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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Expecting Club > Hey ladies, how are those soccer players doing?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 30 2003, 07:59 PM
They still kicking away? Is it to the point you can't sleep at night yet? Ashley was always most active at 3 am!!!

Posted by: CantWait Mar 30 2003, 11:19 PM
yes I know what you mean, Anthony is most active between 12am and 3am.
And it's nonstop circus fun.... rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif LOL

Posted by: madaise Mar 31 2003, 04:50 AM
oooh... I remember those nights, lol!

Posted by: KatieLeigh79 Mar 31 2003, 05:59 AM
Mine normally kicks from 3-6 and once in a while during the day - though saturday night i had food poisoning so bad i was up all night sick and made them rather mad because i didn't feel anything the rest of sunday as i got better - though this morning we seem to be up and happy that i finally decided to at least eat a bagel *lol*... though now i still swear id love to meet this little person, im starting to border on uncomfortable and even the few hours im working a week is getting harder and harder to do - tongue.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 31 2003, 06:22 AM
Katie, I am so sorry you were sick. But, glad to hear you are feeling better.

I hope all of you get some rest -- but, I'm jealous, I'm stating to miss those kicks...uttt ohh!

Posted by: KatieLeigh79 Mar 31 2003, 07:43 AM
I'm already starting to wonder how depressed i will get to when im not used to the 3am wake up kicks wink.gif Already told DH we need yet another but hes breaking out in hives from stress already worried about this baby & work and everything else - he's never acted like this before and im not sure what to do with him, he seems so drawn in and worried and im really not sure how to bring all this up to him *laugh* .. maybe we just need a shrink. Any advice, ive even offered to go away for a weekend to relatives but then hes worried the baby will make a surprise apperance and he won't be around.

Posted by: TLCDad Mar 31 2003, 07:48 AM
I know the feeling wink.gif But just let him know that once the baby is here, his emotions will change completely for the better. When I first held Ashley I could not understand how I could love something so small so much. To this day the memory of that day still brings tears of joy to my eyes! emlaugh.gif wub.gif

Posted by: supermom Mar 31 2003, 11:37 AM
Well, since we are barely eligible for this forum (due 8/20) laugh.gif then we do feel the baby, regularly, but not so bad yet that it's kicking dad or Anders out of bed yet......of course, like all of mine, when I try to lay down s/he gets active!

And KatieLeigh, you won't be depressed - giggle - you'll be too tired doing the 3 am feedings..... laugh.gif And glad you are feeling better, take good care of yourself.

Posted by: ellesbells Mar 31 2003, 11:47 AM
If he's not a soccer player then he's a gymnast!! never stops! LOL


Posted by: KatieLeigh79 Mar 31 2003, 01:44 PM
..Well i broke down and went to the Dr. because he just was refusing to move since Saturday Nights little party - She told me he is fine (i keep saying he but the heart rate this time was over 150 - higher then it has ever been) but stunned so thats why i feel no movement.. some days you really cant win *lol* i have a husband thats over stressed with hives & a baby thats protesting already and refusing to move because hes mad at me... Please tell me this gets easier!! rolleyes.gif

Posted by: supermom Mar 31 2003, 01:52 PM
I am so glad the little one is fine. Please don't stress yourself too much, it's not good for either of you. We are thinking of you.

I won't say it gets easier, but it is DEFINATELY worth it. Like today when the 3 yo walked up to me and says, "Mommy, I SURE love you a lot!" - smile - it's all worth it !!!

Posted by: TLCDad Mar 31 2003, 02:05 PM
Katie, what gave you food poisoning btw?

Posted by: CantWait Mar 31 2003, 06:24 PM
That's too sweet supermom

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 31 2003, 06:42 PM
Katie... I am sorry you had that scare. I went to the doc about two weeks before Ashley was born because I hadn't felt her move all day by 3pm. Ashley was a VERY active baby and it was so not like her to not move all day. I even ate orange juice and cookies and laid down on my left side for 1/2 hour. So, I finally went to the doc, and they decided to do an U/S. As soon as I was on the table, Ashley started kickin. LOL I guess sometimes they have lazy days just like us.

But, I think Supermom said it best with her story, it is definately worth it!

Supermom, you brought tears to my eyes. That could be a good hallmark commercial. I cry at those too!

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 1 2003, 12:01 AM
If he's not a soccer player then he's a gymnast!! never stops! LOL
LOL! You're gonna have an active one on your hands Ellie! smile.gif

Posted by: KatieLeigh79 Apr 1 2003, 10:20 AM
Stay away from Wendys Chicken Salad *laugh* im all done with that (as to the wonder of food poisoning) and the critter still is refusing to move!! But its okay the doctor said i probably really upset him (and now with the heart rate higher then ever before im wondering if it is a him!!) Anyone else after 30 some weeks find that your stomach just always feels full or "yuck" and your never hungry? Ive had a bowl of cereal and an orange today and that didn't even taste good smile.gif

Posted by: supermom Apr 1 2003, 10:40 AM
Was sick with #2 all the way thru the pregnancy, and never could keep anything down. Only time in my life that the doc told me I *had* to gain weight laugh.gif since I've always been on the heavy side!

But, if you feel yucky, part is because baby *is* getting bigger, taking up more room. Try eating smaller, more bland meals, about 6-8 per day, instead of three "regular" meals we usually eat. That might help you get over feeling yucky and full all the time.

Glad you are feeling a bit better, just take care of yourself and rest, and relax, and try not to stress too much...


Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 1 2003, 04:02 PM
I am with Supermom... stick with small meals more often. thumb.gif When I got that big, I ate more often and pee'd more often. I should have just moved my cot into the bathroom with a portable fridge. Or my cot into the kitchen with a portable pot. LOL rolling_smile.gif

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