervous, Jeremy was at full attention. She looked at me and said “Your at a 10 and the babies head is right there. It’s time to push! I’ll go get the doctor. “
My doctor wasn’t available so I got the on call doctor, one of her partners I was comfortable with. As he prepped for the delivery and I pushed a few times my doctor came in. She was shocked to see me pushing already. Jeremy held my leg and told me how great I was doing. The first push the nurse said “It’s got hair!” Jeremy was all grins, but still nervous. What he said was about 9 pushes later they told me the head was poking out. “Little pushes!” my doctor said. I gave little bursts of pushes and felt sometime slide out. They nurse wrapped my baby in a blanket and laid her on my chest. I was amazed at the full head of dark brown hair. Jeremy stood holding my hand in shock of the little thing I held in my arms. The nurse looked over and I told her I’d had a textbook pregnancy , she said “Honey, even in a story book labor doesn’t usually go this fast.”
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Posted: Dec 8 2006, 03:29 PM
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Hey, interesting stories ladies...am sure they will be helpful for me too tongue.gif
Posted: Jan 3 2007, 05:48 PM
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Wow everyone's stories are interesting and it's amazing because the end is the same (the baby) but everyone's experiences are so different. I started having contractions halfway through watching a Nebraska football game. Of course we had to stay home to see the end biggrin.gif When we finally went to the hospital my contractions had slowed down but still were pretty strong. We waited hours and hours, watched Pulp Fiction, which did a good job of taking my mind off of the pain smile.gif After sixteen hours they gave me an epidural which was great smile.gif Then about two hours later the doctor checked me and I was at 8 cms and my son was breech. Too bad they couldn't have figured that out sooner. wacko.gif So the doctor said he had two other c-sections to do then he'd do mine. Then he came back a couple minutes later and said that he was going to do mine first. I was very worried at first about it but now I'm kinda glad I had a c-section cuz it was so quick and easy. I think between the time they wheeled me into the room and rolled me out was maybe a half an hour. And my doctor was really cool. When he came in to check me he was wearing a sturgis shirt instead of regular doctor clothes until the c-section of course, and the whole time him and the nurses were talking about amish people. They did a good job of making me feel as comfortable as possible in that situation. The only thing that sucked was that I couldn't quit shaking. My DH watched the whole thing, must have a strong stomach apparently, but he said it was pretty cool. Another good thing about the c-section was that my son didn't come out with a conehead smile.gif But I did have to stay in the hospital an extra day sad.gif But my son, Keith, was perfectly healthy, he was 6 lbs, 15 oz.


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Posted: Oct 15 2007, 09:37 AM
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EDD 9-22-07

On Monday, September 17th I went in for my 39 week

appt and my doc recommended that we come in on Friday to be


Friday, September 21st we woke up at 4:30 and took

Blakely to her grandparents house and headed for the hospital.

We got there at 6am and they had me change into my hospital

gown and we got started. Before they even started the pitocin I

began having regular contrations about 1-2 minutes apart, I

didn't even realize I was contracting. At 8am the anisteiologist

came in and administered my epidural, that part went much

better than I remember it going when I had Blakely. When I went

in I was 2 cm dialted, by 9am I was only at 2-3 cm, so I was a

little discouraged. Around 11 or so the nurse came rushing in to

tell me that the baby's heart beat had dropped way down, and

put me on oxygen. At that time we all started watching the

monitor along with the nurse and the heart beat would drop from

150 or so down to about 70 and then a few times it went blank as

if there were no heartbeat at all, we all began to worry and my

nurse told me that we were going to try a few things before we

get too worried, she made me lay on my side and that seemed to

do the trick, apparently he was smashing the embilical cord each

time I had a contraction, which made it appear to us that there

was no heartbeat. The next time the doc came in it was around

noon and she said I was at a 3 or 4, so again I was feeling

discouraged and thinking that this day was going to take forever.

She broke my water at that time and said see you in a few more

hours. Then at 2 oclock she came in once more and said I was at

a good 4 and that she'd see me in a little while. As soon as she

left I began having hard contractions for an hour, at 3 my nurse

came in and said that we were 3rd in line to have the baby (there

were 4 inductions going on that day), I told her that I was having

hard contractions and thought that I may be getting close, she

checked me and said oh my goodness, you are completely dialted,

hold on just a second, you just moved from 3rd to 1st. At that

point I began to get really nervous, I really didn't expect it to

happen that fast. So all of my family that had been hanging out in

our room all day got their stuff and exited the room. I told Blakely

one last goodbye before her world was changed forever and that

sent me into a world of emotions, I was boohooing like a big baby

all the way into my first few pushes. The doctor and nurses

thought something was hurting me and kept asking me if I was

alright. They gave Larry a warm rag to wipe the mascara off of

my face so I could still be cute whenever everyone came back in

to see the baby.

So pushing began around 3:50, it was the weirdest

thing, I had absolutely no coaching whatsoever from my doctor

or any of the nurses, they told me to just do what my body tells

me to do, finally I asked larry to start counting to 10 because I

needed something to focus on rather than just pushing as long as

I could. At one point I asked my doctor "how many more

pushes?!?" she said probably only 2 or 3 more, so that got me

excited and I started pushing better than I have ever pushed

before, because I was determined to get that baby out of me

NOW!!! And sure enough on the 2nd push after she told me 2 or 3

more she told me to open my eyes and when I did I saw a

beautiful baby boy face facing towards Larry and then shoulders

and then the whole baby! She laid him in between my feet to

suction his nose and mouth, I was filled with emotion but then I

got scared because the baby still hadn't cried, so I asked why he

wasn't crying and as soon as I asked he started crying...

