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Parenting Club Forums > Food & Medical Allergies > update on the Pa. epipen laws

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Jun 9 2009, 03:47 AM
I received and email this morning with an update about the epipen bill that is in the senate ..
thank you to all of you who called and wrote the Pa reps. for me and helped us get it this far.

Ms. Stropas:

SB 736 was unanimously moved out of the Senate Education Committee last week and currently awaits a full vote in the Senate. Sen. Orie is holding a press conference tomorrow to promote SB 736 as well as SB 737 (Diabetes Mgmt in Schools). I’m planning to post video from the press conference on our website – so please check it out later tomorrow or early Wednesday. If you need any further updates, please feel free to email or call me.

Karen, can you tell me where to watch now for this to go thru? And after this senate vote does it go to the governor or does the house have to pass a similiar bill first?

Posted by: msoulz Jun 9 2009, 05:28 AM
That is awesome Stacy - it's probably a good time to remind your PA friends to make calls again!!!

Posted by: coasterqueen Jun 9 2009, 06:43 AM
Awesome, Stacy. I had checked awhile back and found no movement, so I was wondering.

It still has a way to go, though. It will have to go for a full vote in Senate, like the letter said. It could either pass quickly or if there is debate then there could be floor amendments causing it to take a bit longer. Also it has to go through "readings" -- 1st reading, 2nd reading, 3rd reading - which is passing it and then sending it to the House. Then it will go through committee of the House and hopefully pick up a House sponsor if it already hasn't (that's not always necessary, though) -- then it will go through the same readings in the house with possible floor amendments and then back for concurrence in the Senate. THEN it would go to the governor. The governor could pass it right away or could sit on his desk awhile before passing. I don't recall what the sunset date is -- when it would take effect. I'd have to go back through and read the bill to determine that as to whether it will start with next school year or something that doesn't happen to 2010, etc. Sometimes these bills pass, but with an effective date of a year or two later, unfortunately. To keep an eye on the whole process you would have to look at the PA's general assembly website. Do you remember the address? If not I can send you the link.

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Jun 9 2009, 12:08 PM
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Jun 9 2009, 09:43 AM)
Awesome, Stacy. I had checked awhile back and found no movement, so I was wondering.

It still has a way to go, though. It will have to go for a full vote in Senate, like the letter said. It could either pass quickly or if there is debate then there could be floor amendments causing it to take a bit longer. Also it has to go through "readings" -- 1st reading, 2nd reading, 3rd reading - which is passing it and then sending it to the House. Then it will go through committee of the House and hopefully pick up a House sponsor if it already hasn't (that's not always necessary, though) -- then it will go through the same readings in the house with possible floor amendments and then back for concurrence in the Senate. THEN it would go to the governor. The governor could pass it right away or could sit on his desk awhile before passing. I don't recall what the sunset date is -- when it would take effect. I'd have to go back through and read the bill to determine that as to whether it will start with next school year or something that doesn't happen to 2010, etc. Sometimes these bills pass, but with an effective date of a year or two later, unfortunately. To keep an eye on the whole process you would have to look at the PA's general assembly website. Do you remember the address? If not I can send you the link.

I have a horrible time getting that website to find what I am looking for..
I just keep emailing the reps..
they are good about writing me.

I know that there are sponsors in the house already and they simutaniously started the exact same bill as the I am waiting to hear how that one is doing..

I think they thought it would pass sooner if they started them at the same time.

I am still not thrilled that the bill states a child cant have the pen until they are 10..but its a start.

Posted by: coasterqueen Jun 9 2009, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (boyohboyohboy @ Jun 9 2009, 03:08 PM)
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Jun 9 2009, 09:43 AM)
Awesome, Stacy.  I had checked awhile back and found no movement, so I was wondering. 

It still has a way to go, though.  It will have to go for a full vote in Senate, like the letter said.  It could either pass quickly or if there is debate then there could be floor amendments causing it to take a bit longer.  Also it has to go through "readings" -- 1st reading, 2nd reading, 3rd reading - which is passing it and then sending it to the House.  Then it will go through committee of the House and hopefully pick up a House sponsor if it already hasn't (that's not always necessary, though) -- then it will go through the same readings in the house with possible floor amendments and then back for concurrence in the Senate.  THEN it would go to the governor.  The governor could pass it right away or could sit on his desk awhile before passing.  I don't recall what the sunset date is -- when it would take effect.  I'd have to go back through and read the bill to determine that as to whether it will start with next school year or something that doesn't happen to 2010, etc.  Sometimes these bills pass, but with an effective date of a year or two later, unfortunately.  To keep an eye on the whole process you would have to look at the PA's general assembly website.  Do you remember the address?  If not I can send you the link.

I have a horrible time getting that website to find what I am looking for..
I just keep emailing the reps..
they are good about writing me.

I know that there are sponsors in the house already and they simutaniously started the exact same bill as the I am waiting to hear how that one is doing..

I think they thought it would pass sooner if they started them at the same time.

I am still not thrilled that the bill states a child cant have the pen until they are 10..but its a start.


They may pick and choose which is the better bill to be signed, then - the governor I mean. So hopefully they are pretty close and one doesn't take out something you'd want, kwim?

You might like some of the issues in the bill, but it's a start and that's how things really happen. You will never (well almost never) get a perfect bill the first time. They are always in a hurry and too many people to please. That's why bills get "re-introduced" year after year --to add/edit/delete, etc things in past bills. So next year you can push for that addition into this bill, kwim? It's always a work in progress.

You should be very proud of yourself, too. I've wanted to work on legislation myself so many times, but alas I'm lazy. happy.gif blush.gif Legislation like yours and what I'd want to deal with are very complex, because they are dealing with children and matters of children are always complex in the political system. Hopefully by the end of the summer you'll be celebrating a victory for this!

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Jun 9 2009, 03:58 PM
you know, not to toot my own horn, but I am really proud of myself, I am sure in the scheme of things I had really very little to do with it, if any..but I took a stand and fought my son, and I feel really good about it.
I guess I have a long way to , but I intend to follow it thru..
be prepared for more questions as they come up! thanks for all you help..Government is not my strong suite.

Posted by: msoulz Jun 9 2009, 04:07 PM
Toot away, Stacy!! Here you go....


Posted by: redchief Jun 9 2009, 07:02 PM
'Tis a good bill. I hope it passes through quickly.

Posted by: coasterqueen Jun 10 2009, 05:09 AM
QUOTE (boyohboyohboy @ Jun 9 2009, 06:58 PM)
you know, not to toot my own horn, but I am really proud of myself, I am sure in the scheme of things I had really very little to do with it, if any..but I took a stand and fought my son, and I feel really good about it.
I guess I have a long way to , but I intend to follow it thru..
be prepared for more questions as they come up! thanks for all you help..Government is not my strong suite.

Good, because you should be. Even a small part, is a part. It's better than sitting by the sidelines not doing anything, kwim? So really your part was a big one - your voice was heard. thumb.gif

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