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> List 5 petty annoyances
Posted: Jan 9 2007, 07:14 AM
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Thinking of you Spencer!

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that you wish your SO/DH/DW would change! I love Marcus with all my heart but there are a few little things that can be annoying at tines ! BUt im sure there are thinsg about me that is annoying to him as well! LOL

~ Marcus is someone that if he is allowed to will sleep till 2pm. Not at my place i make sure he is up with me when jen wakes up! LOLOLOL That alone may make him run! LOL

~ He chews loud! He makes this iwerd sound and i swear just irks me at times...LOL... yes i know petty...LOL

~ he common answer for everything i say is what? i swear its like talking to an old man! LOL

~SNORES!!!! OMG guys i had to sleep on the couch friday night because it got so bad!

~ Doesnt know how to say no to me and jenna which turned jenna into a soiled little girl! and makes me think I could demand anythinga nd he will jump! I told him he can say no that its not a big deal! yes i may be upset at times but he has to realize that he is a persont oo and has every right to feel what he feels!

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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 08:28 AM
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Praying For Spencer

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lol this could get bad emlaugh.gif

1- He is addicted to the computer and once he gets started I cannot get him off for ours he loves "world of worldcraft" or wow dry.gif

2- he leaves hair on the sink when he shaves and usually right after I have cleaned grrrrr growl.gif

3- he HAS to have his space when he is sleeping I CANNOT touch him or he will freak out

4- he never eats right when I cook (which is one reason why I hardly ever cook)

5- he doesn't eat veggies rolleyes.gif

its a good thing I love him tongue.gif

This post has been edited by alyssa'smommy on Jan 9 2007, 08:28 AM

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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 08:31 AM
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Just funny!

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1. Shaving hairs in the sink. I made a whole rant post about that one.

2. He is incapable of twisting the lid on a bottle of pop. We have way too many spill because of that one.

3. He is a sports ADDICT! 'nough said.

4. He's too focused on politics.

5. He can't scrape a plate of food into the trash to save his life.

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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 08:47 AM
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1 He falls asleep on the couch and then gets short with me for not waking him him..... hummm you are a grown man you can find your way to bed

2 He gets up at the crack of dawn and turns on every light in the house and doesn't worry about be quite at all..

3 Hairs in the sink

4 In 9 years of marriage I have never seen him clean the tub or toilet but he uses them both

5 He calls me a million times a day..now at first this was good and sweet but at some point it becomes obsessive.. I think. it just depends on the day how I feel about it...

Posted: Jan 9 2007, 09:03 AM
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The Alpha Male

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wow could get in trouble for answering this one

1. Takes to long in the bathroom to get ready which is tough when there is only 1

2. Window shops like crazy, can't just go to a store for what is needed, has to look at everything

3. Hocking (sp?) sound when she brushes her teeth

4. When she gets mad at me gives me cold shoulder and silent treatment

5. Doesn't always rinse dishes in the sink making them harder to wash

Should I apologize in advance for when she reads these??? smile.gif

Troy, Married to Jennie (Boo&BugsMom), Dad to Tanner("Mini-Me") and Aiden ("Boo Boo").
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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 09:07 AM
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Praying For Spencer

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QUOTE (TheOaf66 @ Jan 9 2007, 11:03 AM)
wow could get in trouble for answering this one

1. Takes to long in the bathroom to get ready which is tough when there is only 1

2. Window shops like crazy, can't just go to a store for what is needed, has to look at everything

3. Hocking (sp?) sound when she brushes her teeth

4. When she gets mad at me gives me cold shoulder and silent treatment

5. Doesn't always rinse dishes in the sink making them harder to wash

Should I apologize in advance for when she reads these??? smile.gif

uhhh YEAH emlaugh.gif

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PMEmail PosterYahooMSN
Posted: Jan 9 2007, 09:23 AM
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I'm still a wee bit in the honeymoon phase where he can do no wrong but there are a few things that make me want to WHAP him.

1. baby talk.. ( to me and the dog...dare i call her a dog laugh.gif ) cute sometimes annoying others.

2. if it's after 10 and he is lying down... (anywhere, and i do mean ANYWHERE) he WILL fall asleep. super annoying if you want to talk at night like i do.

3. He eats like he's never been feed. Like OMG on saterday 6 bloody eggos, 3 eggs and 2 oatmeal packets.

( the next two are gonna sound very feminine but trust me he is ALL man)

4. He can decorate better then i can ( which being a creative person irks the haties out of me)

5. He is by far the most annoying shopper in the world! he looks at stuff for hours and buys a bunch of stuff he doesn't even need. we have yet to go to costco ( fav. store) and leave with a bill under $200.

