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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Expecting Club > nervous about induction

Posted by: kimberley Aug 26 2003, 09:11 AM
i am starting to have serious second thoughts about the induction. i am anxious to meet my baby and in no way do i want to cause any harm, but i can't help but feel this is so unnatural and sort of wrong.

i went into labor on my own with both of the boys. one was on time, the other was a week late and came the day before i was scheduled for the induction. on friday, they are skipping the gel and going straight for the pitocin which i already know brings on violent contractions. i had a pit drip with my first but AFTER i had the epi because the epi slowed things down. i labored my second with no drugs cuz the epi man was in surgery and i really don't want to go through that again. I feel like i have no control over my own birth experience here and am disappointed that my body is not doing this on its own. I wish i could just wait.

the possibility that the edd was off by 2 weeks is very likely since i didn't get a visit from aunt flo after we m/c nov 15 last year, which would put the date of conception 9 days after the m/c and i don't think that is accurate. dr agrees, but is still pushing for the induction.

any BTDT advice from moms who were induced?

i am really freaking out here! bawling.gif

edd 8/18 with #3

DH Jamie
DS Jacob
DS James
Angel Nov 15/02

Posted by: supermom Aug 26 2003, 09:26 AM
BTDT two (no, make that three) times. I was induced with my first and my last two, all for medical reasons. Remember the first one was 18 years ago, and things are a lot different now. So, for the last two, I give both of them a "Thumbs Up"!!

One reason the pitocin *can* give you such hard contractions is the dose at which it is given. If he starts out gradually, there is no reason you can't have something more similar and that follows the line of naturally started labor. That was what happened with Anders, and it went well (had epis with both of them). It was really an experience that I would have as soon had start on it's own, but I can't say that I regret being induced with either of them.

My OB said that there is a certain "score" that a doctor devised to determine when an induction would be successful as opposed to when it would fail. I am sure your OB would know what you are talking about if you would ask him/her.

Is there a particular reason (other than overdue) they are pushing you to have the induction? Are there any concerns about the babe or you? If you are that determined to go "au naturale" then I would discuss this again with your OB. Most, if you are that opposed to it, won't push unless there is a medical reason that would put either you or the baby at risk. I do believe the cutoff is 42 weeks, and on friday you won't quite be there. Maybe you could reach a compromise with him/her about it?

HTH - and great big HUGS to you - hang in there, it's almost over!!

Posted by: Guest Aug 26 2003, 09:53 AM
the only reason he wants to induce is because i am overdue and he doesn't see any reason in prolonging the pg. baby and my fluid and placenta are fine. i think he just wants to get this pg over with so he has 1 less annoying patient. i have really had problems with this OB ever since he said we can't BD after 36wks. it was a job to get him to agree to wait until friday.

i will talk to the nurse about starting the pitocin slowly and demand the epi asap. this hospital seems to have an anesthetist shortage or something and i dread the thought of going thru what i did with DS #2.

thanks for the advice and sharing your experiences.


Posted by: 5littleladies Aug 26 2003, 10:05 AM
I don't have any advice-my only experience with induction was with my last-I was scheduled for induction and I was petrified but she decided to come out on her own that day. (she did have a little help-Dr. broke my water ) Hopefully baby will decide to come out on his/her own before Friday. I just wanted to say hugs to you and hang in there! grouphug.gif

Posted by: amynicole21 Aug 26 2003, 10:08 AM
Kimberly, I was induced with Sophia. I didn't mind it so much since they were inducing me so that I could get rid of the horrible rash (PUPPS) that was creating agony and no sleep for me for a week before that. The contractions were strong, but as soon as I got the epi I dialated 7 cm in about 10 minutes. It really sped up the process!! The only thing I hated was having to be hooked up to the pit drip so I couldn't get out of bed except to pee, and then I had to drag the thing in the bathroom with me. I wanted to be able to walk the halls, but nothing doing. I haven't ever labored without being induced, so I don't have anything to compare it to. As far as I know, the only problem with going past the due date is the risk of merconium stools in the womb. I would really push to hold off another few days if that's what you would rather do. Ultimately, it's your choice, isn't it? I wasn't thrilled with my birth experience, and I regret not standing up for myself more to this day. Good luck to you!

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 26 2003, 01:37 PM

I had an induction with my DD, my first and only child, so I have no other reference. BUT I would never go an induction again, unless it was absolutely necessary. I had a bad birth experience and would not wish it on anyone. Partly mine was becuz I ended up having to have a c-section. But I often wonder if I would have just waited patiently to have the baby if things would have been much differently.

I just recently wrote my birth story, I couldn't do it 11.5 months ago becuz it was too painful for me. Alot has to do with how I felt like a failure, etc.