LOUDLY! They laid him up on my lap and I didn't even know what

to do, I just wanted to kiss him and love on him, but then they

took him over to clean him up and get him a blanket. I told Larry

to go over there with the baby, but he was wanting to make sure

I was alright first, and I was. He was born at 3:59pm, after 9

minutes of pushing... not bad at all!

We named our son Ayden Carter -----, he was 7lbs

and 9 ounces, he measured 19 inches in length.

Blessed mother to Blakely (7/12/04), Ayden (9/21/07), Addison and Avery (7/2/08)
PMEmail PosterAOLYahoo
Posted: Oct 15 2007, 09:50 AM
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Ruby Member

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Ah Tamara, that was fun to read.........would love to see some more pics

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Posted: Oct 15 2007, 09:59 AM
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Praying For Spencer

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bawling.gif love2.gif Thats a great story Tamara

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Posted: Jan 26 2009, 01:14 PM
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wavey.gif first, I, too, have enjoyed reading all your stories!!!Thank you for letting me be apart of something sooo special. Here goes.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away from home, an american girl, ) months pregnant, as big as a cow (no joke), starts having pains at 6 am on a Monday morning. She wakes her husband because she is moving around in bed trying to get confortable. The husband knows something isn't right. He jumps from the bed with eyes as big as quarters, about ready to pop out of his head, starts running around the room trying get his clothes on..like a crazy man..all the while, the ¨soon to be mommy¨stares at him, trying not to laugh. After the ¨mommy¨clams him, to get some sense out of his jibberish, she gets dressed, instructs him to get the little case, hands him the car keys (because he is vry confused!) and they head to the hospital. They enter, the pains are more stronger, the woman is scared. This is the first for her. Everyone around her is talking in spanish...boy oh boy....her spanish isn't very good and she wants her mommy, but that is not going to happen. Well, in the bed she goes...monitors on for the baby...and the race is on!!!!.....pain...pain..pain..spanish on all sides..the husband is translating...pain and more pain...the doctor speaks english..she arrives....push darling, push. and the mommy thinks...does she think I like suffering?? I AM PUSHING!!!! (REALLY WAS FUNNY IF YOU COULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON ALL THEIR FACES!!!) ok...problems...the baby's heart rate is fading...(7 hours of this stuff!!) the baby can't pass..(they finally figure this out)..call for the anesth...., to the operating room....ahhhhhh...relief...5 minutes later....the MOST BEAUTIFUL, PAINFUL, LOVING thing that could have happened to me came into this world......healthy. 7 lbs. 3 ozs. 21 inches long. The most hermosa mix of spanish/american that I have ever seen....coal black hair with BIG dark blue eyes. (she is blonde now!!! lol) I would never trade this experience for NOTHING..she is best gift that God could ever give to me..but I DO NOT want to repeat it!!! lol
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Posted: Jun 24 2009, 06:04 PM
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Thinking of you Spencer!

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Breanna Elizabeth's Story....

On June 18th I recieved a call from the hospitalt o come in to get induced. We arrived there and was taken to our room. At around 2pm I was checked for dilation ( I was at 2-3cm) and then given the gel. I had to lay in bed for an hour before I could get up. At 305I was allowed to get up and roam the halls and eat. At this time Marcus's mom came by with Jenna and she had bought me a slush:) We walked the halls for a bit and then at 430pm jenna left. At 5pm Dinner arrived and i ate that. At 6pm my cramping started. And then at 7pm it turned into full blown contractions. I was abl to handle the pain ta that point still. Then at 8pm the doc came in to check me again and I was at 2-3cm still. So she decided to break my waters. and hook me up to Oxycontin. (sp?). Then I started to feel the pains in my back. I handled it to a point and then I begged for the epidural. They came and put that in. I sat back into the bed and then I started to feel nascious and light headed. My blood pressure dropped to 80/56. And then They gave me some meds to help my pressure. Then i felt better but then the feeling came back but waaaaay worse. I started to feel as if i was going to pass out my blood pressure dropped to 66/36. They layed me down and then i threw up everywhere. They gave me another dose of meds and that stablized my pressure. They cleaned me up and the bed and then my doc was called back in again. She checked me and I was now 3-4cm. and that was it. i stayed at that forever! Then the bay's heart ratye soared to the 190's. and then decelled. so at this point the on call OB was called in, my doctor, the anesthesiologist, and nurses was called in to check the baby and we were about to be prepped for a c-section. At this point i started to panick! Then the OB said lets check her again. and boom i was at 5cm. Then i started to feel pressure down there with each contraction. Which was a good sign. Then in 30 minutes i was from 5cm-10cm ready to push. So i pushed for 15 minutes and the head emerged. Then the shoulders were a bit stuck and they had to twist her and pull which hurt! then out she came. The doc turned her around and she says.. daddy take a look. he looks and then looks at me and yells ITS A GIRL!!!! They put her on my tummy. And then the nurse put her on the warmer. The checked her heart rate and it still was in the 180's. Then she pooped. They weighed her and all i could hear is marcus yelling... 10ls, 7oz you beat my sister...LOL. They wrapped her up and gave her to marcus. He sat down beside me with a big smile on her face and kept saying shes beautiful. I have 2 little girls, im so happy!!!! He showed me her and she was beautiful! Then she pooped 2 more times with in an hour. So they didn't have to check her or screen her for hirschsprungs!!!! YEAH! They gave me meds for my bleeding. All in all a tough delivery but so worth it in the end!

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Posted: Jun 24 2009, 06:22 PM
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Praying For Spencer

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wow girl!!!! thats a big girl and that is SOOO awesome that you were able to have her!!! Congratulations again she is absolutely beautiful!!!! love2.gif love2.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahooMSN
Posted: Jun 24 2009, 07:04 PM
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awsome birth story, i came on tonite looking for it, congrats!!

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