This is all why he is my favorite super dork! wub.gif

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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 09:46 AM
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Yes it is I....

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Well here I go. And I only get to name 5...

1. He snores so loud.... I am with you on this one Shelly.

2. His tools. He is obsessed with his tools... (way to much money in tools)

3. they way he shops. Looks at things an then touches them and plays with them and prices them. I mean come on if you really want it then get it. Dont wait 2 weeks to decide.

4. Shaving. He shaves in the shower and there are hairs all in the cup that he uses. I have to go and get another cup when I bathe Raygen. NASTY!!!!

5. His darn flip flops. These things are like from 50 years ago. I hate them. He refuses to wear the new pair I bought him cause he likes his. They are so out of style.
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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 10:58 AM
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Ruby Member

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WOW - I can't list just 5 but I will try

1.hairs from shaving
2.Snoring - don't usually sleep in the same bed it is so bad
3.Is a half jobber - anyone know what that is? He will do soemthing but only do half the job and think it is done - BAD

The last 2 aren't annoyances really - just something that bothers me bad!

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Posted: Jan 9 2007, 10:46 PM
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Well this won't be too hard... (I get annoyed very easily sometimes)

1) When he's talking, I better be listening.. Yet when I'm talking, he'll continue to do what he's doing and make me repeat myself a million times - that is, if he even hears me.

2) Seldom rinses dishes off after eating - major one cuz I hate having to wash dishes with caked on gunk.

3) Wants me to stay up late with him every night - he works til usually 10 pm, but I have to get up for work around 5 am

4) Usually on his days off, when I get home from work, I have to take care of Jaden cuz it's "his night off", yet I still do more of the work on Saturdays - the only day we both have off. I can't play that "it's my day off" card

5) He really knows how to tick me off and when he starts, he doesn't stop. Causes some major arguments..


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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 05:23 AM
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Sleep, is over-rated!!!

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ok.. this is such a good post!! Could be very fun indeed..lol

1. Will not wipe up the toast crumbs on the counter after he's done with his toast. GRRRR.. i hate toast crumbs!!!
2. Is WAY to frakin perky in the orning.. and all I want is quiet and he's dancing around and singing.. I may hurt him someday because of this.
3. If I fall asleep on the couch watching tv he will wait until I am in a good sleep and then YELLS.. SHERRI.. scares the holy heck out of me every time but he finds it very amusing..
4. Has to be right about EVERYTHING.. even if I have proof that he is wrong.. he's still right.. a man thing I think with this one.
5. Will set his supper dishes on the counter beside the dishwasher insted of bending over and puttting them in it.

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Hillbilly Housewife
Posted: Jan 10 2007, 05:32 AM
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Ruby Member

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Only 5?! might be tough to control myself... rolling_smile.gif emlaugh.gif

1. Waits until he has a "stack" of either dirty kleenexes, or empty pop cans, on the computer desk or on the kitchen counter before throwing them away. That is, if I can hold off on cleaning them up myself...he says it's the "practical engineer" in him telling him it's more practical for him to only make one trip instead of going to the garbage can every time. rolleyes.gif dry.gif Oh did I mention there's a bag for garbage hung on the computer desk, AND a can next to the kitchen counter?

2. Needs to sit there and wait for a download to complete, he can't do something else at the same time. rolleyes.gif

3. LITTLE HAIRS IN THE SINK... hmm... nope, none of our dh's are capable of wiping them out, from what I can tell... it ain't hard. Using a couple pieces of TP, and SWIPE...poof they're gone. But no. I have to use some elbow grease when I get to them, because they're now fully caked on with the leftover shaving cream and toothpaste. dry.gif

4. Manages to miss the dishwasher when putting his dishes away, which is on the counter above the dishwasher. That is, if he can find his way to the counter in the first place rather than leaving his dishes on the table...

5. Gets water all over the bathroom floor when taking a shower, AND the toilet, AND the counter, AND the hallway carpet, AND our bedroom floor... and somehow, his wet towel always stays on MY side of the bed. Especially if it's not made. dry.gif

The richest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 06:29 AM
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Thinking of you Spencer!

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you guys are a riot! even though these all seem major annoyances i cant wait!!!!!!! LOL

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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 07:15 AM
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Cary the Lemur

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This is actually pretty hard with my fella. Let's see what I can come up with...
1. he complains about his weight but then he will make a dagwood sandwich with half a pound of lunchmeat and half a pound of cheese on bread and eat it with an entire bag of chips. The amount of meat he puts on sandwiches really drives me bezerk
2. he doesn't play with the girls as much as I think he should. He often turns on a movie for them while he watches the news. I do it sometimes but not as often as he does. I guess I feel like if I have to play polly pocket 5 times a day, he should pitch in and do it too.
3. he doesn't clean the kitchen to my standards after dinner. I always have to go in afterwards and wipe down the counters and sink.
4. he will not wash dishes or put his hands in dishwater. He leaves the pans to soak for me to wash later. then he will not bend down to put anything in the bottom cabinets. He just leaves it on the counter for me to put away. growl.gif
5. he snores.