I don't have it up on my website yet, but if you would like to read my experience I can email it to you. I don't want to scare you and I will STRESS that everybody's body responds to birthing so differently. But I just have a LOT of "WHAT IF's" that I will have the rest of my life and I wonder if I would have not had the induction if things would have been better. What really sucks is that I have to say I had a bad birth experience. That is horrible to say becuz I got a beautiful baby girl out of it and I hate for her to know one day that it was bad, but we all will never know why it really was. It could have been the induction, it could have been her size, it could have been a number of things.

Hang in there sweetie! My ultimate advice is...if you are questioning having the induction, then WAIT until you are ABSOLUTELY comfortable with the idea. Please!!


BTW, I know many women who had inductions and had a GREAT birth experience, though. So don't just go off of mine. YOU have to feel comfortable with YOUR decision.

Posted by: kimberley Aug 26 2003, 01:51 PM
this is exactly what i am afraid of! the more intervention taken, the better the chance of even more intervention... like a c-section! i am sorry to hear you had such a difficult birth experience and pray your next one is better. i feel completely torn and like a failure that my body just isn't doing what it should before the dr makes me have this baby. i really don't know what to do... i just want to run away from it all and wait, but don't want to risk the baby's health. ahhhhhhh wacko.gif

email me at:

thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Posted by: dolfinrse Aug 26 2003, 02:13 PM
I was also induced with ds. It was the worst experience of my life. I went to the dr. on my due date and they scheduled an appt for the next day. We went in at 830 am and they broke my water and started the pit all at once. Mind you, I was already 2 cm before I even went in. The first hour or so of contractions were not bad, but all of a sudden the contractions were really bad. Within 2 hours of being in labor, I needed an epi. I couldn't take it anymore, the contractions were one on top of the other, and I was only 3 cm. The epi would wear off and the dr. would give me more, this went on til I was 10 cm. Then I had no control of anything. The contractions were so bad I was cursing at the drs, nurses, poor dh. Finally, I was so worn out, I couldn't push anymore, even though Zack was right there. They had to use the vaccum on his head because he got stuck on my pelvic bone. When he was born, he was not breathing, he had the cord around his neck and had swallowed meconium. Within minutes, drs from the nicu had him breathing, but we didn't get to hold him when he was first born. We went to see him in nicu a few hours later, but were only allowed to stay for 45 min. I don't think the induction had anything to do with the cord or the meconium, but it had to be the scariest thing of our lives. BTW, the reason I got induced was because they thought he was going to be over 10lbs, they even did an u/s, he ended up being born 7lbs. 1 oz.

Sorry this got so long, but I started rambling. Good Luck!!! I hope baby comes before Friday.

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 26 2003, 05:44 PM
Hi Kim..
I was induced with my first son ten years ago, he was two weeks late. My story is so much different from yours, I never recieved a full does because both our heart rates would drop. After 14 hours "someone" came in (shift change I guess) checked the machine and started screaming ER now!! We had an emergency section at 3:29 am. I read the post about your fluid and you seem to be in great hands. I am sure the due date is just alittle off. Take care and rest up for the big day.

Posted by: Jamison'smama Aug 26 2003, 05:53 PM
No matter what, you are not a failure--you carried that baby so well it doesn't want to leave smile.gif ! As I told a friend of mine, your baby is just in there growing more eyelashes.

I was induced after being 10 days past due---I would have loved to "go into labor" they thought my baby was big--it wasn't but oh well. I ended up with a C-Section and I was told that inductions do end up with more C-Sections but that may not be the case for you.

No matter what, the end result is the same--you have a beautiful baby. However you decide to do this is right for you---you do what is best for your family. Talk with the Dr about risks for waiting-----if there are none, wait a few days--if he is concerned and it seems valid--hey, you'll get to hold your baby sooner. Either way, things will be great!!

My birth story was certainly not great but the end result was--and hey, C-Section babies can have perfectly round heads--there is an up-side to everything.

Hang in there---Hugs to you!

Posted by: MommyToAshley Aug 26 2003, 05:58 PM
Hi Kimberly,

I was induced too. I was kind of torn about it as well... my Doc didn't want me to go over a week past my due date, but I wanted the baby to come naturally. I read about all the risks with the baby going too far past the due date and reluctantly decided on the induction.

I have nothing to compare to, so I don't know if the labor was worse than going into labor naturally. But, I am glad I was induced because Ashley was a big baby and had she gotten any bigger then I would have had a c-section. (I had a bad tear as it was). She also had a long cord... when she would move she would lay on the cord and her heartrate would drop, so I guess in hindsight I am glad that I did have the induction.

I would discuss your concerns with your Doc and decide what is best for YOU. Maybe you will go into labor before Friday and you won't have to worry about an induction!

grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

Posted by: Schnoogly Aug 26 2003, 07:00 PM
You've probably tried the natural labor induction techniques right? Like walking, sex, eat fresh pineapple (worked for me I think!) you might even let the OB strip your membranes at this point to avoid induction. Hopefully things will get started on their own! Nipple stimulation also might help at this point but might cause strong contractions but hey better than pitocin right??

