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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Expecting Club > Anyone here almost ready ...

Posted by: supermom Apr 10 2003, 10:45 AM
May isn't that far away, and was just wondering if anyone was even close? Don't think there are many posters in this "Club" but hopefully there will be some more come out of hiding and post here....

If you "belong" here, when is your EDD?

Mine is Aug 20th, and I am always overdue. This time, though, will be a scheduled C so we should be pretty close to that date.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 10 2003, 01:20 PM
I recognize some of the member's names from another board so I think some just haven't had time to post yet or are just lurking atm.

But, Supermom, I bet you are getting excited!!! It won't be long now!

Posted by: supermom Apr 10 2003, 02:46 PM
Yes, was hoping to "lure" some of them out of hiding to post here - giggle - so I could get to know some more of them before their bundles of joy got here.....I know there is KatieLeigh79 and CantWait and I am not sure of some other's due dates.

We're a little over half way thru now - and just getting to feel baby all the time is awesome......I really enjoy being pregnant (at least MOST of the time - laugh.gif) But I'm with Can'tWait - I really can't wait to get to meet this new little person!

Posted by: MamaMartie Apr 10 2003, 07:37 PM
wavey.gif Hi all. I am new here. Someone emailed me about the site and I thought I'd come check it out.

I am a SAHM with 3 children (6, 4, 2) and one due May 25th. I am so excited for our new baby to arrive. And, believe it or not, already wondering how long I'll wait to have another one. Thes kids are just so much fun, at any age, that I don't think I'll ever be "done." biggrin.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 10 2003, 07:54 PM
wavey.gif Hi Martie and Welcome!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! baby.gif It won't be too much longer! smile.gif Sounds like you have a wonderful family! I am looking forward to getting to know you and them better!

Welcome again, glad you joined us! biggrin.gif

Posted by: CantWait Apr 10 2003, 10:07 PM
I'm so with you supermom, and you're right.......where is everyone in this category hiding??? Come out come out whereever you are.

We're oviously got some time left, but in terms of fixing the baby's room, it's just about done...and we don't need very many new items for the baby seeing on how we still have everything from Robbie. Now it's just the fun shopping, I want it therefore I'm getting it LOL.

And there's a rocking chair I really want in toys r us, I never had one for Robbie but I really want one this time in the nursery, but it's really expensive, will have to save for a bit.

Posted by: MamaMartie Apr 11 2003, 04:57 AM
biggrin.gif The nursery is well on its way. It is painted blue with clouds on the celing (which is curved) and walls. The crib is up and ready and so is the bed in there. Now all I need to do is put away all the clothes I organized around Christmas time, put together the diaper table, & get the carseat in the van.

I've gotten to the point when I am completely obsessed with getting ready for this new baby and I have to force myself to sit down and do less. My last 2 came at 36 weeks and I'll be 34 this weekend. So I am torn between getting it all done now, and taking it really easy to try to cut down on the risk of PTL. But I feel so good, and with my last 2 I felt awful, so part of me says that this time I might just have a "normal" pg.

Of course it would be very very humorous if I went past my due date for the first time ever. Well it is funny now, but 7 weeks from now if I haven't had this baby I'll probably be crazed. wacko.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Apr 11 2003, 06:12 AM
Hey! Zach's room is blue with white clouds too!! loL!!

I want another baby!!! the more I htink about it, the more I want it to happen!!! smile.gif

Posted by: supermom Apr 11 2003, 06:52 AM
wavey.gif Hi MamaMartie!

Glad you came to join us! Sounds like you have got quite the family there. And you are definately right, kids are soooo much fun. The wonder and joy they bring to your life is immeasurable!! The trials and tribulations of teenagers are even worth it when they grow up to be fine young men and women!

I've gone overdue with all of mine, and have had 2 induced because I have a hard time with high blood pressure. I think I would rather go a bit early - well, maybe not at 34 weeks, that would be kinda scary.

Don't work too hard, we want you to be in good shape with this one too smile.gif

Sigh, we need a bigger house - Anders (who is three) is still sleeping in our room, and we've got one due in August. Not real sure what we'll be doing with either of them as far as living arrangements go. So, no nursery to fix up but we still need to get a small bed for the new one! But that's OK, we're cramped but very very happy about the new arrival. We tried for over a year this time to get PG, unlike last time when we got PG in less than a month!

And Can'tWait - when is your due date again? <I have CRS Syndrome! laugh.gif>

Posted by: CantWait Apr 11 2003, 06:57 PM
Due Date is July 15th baby.gif

Posted by: volleymommy Apr 12 2003, 03:05 PM
Hi Everyone!
This is my first time on this board. Someone on my board @ mentioned it so I thought I would check it out. I'm due on August 24th with our first!!! It's DEFINATELY a boy and we couldn't be happier biggrin.gif My dh and I are so excited for him to come so we can see who he looks like and what kind of personality he has. Unfortunately we are in the middle of moving from Tennessee (dh's home state) to Ohio (my home state) so we haven't had the time to get the baby's room fixed up yet unsure.gif But hopefully once we get everything moved in and in it's place, we'll get started. Congrats to everyone on their pregnancies. Isn't such a fun experience????

EDD 8-24-03

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 12 2003, 03:42 PM
wavey.gif Hi Kelly!

Welcome! Congratulation on the pregnancy! forum_balloon.gif

It's nice to meet you! What part of Ohio are you moving to? I live in Dayton! There are several members here from Ohio as well.

Looking forward to getting to know you better!

Posted by: supermom Apr 12 2003, 05:45 PM
YEAH!!! Another one in our club - giggle!!

