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Parenting Club Forums > Suggestions > Passion and Intimacy Board suggestion

Posted by: CAMSMOM1 Dec 15 2005, 09:57 PM
I understand the purpose of having it restricted. I totally agree with that, and think it's a great idea.
I know that you want long term or "serious" members to be in this board, and not for new-comers.
But I really would like to post on there, and have a couple questions that I wouldn't want to post on another board.
My suggestion is this, if the amount of posts needed to enter is now 500. What if it could be a more reasonable, but still safe amount, like 250? It seems like it's going to take me months to be able to "qualify" to get on that board, and I really need to get advice soon.
Again I agree with your reasons to keep this private and secure, and for serious members only. But I think once you've posted 250 posts, that you would have to be a member for awhile, and it's not going to take 6 months to get on there. I've been on here a month, visit a few times a day, and only have 86 posts. So by the time I reached 250, it would be at least 2 months or more and you can still see that I am a serious and mature enough person to post.

Hope this makes sense. And I hope this will be considered.


Posted by: Jamison'smama Dec 16 2005, 04:26 AM
If you would like a question posted on the P&I board, maybe you could PM your question to one of the mods or someone with enough posts to post on the board and they can message you back any comments/suggestions given on the board. Just a thought.

Posted by: mom2tripp Dec 16 2005, 05:14 AM
Actually getting to 250 posts happens pretty quickly and I think 500 is a more safer limit--JMHO

Posted by: amymom Dec 16 2005, 05:40 AM
QUOTE (mom2tripp @ Dec 16 2005, 08:14 AM)
Actually getting to 250 posts happens pretty quickly and I think 500 is a more safer limit--JMHO

I agree. It doesn't take long. I like getting to know people before they get there. It takes time.

Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Dec 16 2005, 05:42 AM
I agree that 250 posts can accumulate quickly. 500 is a safer # and like brenda said (jamison's mama) you could always PM someone and have them sak for you and they could send you the replies. I know personally I have seen some people join here and have 200 posts in the first 5-6 days and it makes me a little nervous that someone who has been on less than a week would have access to a passworded forum that peopel share very private adn intimate stories/feelings. that is just my opinion.. I'd actually liek to have teh limit set HIGHER casue I feel that sometimes people (not anyone specific) just post like crazy JUST to gain access to the P&I forum. Again that is solely my opinion.

Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Dec 16 2005, 05:46 AM
QUOTE (CAMSMOM1 @ Dec 16 2005, 12:57 AM)
But I think once you've posted 250 posts, that you would have to be a member for awhile, and it's not going to take 6 months to get on there. I've been on here a month, visit a few times a day, and only have 86 posts. So by the time I reached 250, it would be at least 2 months or more and you can still see that I am a serious and mature enough person to post.

Your posts for example have aded up quickly. You have been a member for 9 days and have (at teh time I posted this message) 104 posts. So if you double that in 18 days you would have 208 and at 22 days you would have 254 posts, if you continued to post at the current rate you have been. So that is just barely 3 weeks time (3 weeks 1 day actually) so it really wouldn't take a couple months to reach that limit. Which is why (i believe ) it is higher.

Posted by: MomToMany Dec 16 2005, 05:59 AM
500 posts is the bare minimum I would suggest for that board. I'd suggest making it higher, for the privacy of the members here. It won't take very long to get to 500 posts.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Dec 16 2005, 06:10 AM
I agree for me 500 is low and would never want to see it lower. It really does not take much time to get that many. I would actually like it higher.

Posted by: kimberley Dec 16 2005, 06:14 AM
tbh, i feel 500 posts is still too low because a lot of people can do that in a matter of weeks with the "he's cute, she's adorable" fast posts and we still really dont know the person. unsure.gif

as Brenda said, if you have an urgent question, you can PM a moderator to post it for you and she can copy the replies back to you.

Posted by: coasterqueen Dec 16 2005, 09:12 AM
QUOTE (kimberley @ Dec 16 2005, 09:14 AM)
tbh, i feel 500 posts is still too low because a lot of people can do that in a matter of weeks with the "he's cute, she's adorable" fast posts and we still really dont know the person. unsure.gif

as Brenda said, if you have an urgent question, you can PM a moderator to post it for you and she can copy the replies back to you.


Posted by: moped Dec 16 2005, 09:18 AM
Yes, you should just PM a mod and they can try to get advice from it that way and we can all reply

Posted by: jacobsmama Dec 16 2005, 09:21 AM
ITA.. wub.gif

Posted by: My2Beauties Dec 16 2005, 10:12 AM
I'm with everyone else hon sorry! I too think the limit should be set higher. It was 250 at one time and there were just too many people gaining access to it too fast and we were scared to post things. 500 is an ok limit, but still a little too low for me! PM'ing a mod is a good idea.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Dec 16 2005, 02:11 PM
Wasn't it 1000 posts at one time?...I think that's where it was when I got on. Anyway, doesn't matter, but ITA with everyone else. Just PM a mod if you have something you want posted there and he/she can share it with us all. It seems far away now, but you'll get there before you know it!