BTW I wasn't induced, water broke at 38 weeks when I had the flu (after eating the pineapple!) but my labor was pretty awful, long, etc. But also my first--by the third baby maybe your body knows what it's doing??

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 27 2003, 06:43 AM
QUOTE (Jamison'smama @ Aug 26 2003, 07:53 PM)
No matter what, you are not a failure--you carried that baby so well it doesn't want to leave smile.gif ! As I told a friend of mine, your baby is just in there growing more eyelashes.

I was induced after being 10 days past due---I would have loved to "go into labor" they thought my baby was big--it wasn't but oh well. I ended up with a C-Section and I was told that inductions do end up with more C-Sections but that may not be the case for you.

No matter what, the end result is the same--you have a beautiful baby. However you decide to do this is right for you---you do what is best for your family. Talk with the Dr about risks for waiting-----if there are none, wait a few days--if he is concerned and it seems valid--hey, you'll get to hold your baby sooner. Either way, things will be great!!

My birth story was certainly not great but the end result was--and hey, C-Section babies can have perfectly round heads--there is an up-side to everything.

Hang in there---Hugs to you!

That was definately an UPSIDE to a c-section....perfectly round head!!!!! wub.gif

Posted by: supermom Aug 27 2003, 06:57 AM
I have to add that I wish I had said that! Whatever you end up doing, remember the end result is what is important. You are NOT a failure. And you both are in my thoughts - a LOT!! Hugs and extra hugs for you - here's hoping that you don't have to do what you don't want to, but also here's hoping extra hard for your new one to get here happy and healthy!! Prayers, well wishes and all that is good to the three of you. Please let us know when you can how things are going!!

Posted by: jdkjd Aug 27 2003, 07:25 AM
I was induced and loved it.

To troubleshoot some of the above complications:

1) I would make sure that they start the pitocin gradually, they can always increase it;

2) Try and hold off the breaking of the waters as long as possible-the breaking of the waters makes the contractions 100 times more painful (so, try and get an epi-if you want one-when they tell you they are planning on breaking the bag). ALSO, the bag of waters protects the baby from infection, so delaying the breaking protects the baby longer;

3) Remember that as long as the baby is healthy, the day is a success. If you impose to many "goals" on the sequence of events, you are bound to be disappointed (I have this same rule for prospective brides-as long as your married, the wedding worked wub.gif )

4) Talk to your doctor in detail before you get there about how you want the day to go, also have your main concerns/requirements written down so that you can point the nurses to it. Feeling prepared always helps calm my jitters.

5) ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!! Most important, and that we are all here for you WHENEVER you need to ask questions/vent/etc.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 27 2003, 07:42 AM
Kimberly and Jamie;

WHy can't you have intercourse? Is there a medical reason? Or just because your doctor sucks? I say go for it. Up and down, all around. Otherwise, try other types of stimulation (hands, mouth, etc....). Orgasms are PROVEN to contract the uterus. Maybe if your uterus is contracted enough by *pleasure*, it may get going on it's own. Not only that, but the prostaglandins in the sperm will kick start contractions as well.....And, tell Jamie to play with your nipples!! blush.gif

Walk around a LOT. Go for bumpy car rides. Eat Pineapple.

MY doctor told me this (and please, anyone, correct me if I'm wrong): to buy the gel capsules of Evening Primrose Oil. This comes in a capsule similar looking to vitamin E. This is not an herb to induce your labor but to help ripen your cervix and make your labor faster. You can take up to 5 a day after 38 weeks of pregnancy. It also ripens the cervix. And yes, it goes *there*, by the cervix.... lol

He also told me to go right ahead and use Acupressure - There are two points that can be stimulated until it causes contractions. They are:
In the webbing of your thumb and pointer finger. Press around that spot hard! If it hurts it's the right place. Keep pressing until you get a contraction. Stop!! When the contraction is done begin again.

The other place is on the inside of your ankle. Find your inside ankle bone. Go up your leg four finger spaces. Push very hard. This should hurt. If it does, it's the right place. Do the same as the directions above.

Be careful when doing the acupressure points. When a contraction starts, stop pushing the point! Or else you will have a double contraction!

I did all of this, starting on August 28th, I went in labor August 30th and had Zach. I was only due September 5th. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Schnoogly Aug 27 2003, 08:15 AM
Yeah I've heard that about evening primrose oil. It doesn't have any bad side effects that I know of and it just might help! At this point I agree about the sex...the only reason to avoid it as I understand is to avoid pre-term labor, and heck that isn't you is it??? If you are group b strep + it is still OK, as I did research on this because I was strep b positive my whole PG from a strep bladder infection and I wanted to make sure. I don't know what other reasons there are???