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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 07:42 AM
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My Little Loves

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He works from home so..

1. He leaves dishes in the office constantly
2. He can eat a box of cereal at a time and eats it out of a mixing bowl.
3. He comes out of the office, gets the kids riled up then the phone rings and he must instantly go back to work leaving the kids very upset.
4. He's an impulse buyer!!!

Brenda, a mom and wife in love with my family

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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 08:26 AM
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Sleep, is over-rated!!!

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OMG kit_ kats_ mom..lol... the whole not cleaning the kitchen to your standard.. I HEAR YA GIRLFRIEND..lol.. i never thought of that one at the time..lol.. I SO do that all the time to DH and he tells me that's why I don't bother to do it good cause I know that you will re-do it anyways.. soooo true!!

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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 09:09 AM
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The Alpha Male

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thank goodness my wife hasn't seen this post yet unsure.gif

Troy, Married to Jennie (Boo&BugsMom), Dad to Tanner("Mini-Me") and Aiden ("Boo Boo").
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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 12:39 PM
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Oh goodness, we're still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship so let me see if I can even think of that many.....

1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE pillow talk, but if its dark and we're laying down he is sleeping in like .0002 seconds. ARRG! dry.gif laugh.gif

2. He gets mad at me b/c I can never decide where I want to go eat or what I want to go do, but quite frankly if he would decide then we wouldn't have this problem! tongue.gif

Okay yeah, thats it, but ask me this again in about a year! laugh.gif

Blessed mother to Blakely (7/12/04), Ayden (9/21/07), Addison and Avery (7/2/08)
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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 06:09 PM
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Diamond Member

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I'll try to think of 5, but I'm certain I'm far more annoying than he is. laugh.gif

1. He snores. LOUDLY. But, he is so sweet when I tap him to roll over. wub.gif

2. He has never cleaned a toilet and yet he is the messiest one in the bathroom. He also won't clean his shower and he's the only one who uses it.

3. He won't leave me alone when I'm in a p**** mood. It only makes me more angry.

4. He has to have everything just 'so-so' and yet he doesn't help around here all too often. He just likes to tell me how to do things.

5. He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. What irritates me about this is that it takes me 45 mins to go to sleep and I'm jealous!!!
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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 06:43 PM
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Ok, Dh is sitting right here with me so I'm going to post my 5 and then see what he says are his 5 (in fairness for the men on this board tongue.gif ).

My five petty annoyances of Dh:

1. His snoring! Hands down if I fall asleep after him I can't get to sleep. I could be awake all night becuz of it. I could go in the living room and sleep on the farthest couch from our bedroom and I can still hear him snoring. Argghh!

2. How he always thinks I'm yelling. He talks so darn quietly that anyone could be normally talking and to him they are yelling. rolleyes.gif

3. How he wears out his socks. He pulls his socks on like he's pulling them up to his waist, which in turns wears holes in the heal of his socks faster. The dang guy wears anklets. Why does he have to pull them up light he's wearing pantyhose? dry.gif

4. How he knows what time he or I, depending on whose turn it is, needs to get up in the morning for things to run smoothly. Whoever gets up first is supposed to get up at 6 am, take a shower, then get the other up at 6:15 a.m. When he gets up first he doesn't get up til 6:10 to 6:20 a.m. and then wakes me up 10 minutes later. It doesn't sound like it would throw our morning off, but it does throw mine off.

5. How he ignores my feelings. I could tell him that it's cold in the house. He'll say " no it's not" So I'll say "well I'm cold" and he would reply "no you are not". That irks me to no end because I am cold so why is he telling me I'm not? Drives me BONKERS.

Ok, her is Dh's annoyances of me:

1. He despises how I back seat drive.
2. He hates how my attitude can go from happy to peeved (he used another p word, lol) in seconds.
3. It annoys the heck out of him that I'm always wanting to change things in the house when it's only 9 years old.
4. My parking tickets annoy him.
5. My financial views of money annoy him. I take no vision of the future, I'm only in the here and now. I get peeved (again he used another p word) at him when he trys to look to the future.

