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Parenting Club Forums > General Pregnancy and Labor Discussions > Did you restrict physical activity while PG?

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Jan 26 2008, 05:03 PM
My coworkers and I are having a disagreement about how much I should be able to do physically. I have had 2 PGs with no complications and am very low risk, so I see no reason to limit normal activities as long as I'm not injuring myself. But they refuse to allow me to lift anything heavier than a pack of copier paper because I could hurt myself. rolleyes.gif So, I was just curious how everyone else handled physical activity during their pregnancies.

Posted by: lovemy2 Jan 26 2008, 05:09 PM
I think I may have taken it easy in the beginning and at the end - the begininng mostly because I had a m/c before Dylan and the end simply because I was too large to do much of anything let alone anything strenuous laugh.gif

Posted by: Calimama Jan 26 2008, 05:14 PM
I didn't restrict anything (obviously I wasn't lifting a car or anything). DH was a crazy person who would freak out if I had a bag of grocery's in my hand. I thought it would fade eventually but he told me the other day I need to "really learn not lift anything" before we get pregnant again. He takes it to an extreme. dry.gif rolleyes.gif

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Jan 26 2008, 05:19 PM
QUOTE (Bellasmommy10 @ Jan 26 2008, 08:14 PM)
I didn't restrict anything (obviously I wasn't lifting a car or anything). DH was a crazy person who would freak out if I had a bag of grocery's in my hand. I thought it would fade eventually but he told me the other day I need to "really learn not lift anything" before we get pregnant again. He takes it to an extreme. dry.gif rolleyes.gif

That is EXACTLY how my coworkers are! They freaked out when I picked up a box of envelopes which can't weigh more than 10-15 lbs. They'd probably tie me down if they saw me picking up Madison who weighs around 40 lbs. emlaugh.gif

Posted by: A&A'smommy Jan 26 2008, 05:29 PM
Not really i just try not to lift anything that is real heavy (anything that weighs more than alyssa she is about 37lbs) just cause it can strain my uterus (my friend did that and she was VERY low risk also) but other than that no not really... rolleyes.gif I can't stand it when everyone thinks you need to take it easy just cause your pregnant omg

Posted by: luvmykids Jan 26 2008, 06:49 PM
For some reason it seems like I remember being told I could do things as long as it didn't require "exertion", like if I could do it easily it was ok but if it took effort then not to do it. With the twins it was pretty early on that I had to really limit things but with Macie I did my normal day to day stuff all the way, lifting the twins, etc....I'd say unless your dr tells you otherwise you are fine.

Posted by: CantWait Jan 26 2008, 06:58 PM
When I was pregnant with Anthony, I worked in a restaraunt as a server/bartender so I did have to lift heavy things including cases of beer or liquer.

Posted by: mckayleesmom Jan 26 2008, 07:07 PM
I did everything I normally did...

Posted by: HuskerMom Jan 27 2008, 12:11 PM
I haven't really. I think the heaviest I lift is Keith though. My MIL freaked out when I was preg with him when I went to pick up my diaper genie. The thing probably doesn't way more than 5 pounds! That kind of irritated me because I hate when people treat me like I'm so fragile because I'm preg.

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Jan 27 2008, 01:45 PM
I went skiing the Dr told me not to stop what I normally do

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jan 27 2008, 03:52 PM
Oh jeez. I wooped butt at Twister and DDR in my 9th month. rolleyes.gif

i was pregnant, not disabled. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Jan 27 2008, 03:58 PM
I didn't restrict anything. I think a lot of it depends on how active you were before getting pregnant. Your baby will be fine, but sure, you don't want to hurt yourself.

We have an instructor at the gym who was still teaching kickboxing at 9 mos pregnant. A girl in the class is 6 mos pregnant and while she isn't doing as much as she was before she was pregnant, she can still keep up with me!! Okay, she can do way more than me. laugh.gif

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Jan 27 2008, 05:46 PM
I was an events coordinator while PG with my first, so it was really hard to have that type of job and NOT lift anything. So I did, but I know what you mean, my coworkers would freak out all the time. When I was 8-9 months though, I was in the middle of my huge summer concert series, which is strenuous lifting equipment, moving vendors in, band stuff, etc. So I had a ton of help for that! And I took more breaks than usual. But I still kept up with most of it. And I worked out through both pregnancies, but moderate exercise and prenatal classes.

Posted by: AlexsPajamaMama Jan 27 2008, 05:50 PM
QUOTE (Hillbilly Housewife @ Jan 27 2008, 07:52 PM)

i was pregnant, not disabled. rolleyes.gif

Thats how I see it too

With Alex I worked in a restuarant as well and was on my feet all day and mopping floors and things like that and lifted heavy cases of stuff.