And I agree about the bag of waters. My water broke first, had ctx every 2-3 minutes the whole time and it was just awful!!! You definitely want to wait until at least 6-7cm for that. Also if you can stand waiting for the epidural that long I'd wait, since it does tend to slow ctx down when you're being induced. It actually made my labor progress faster but I had awful back labor (sunny side up baby) and I was in agony. I waited until 6-7cm though.

Also Zach's mom, are you sure your doc wasn't a midwife??? I've never heard an actual MD OB suggest evening primrose in the states it's considered pretty alternative medicine.

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 27 2003, 11:43 AM
Just a side note, we had no intercourse for 98% of my pregnancy. I had placenta previa and could do nothing nothing down there.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 27 2003, 11:49 AM
QUOTE (Schnoogly @ Aug 27 2003, 12:15 PM)

Also Zach's mom, are you sure your doc wasn't a midwife??? I've never heard an actual MD OB suggest evening primrose in the states it's considered pretty alternative medicine.

I'm POSITIVE he wasn't a midwife. He was a very young doctor (27), and HE had also just had a baby, a few months before me. Well not him, his wife. Duh. You know what I mean. emlaugh.gif He's also very open to different suggestions. I ask him all KINDS of wierd questions...and he always looked up the answers for me and called me back if he didn,t have them right away. Really awesome doctor. I have him again this time around! happy.gif

THEY paid for a midwife, and that's what she had suggested to them.... so when he suggested it, I was a little skeptical. tongue.gif But I looked it up all over the net....and you can find it no problem.

I figure....if it has no negative effects, who has to know what I put up there? happy.gif

Posted by: Schnoogly Aug 27 2003, 11:51 AM
QUOTE (Sammy's Mom @ Aug 27 2003, 12:43 PM)
Just a side note, we had no intercourse for 98% of my pregnancy. I had placenta previa and could do nothing nothing down there.

True, but you probably had c-section right? They won't induce you when you have placenta previa right? I was thinking of reasons a normal pg who was overdue couldn't have sex.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 27 2003, 11:55 AM
Maybe the doc isn't getting any, so he figures he'll stop someone else from, to make hmself feel better. I say go for a bump in the night!

bump.gif bump.gif

Posted by: kimberley Aug 27 2003, 02:21 PM
ok, i just got back from walking around the mall for over 2hrs. bought some pineapple, was told raspberry tea works better than primrose oil, will try the accupressure AND Jamie won't be online much tonight LOL! blush.gif (once the boys are in bed of course!)

my OB doesn't look like he would "get" much and is the only OB in the practice who feels that way about BD after 36wks. there is no medical reason for us not to since i have had a normal (but long) pg, so... he can go fly a kite!

he won't be there for the induction, so i will tell the nurse or on call Dr that i do not want my water broken (i have always been adamant about that) and hopefully by the time i get there, i won't be needing the pitocin!

thank you ladies for all the advice and support! it has helped a lot. i am still a little nervous about things but the dangers to the baby seem to outweigh the risks of the inducement and if started gradually, this can be close to natural labor. also, if i wait til monday, i worry that i won't get the best care since it is a holiday and a lot of people off at the hospital.
i am still praying things happen on my own before then, but if not, friday morning it is. wish me luck and prayers for the baby smile.gif



Posted by: supermom Aug 27 2003, 02:34 PM
WOOWOO!! Have fun - teehee -

Glad we could help, and we will be thinking of you and praying for you and the new little one!!

Hugs and we'll be thinking about you very very much!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 28 2003, 06:17 AM
Well...good luck!!! Let us know how it goes! smile.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 28 2003, 08:12 AM
QUOTE (~*~Zach's Mom~*~ @ Aug 27 2003, 09:42 AM)
Kimberly and Jamie;

He also told me to go right ahead and use Acupressure - There are two points that can be stimulated until it causes contractions. They are:
In the webbing of your thumb and pointer finger. Press around that spot hard! If it hurts it's the right place. Keep pressing until you get a contraction. Stop!! When the contraction is done begin again.

The other place is on the inside of your ankle. Find your inside ankle bone. Go up your leg four finger spaces. Push very hard. This should hurt. If it does, it's the right place. Do the same as the directions above.

Be careful when doing the acupressure points. When a contraction starts, stop pushing the point! Or else you will have a double contraction!

I did all of this, starting on August 28th, I went in labor August 30th and had Zach. I was only due September 5th.  biggrin.gif

In one of the classes at the hospital I took they wouldn't let the dad's do that exercise with us because they said IT DID CAUSE CONTRACTIONS AND EARLY LABOR. This was an early class I took during pregnancy. Darn, I wish I would have remembered that one later on, lol.

THAT ONE DOES WORK!!! I would definately try it!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 28 2003, 08:14 AM

I'm going to be doing it come week 37!! smile.gif

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