Posted by: 3xsthefun Dec 16 2005, 03:16 PM
Sorry. But I agree with everyone else. I think 500 is too low also.

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Dec 16 2005, 05:51 PM
I agree with everyone else. I think 500 posts is a low limit. I know I personally have over 500, but I have yet to post in P&I because I understand that is a place people want to feel that they "know" each other and I don't think I've been around long enough to have that feeling with most people. JMO!

Posted by: CAMSMOM1 Dec 16 2005, 07:16 PM
Hi ladies, thanks for the replies. Now after reading what you posted, I can 100% agree with you. I never thought of PM someone to put my question on there. That's a great idea. I can see what you mean, getting to know somebody and having their trust. I would want the same thing, and I totally respect that. Now I see things in a different light. And I agree that 500 is a very responable number now. I never thought about people posting like crazy to get on there, I guess some people would think like that. Now that I see things in a different perspective, I agree with you, 500 or more posts should be the number.

Posted by: Bee_Kay Mar 21 2006, 02:58 PM
When I first started here, I believe the required amount of posts needed for that board was 500. So I tried, and it won't let me. It says that I need 1000 posts.

Was I wrong about the 500 post requirement?

ETA - I understand the posting requirement. I have only been here about a month and a half (although it seems ALOT longer LOL)

Posted by: kimberley Mar 21 2006, 03:40 PM
the current post requirement for P&I is 1,000 posts. wink.gif

Posted by: Bee_Kay Mar 21 2006, 03:58 PM
Yep, I see that smile.gif
I just didn't see that it was raised smile.gif

Posted by: Brias3 Mar 21 2006, 08:47 PM
I'm nowhere near the limit but even I think 500 posts is too low. Especially due to the fact that a large number of posts can be accumulated just by someone visiting the games board and the intro board, etc.- boards that have many topics that don't require a long or indepth response, nor do they really let everyone get to know the character of the person posting.

For such a private area, I think that the limit in place is at LEAST what it should be at. Good idea with PM'ing the moderators. Even PM'ing a few people you know and trust on here could offer up some good advice smile.gif

edited to make sense!

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 11 2006, 08:16 PM

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 11 2006, 08:16 PM
I think

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 11 2006, 08:17 PM
This May

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 11 2006, 08:18 PM
Take A While!

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 11 2006, 08:18 PM

Posted by: ZandersMama Aug 12 2006, 09:44 AM
what if maybe there was a time limit, you have to be an active member for a certain amount of time before you can get into the restricted boards. Then people aren't posting like crazy to get into them.

Posted by: kimberley Aug 12 2006, 03:48 PM
i actually prefer that idea to post count since anyone can post a bunch of stuff about nothing to get there if they really wanted to. any suggestions on a minimum amount of time?

Posted by: MyLuvBugs Aug 12 2006, 06:48 PM
QUOTE (kimberley @ Aug 12 2006, 06:48 PM)
i actually prefer that idea to post count since anyone can post a bunch of stuff about nothing to get there if they really wanted to. any suggestions on a minimum amount of time?

I say keep it at 500 posts and a minimum of 3 months membership. That would make me feel more secure about making a post in there.

Posted by: Jackie012007 Aug 12 2006, 07:06 PM
I think a time requirement is better too. 3 months sounds good. I know I'm at like less than 400 posts... I've been here for a while now, probably a month or better, and I'm not in the habit of replying to every post on here with a small remark... hence my post count is kinda low and 1,000 posts seems like an eternity away! Of course I didn't even know such a forum existed on here in the first place tongue.gif but maybe a time requirement would be more effective for those of us who take time to share ourselves and don't just reply every 5 seconds... it just may add to the quality of the posts on here! wink.gif there's my 2cents.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Aug 12 2006, 07:41 PM
I think 6 months is good if thats the way its chosen wink.gif

Posted by: amymom Aug 12 2006, 08:03 PM
I think both time and post count are important. Someone could sign on and not be active for 6 months and then all of a sudden they have access to the P&I forum and they are not known. I believe that I joined in January and posted a little during Jan & beginning of February then went away for a time, may have been a few months I do not remember then I came back and posted again. You all really would not have known me if I had popped into P&I so early in our relationship. And as we see above post counts can be manipulated. I think post count of 500 and 6 months on the boards would be a good solid relationship established. JMO.