Hi Kellie! wavey.gif
Welcome to Parenting Club. Congratulations!!! Glad to have you here, you and I are due just about the same time. We didn't find out what we are having, we like suprises.

I'm a mom to four and this will be number 5 - three are older, one is three, and then #5 is due Aug 20.

I think you will really like it here, hope to see you around.

Posted by: CantWait Apr 12 2003, 06:27 PM
Hi smile.gif Welcome to the board volleymommy, I'm Marie, expecting our second boy July 15th.

I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay, lots of great people and lots of fun. biggrin.gif

Posted by: crystalc Apr 12 2003, 06:35 PM
Hi everyone! I got the link to this today at My name is Crystal and my due date is June 16. I am having a girl. This is my first. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. My husband and I have separated and will probably get divorced before she is born. Are there any other single mothers out there willing to give advice? I am lucky enough to have a great family to help out. Great meeting all of you. Good luck!!


Posted by: supermom Apr 12 2003, 07:30 PM
Hi Crystal!
wavey.gif Glad to have you here.....and congratulations on your new little girl.....

Welcome to ParentingClub and we are glad to see you here....

I am not single now, but would offer any other kind of advice that I could to help you, or just lend an ear if you need to vent or anything....and from what I have seen, everyone else is a pretty good listener too... All of the people I have talked to here are really friendly and helpful. I really do think that you will enjoy yourself here.

So sorry to hear about your upcoming divorce, but do know sometimes these things happen.. <HUGS>

Hope to see you around and if there is anything we all can do, please don't hesitate to post.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 12 2003, 09:06 PM
Hi Crystal wavey.gif and Welcome!

Congratulations on the pregnancy... girls are sooo much fun! I understand about being nervous and excited at the same time, I am a first time Mommy too!

I am sorry you are going through a separation/divorce at this time, but it's great that you have the support of your family! That will really help out! And, you have us now too!!!

It's so nice to meet you and I am looking forward to chatting more.

Posted by: fitmom726 Apr 15 2003, 06:59 AM
HI! I'm Robin a SAHM to Sarah (5) and am due anywhere from 7/17/03 to 8/5/03! I can't wait to see when this kid actually comes! wacko.gif
We found out that it's a boy and we are soooo excited! I wanted a boy more than hubby did, but he's more excited about it now.
I look forward to getting to know you all!

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 15 2003, 07:02 AM
Hi Robin and Welcome! wavey.gif

Congratulations on your boy that is about to enter this world! smile.gif

It's nice to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you as well! I am Dee Dee by the way, I am a WAHM.

Posted by: jdkjd Apr 15 2003, 07:02 AM
Hi and Welcome!! As a new mom, it seems more exciting to hear about other people's exciting for you and your DH! wavey.gif

Posted by: supermom Apr 15 2003, 07:12 AM
Hi Robin! wavey.gif
Glad to see you are getting your "wish" with a boy! Babies are so wonderful......

I'm Beverly, mother to four (18, 16, almost 14 and 3) plus one on the way in August.

I'm sure you will find everyone here friendly and helpful - I know I did!!

Hope to see you around, and congratulations and good luck!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Apr 15 2003, 08:19 AM
Welcome!! groupwave.gif grouphug.gif

Posted by: Daniele Grigsby Apr 20 2003, 11:25 AM
Hi there

Posted by: Daniele Grigsby Apr 20 2003, 11:38 AM
Hi there again,
I am due June 6th, found this site from a link at diaper pin. I am a SAHM to Joshua ( 8 ) and Jeremiah (3). This baby is a girl and so far we have decided on Madison smile.gif We live in Portland OR area. I am a certified Doula and Lactation Consultant also, and I also make my own cloth diapers to sell. I have been married almost 11 years. I have had 2 scheduled C sections and I am praying for a VBAC this time. I long to have a water birth, but I am high risk so unfortunately that won't happen. My boys were HUGE, Josh was 9 lbs, & Jeremiah was 10/3 oz's, So I am really hoping for a 7 or 8 pounder this time! I am a "child birth Junkie" or so my hubby calls me. Ha ha. Happy Easter everyone. And God Bless. Oh yeah.....I can not wait to hold this little gift from God. I think I am more excited due to the fact that I am older 29 now, and I have a better prospective as to how fast they grow up, before you know it they are in prechool... I will also say that Gymboree has the cutest little girl clothes but I have been banned from girl clothes shopping from my hubby. At least until she is born smile.gif Take care everyone and I look forward to getting to know you all.

Posted by: supermom Apr 20 2003, 12:07 PM
Hi Danielle:
Welcome and congratulations on your new little one-to-be....

That is great that you are a doula and LC - I am sure that you will be able to help answer some questions ! Everyone here is friendly and helpful, and I sure do look forward to getting to know you better.

Hope to see you around, take care....

Posted by: MamaMartie Apr 20 2003, 07:37 PM
wavey.gif Hi Everyone and welcome to all the other newbies!

This week has been hectic with the holiday and my crazed nesting. Thanks for my warm welcome and I will try to get online more this week.

I am so psyched that I've made it to 35 weeks. I have truly tried not to go nuts with nesting (my current obession is paining all our white walls) but it is so hard. I had my dh hide the painting supplies. laugh.gif

How is everyone else feeling? I see there are some new posters with summer due dates. Summer babies are fun.

I hope you all had a good weekend!


Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 20 2003, 08:20 PM
Try to get some rest and resist that nesting urge. You need your rest!!! If you are nesting like that, it could be any time now!!! smile.gif

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