Posted by: holley79 Feb 11 2008, 12:05 PM
I didn't lift heavy but I still worked out till the Dr told me to slack up a bit. I did yoga, normal things around the house, worked very long hours, didn't sleep like ai was supposed to. blush.gif

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Feb 11 2008, 12:10 PM
I voted other simply because I was maintaining all my current activites while pregnant including walking 3-5 miles every day. Unfortunately, my BP skyrocketed at 34 weeks and I was on total bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy.

Posted by: ZandersMama Feb 11 2008, 01:46 PM
i voted doing nothing, because with Zavier i was high risk from day one. With Zander I did all normal activities until 32 weeks when i went on bedrest. Poor Zavier I was on bedrest from about a week after I found out I was pregnant until 26 weeks when he was born. I don't carry them well at all. But they sure are cute wub.gif

Posted by: My2Beauties Feb 11 2008, 01:52 PM
With Hanna I had placenta previa when I was 10 weeks along, so for 8 weeks I couldn't do anything at all, I couldn't lift anything over 10 lbs, no sex, no nothing. After that and they confirmed that I was ok, I went back to life as normal!

Posted by: luvbug00 Feb 11 2008, 04:20 PM
I was high risk but not high enough for much over resricting what I Lifted but not much else. The next time they estimate some bed rest and more limitated actvity.

Posted by: :.Mrs_Mommy.: Feb 13 2008, 09:42 PM
I didn't restrict myself at all. I did what I could without hurting myself. I remember being 7-8 months along when I rearranged my living room which included moving the couch, entertainment center and carrying the tv. I was tired at the end but not in pain or anything.

P.S. I was a single mom so I didn't have anyone telling me I couldn't. But with Kyla I wasn't really allowed to carry anything heavy, if DH saw me carrying groceries he would freak and come grab them out of my hands. lol

Posted by: Crystalina Apr 9 2008, 09:32 AM
When I was pg with Izabella I was working as and Alzheimers activity therapist. There was very heavy lifting of grown men at times. I asked my doc about it and he said, "If it doesn't hurt then don't worry about it." biggrin.gif I was also still a licensed nurse's aide so I had to do the lift test at 7 mos to keep my qualification up. It was never a problem for me. I had my preggo butt working circles around the ones with "back injuries". rolleyes.gif I worked up until a week before she was born. wub.gif I just had to position my belly so it wouldn't get in the way. rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Teesa®© Apr 9 2008, 10:17 AM
QUOTE (Hillbilly Housewife @ Jan 27 2008, 06:52 PM)
Oh jeez. I wooped butt at Twister and DDR in my 9th month. rolleyes.gif

i was pregnant, not disabled. rolleyes.gif

Yep! I HATE it when people try to baby me... I'm HAVING the baby, I'm not THE baby! growl.gif I always told everyone that, "I'm only PREGNANT. It's a CONDITION, NOT A DISEASE!!!"

During my first pregnancy, I climbed a wall to get into an office that my one teacher locked himself out of. I was the only one smart enough to figure out how to get in. I was up and over before anyone could have even thought to stop me, LOL.

And I bought a bicycle when I was 5 months. I was doing great on it and the babe loved it because my knees "rocked" my belly and put him to sleep emlaugh.gif It wasn't till the day before I was officially 6 months - July 12th @ 12.16pm - that it caught up with me. I was hit by a car going 80 through a red light. I rolled over the hood twice, got a concussion and fractured my ankle. He totally trashed my bike and I never did find my other shoe. I was a mess, the babe was fine emlaugh.gif

During both DD's and DS's pregnancies, we had to move. Since it was only ever DH and I, I had to load the truck, too. DH got a little snarky at times, but I didn't like move the washer and dryer or anything emlaugh.gif I just carried boxes and/or bags that were less than 10lbs.

Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 Apr 9 2008, 11:14 AM
I pretty much kept up with my normal activities when I was pregnant with Claudia. We spent 1 1/2 months out my inlaws camp without hot water, so I would have to heat water on the stove fill up the solar bag and hang it up. I think that's about the most streneous thing I did. But we did a lot of walking. But because we were in the middle of no where, with only a cell phone, brastic hicks contractions that were getting stronger and the fact that I didn't drive scared my OBYN to tell me that I couldn't be at the camp alone anymore. It was great while it lasted! laugh.gif

Posted by: PrairieMom Apr 9 2008, 11:22 AM
twards the end of both my pregnancies I had to be on reduced work loads, but I was having issues with pre-term labor and was on terbutaline, and my job is a very high stress one, with lots of walking, lugging heavy equipment, yada yada yada. i didn't complain, I work nights, so it just meant that I got to go home and sleep a few hours early. wink.gif

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