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Aug 12 2006, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 13 2006, 12:03 AM)
I think both time and post count are important. Someone could sign on and not be active for 6 months and then all of a sudden they have access to the P&I forum and they are not known. I believe that I joined in January and posted a little during Jan & beginning of February then went away for a time, may have been a few months I do not remember then I came back and posted again. You all really would not have known me if I had popped into P&I so early in our relationship. And as we see above post counts can be manipulated. I think post count of 500 and 6 months on the boards would be a good solid relationship established. JMO.

very good point I like that wink.gif

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 12 2006, 08:33 PM
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 12 2006, 08:03 PM)
And as we see above post counts can be manipulated.

I just sure hope you can also see humor! biggrin.gif

No offense but I really doubt that once I reach any time and posting allotments and would be allowed access, that I would post in that forum.

I was a moderator at another website and one of the hardest forums to keep the spammers and trolls out of was 'Sexually Speaking' I imagine it was quite close to your 'P & I' Kudos to the 1000 post limits.

And geesh.........lighten up on the newbie k?
If anybody doesn't get my jokes just send me a PM and smack me in the back of the head saying KNOCK IT OF DORK!

Honest I'm easy to subdue wink.gif

Posted by: Jackie012007 Aug 12 2006, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 12 2006, 08:03 PM)
I think both time and post count are important. Someone could sign on and not be active for 6 months and then all of a sudden they have access to the P&I forum and they are not known. I believe that I joined in January and posted a little during Jan & beginning of February then went away for a time, may have been a few months I do not remember then I came back and posted again. You all really would not have known me if I had popped into P&I so early in our relationship. And as we see above post counts can be manipulated. I think post count of 500 and 6 months on the boards would be a good solid relationship established. JMO.

wow good point, I didn't een think of that! thumb.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Aug 13 2006, 06:11 AM
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 12 2006, 11:03 PM)
I think both time and post count are important.  Someone could sign on and not be active for 6 months and then all of a sudden they have access to the P&I forum and they are not known.  I believe that I joined in January and posted a little during Jan & beginning of February then went away for a time, may have been a few months I do not remember then I came back and posted again.  You all really would not have known me if I had popped into P&I so early in our relationship.  And as we see above post counts can be manipulated.  I think post count of 500 and 6 months on the boards would be a good solid relationship established.  JMO.

My worries exactly, I was just going to say the same thing! Having both a minimum post count and a time requirement is a good idea. thumb.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Aug 13 2006, 06:13 AM
QUOTE (YuMe-n-GavMakes3 @ Aug 12 2006, 11:33 PM)

I was a moderator at another website and one of the hardest forums to keep the spammers and trolls out of was 'Sexually Speaking' I imagine it was quite close to your 'P & I' Kudos to the 1000 post limits.

Our P&I forum is password protected, so it's the only one we don't get spam in. wink.gif

Posted by: amymom Aug 13 2006, 10:07 AM
QUOTE (YuMe-n-GavMakes3 @ Aug 12 2006, 11:33 PM)
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 12 2006, 08:03 PM)
And as we see above post counts can be manipulated.

I just sure hope you can also see humor! biggrin.gif

No offense but I really doubt that once I reach any time and posting allotments and would be allowed access, that I would post in that forum.

I was a moderator at another website and one of the hardest forums to keep the spammers and trolls out of was 'Sexually Speaking' I imagine it was quite close to your 'P & I' Kudos to the 1000 post limits.

And geesh.........lighten up on the newbie k?
If anybody doesn't get my jokes just send me a PM and smack me in the back of the head saying KNOCK IT OF DORK!

Honest I'm easy to subdue wink.gif

I am sorry you took offense to me pointing out your posts. I used your posts to show an example of how post counts could go high, just as I used my joining 18 months ago and not posting for awhile then posting later as an example. Both are examples of how someone could get around whatever requirement we put on this particular forum. I was not pointing a finger at you or me.

I imagine that your other forum was different, here at PC great care is taken to not have that. This is something I greatly appreciate about this forum. And this protection is why this old suggestion post was resurrected, I presume.

No offense was meant.

Posted by: AlexsPajamaMama Aug 13 2006, 10:12 AM
QUOTE (~Roo'sMama~ @ Aug 13 2006, 10:11 AM)
QUOTE (amymom @ Aug 12 2006, 11:03 PM)
I think both time and post count are important.  Someone could sign on and not be active for 6 months and then all of a sudden they have access to the P&I forum and they are not known.  I believe that I joined in January and posted a little during Jan & beginning of February then went away for a time, may have been a few months I do not remember then I came back and posted again.  You all really would not have known me if I had popped into P&I so early in our relationship.  And as we see above post counts can be manipulated.  I think post count of 500 and 6 months on the boards would be a good solid relationship established.  JMO.

My worries exactly, I was just going to say the same thing! Having both a minimum post count and a time requirement is a good idea. thumb.gif

I agree

Posted by: YuMe-n-GavMakes3 Aug 13 2006, 01:29 PM

No offense was taken here happy.gif

I just wanted to be sure you all understood I'm REALLY not just some passing troll or perv. Just a newbie with a lame sense of humor.