Hmmm, do I have the right to object to his? laugh.gif I don't understand his #5, but whatever. rolleyes.gif happy.gif The parking tickets crack me up because I know why it peeves him. My office pays for my parking. I have a parking space about a block, maybe block and a half away from work. Yet I park at the meters right in front of my office when it's cold and windy, rainy or I just don't feel like walking. blush.gif So in turn I get a lot of parking tickets. They are $5 each. They either have to be paid with check via mail or you have to go down to the county clerk to pay with check or cash. Well I don't like to tell Dh about the tickets because then he nags me and so I can't write a check or I'd have to tell him. I'm too lazy to go to the clerks office, so I don't do anything about it. Next thing you know the ticket payment reminder comes in the mail. Dh gets the mail first so then I have to explain the price of the ticket goes from $5 to $10 becuz it's overdue. blush.gif You wouldn't want to know how much money I've spent each year for tickets. blush.gif blush.gif I told him if he wouldn't nag at me for getting them I'd tell him as soon as I get them, but he still does it. tongue.gif

wife to hubby, Ryan Douglas
mommy to Kylie (9) and Megan (6.5)
and furbabies Gavin, Buster, Sox, and Hailey

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Our Lil' Family
Posted: Jan 10 2007, 07:09 PM
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We're a Who Dat family!

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Ok, I'll add mine

1. He chews with his mouth open! I keep trying to tell him he has to set a good example for Thomas! I'm constantly giving him "the look" to close his mouth.

2. He slams the lid to the toilet EVERY TIME he goes to the bathroom. Ok, so some of you may complain that your husband leaves the seat up but mine puts the seat and the lid down but he SLAMS them!

3. He takes his under shirts off inside out so they stay that way until they come out of the dryer and I have to switch them before hanging them up. I've recently started hanging them up inside out....he fixes them himself! wink.gif

4. When he gets in bed he has to pull almost all of the covers down to get in, which lets in cold air!! And it's usually just as I've gotten warm and cozy! mad.gif

5. He'll leave the tv on one channel just long enough to get me interested in something then in the commercial he'll change it and never go back and the cycle starts over!

Looking at these helped me to realize, if this is all I have to complain about, I've got it pretty good. I'm happy because initially I didn't want to participate in this because I thought it would bring me down but it did the opposite, so THANKS!!! wub.gif wub.gif

Naomi, Wife to Tim & Mommy to Thomas (7) and Andrew (2)
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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 07:41 PM
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QUOTE (Jamison'smama @ Jan 10 2007, 10:42 AM)
He works from home so..

2. He can eat a box of cereal at a time and eats it out of a mixing bowl.

My DH does this....drives me CRAZY!!!

1. I usually go to bed first b/c I get up earlier....he NEVER picks up after himself once I'm in bed....the house will be spotless when I go to sleep and I'll wake up to a glass on the end table, bag of chips on the floor, empty soda bottle on the kitchen counter, etc...

2. see quote above...

3. Nags me about not playing with the girls enough when I've worked all day and he hasn't.

4. Can't match the girl's clothes to save his life and won't even try....who thinks that leopard spots looks good with stripes, really??

5. The hairs in the sink...like everyone else. emlaugh.gif
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Posted: Jan 10 2007, 08:53 PM
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I like this topic smile.gif

1. Of course, just like almost everyone else the hairs in the sink which I make him clean up smile.gif

2. When he goes to help his friend work on his race car (saying he'll only be gone for an hour or two) and be gone all day.

3. I get tired of repeating what I say because he doesn't listen (some of the time)

4. The spaghetti westerns that he watches dry.gif

5. He loves Johnny Cash and I can't stand his music sad.gif

But other than that, I love him to death wub.gif


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Posted: Jan 15 2007, 11:22 AM
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1. he brings smelly chips or crackers into the bed at night for a late night snack. This was a huge problem when I was pg, I was so hungry but would puke my guts out if I ate one chip.

2. leaves all of his clothes/towels in the bathroom floor after he showers.

3. chews too loudly - especially gum, everytime he has gum I can hardly control my self from slapping him.

4. makes this spitting sound like he has something on his tongue that he can't get off.

5. dumps out colored drinks in the sink and allows it to dry there.

Olivia Paige 10.21.04
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Posted: Jan 15 2007, 11:29 AM
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Thinking of you Spencer!

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oh i have to add one more...

Marcus keeps me up till 2am doing this and that wink.gif but then when Jenna wakes up at 730-830am i get up but he stays in bed and sleeps. He doesnt do thsi all teh time but on occasion he does.IRKS me to no end. So i would go into the bedroom and say.. Marcus how is it that you keep me up all night but only i get up and you get to sleep in? so he smiles and then gets up! I told him that when he sleeps here he is to get up when i do...

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