Being a newbie I CAN get away with saying the truth about that type of forum without offending because I don't know anybody by their personality.

The truth is even WITH all the safety settings and time limits. A site this size will STILL have select members that pass all those gain access, yet members that have gotten to know them wish that ******** wasn't allowed in there because well.....I dunno they just kinda creep me out.

I can say that from being a Mod and knowing theres those select few at every website. Yet I'm not aware of who that type would be here cause I don't know nobody yet. laugh.gif

And if you don't have a few of those here, Man is this site blessed!

Posted by: ashtonsmama Aug 13 2006, 02:28 PM
QUOTE (YuMe-n-GavMakes3 @ Aug 13 2006, 02:29 PM)

No offense was taken here happy.gif

I just wanted to be sure you all understood I'm REALLY not just some passing troll or perv. Just a newbie with a lame sense of humor.

Being a newbie I CAN get away with saying the truth about that type of forum without offending because I don't know anybody by their personality.

The truth is even WITH all the safety settings and time limits. A site this size will STILL have select members that pass all those gain access, yet members that have gotten to know them wish that ******** wasn't allowed in there because well.....I dunno they just kinda creep me out.

I can say that from being a Mod and knowing theres those select few at every website. Yet I'm not aware of who that type would be here cause I don't know nobody yet. laugh.gif

And if you don't have a few of those here, Man is this site blessed!

Let me just say that we all have kind of funny senses of humor...if that's the right way to put it, and some people just take it the wrong way, it happens at every site, but we're a great and diverse group and all of seem to get along just fine...unless I'm blind...I'm happy to be a member here.

And oh yeah-I think that the post count and maybe time restriction is a good idea too, I've posted quite a bit, just because I'm such a postaholic, and I can honestly say that I NEVER make it to P & I forum...
blush.gif blush.gif
I rarely make it past General Discussions, sadly.

Anyone else do the same?

Posted by: Bamamom Aug 14 2006, 05:18 PM
I like the time as a member idea. I too would like access to the forum but I try to never do that "I agree" or "me too"stuff cause ...well I just don't rolling_smile.gif But I've been a member for over 6 months and think that most folks know I'm a little quite but pretty trustworthy.

JMO!!! hug.gif

Posted by: TLCDad Aug 14 2006, 05:32 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know, that I can take way post counts when needed. I will do this when I see someone just posting nothing to get their count up high. A mod will let me know if someone is just posting one word sentences or nothing useful just to get in that forum. I will simply reverse their post count.

The time limit was a good idea, but as someone has pointed out; someone could sign up and go away for a few months, then all of a sudden they have access to the password. I think a post count is the best way.

Posted by: C&K*s Mommie Aug 16 2006, 11:00 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know, that I can take way post counts when needed. I will do this when I see someone just posting nothing to get their count up high. A mod will let me know if someone is just posting one word sentences or nothing useful just to get in that forum. I will simply reverse their post count.
That is interesting Rod. I never would have even thought that that would be possible.

Posted by: AlexsPajamaMama Aug 16 2006, 11:05 AM
QUOTE (ashtonsmama @ Aug 13 2006, 06:28 PM)
QUOTE (YuMe-n-GavMakes3 @ Aug 13 2006, 02:29 PM)

No offense was taken here happy.gif

I just wanted to be sure you all understood I'm  REALLY not just some passing troll or perv. Just a newbie with a lame sense of humor.

Being a newbie I CAN get away with saying the truth about that type of forum without offending because I don't know anybody by their personality.

The truth is even WITH all the safety settings and time limits. A site this size will STILL have select members that pass all those gain access, yet members that have gotten to know them wish that ******** wasn't allowed in there because well.....I dunno they just kinda creep me out.

I can say that from being a Mod and knowing theres those select few at every website. Yet I'm not aware of who that type would be here cause I don't know nobody yet. laugh.gif

And if you don't have a few of those here, Man is this site blessed!

Let me just say that we all have kind of funny senses of humor...if that's the right way to put it, and some people just take it the wrong way, it happens at every site, but we're a great and diverse group and all of seem to get along just fine...unless I'm blind...I'm happy to be a member here.

And oh yeah-I think that the post count and maybe time restriction is a good idea too, I've posted quite a bit, just because I'm such a postaholic, and I can honestly say that I NEVER make it to P & I forum...
blush.gif blush.gif
I rarely make it past General Discussions, sadly.

Anyone else do the same?

I never think to go into P&I even though I do have the password to get in there. I just click View new posts or todays topics and read whats there, if P&I doesnt pop up for whatever reason I forget to check in in there.
We're all differant I guess....

Posted by: WaitingForBaby Aug 16 2006, 08:33 PM
I dont know if i would feel that good about it, Post count would be good, but Im not so blunt to share, ehhee

Posted by: Brias3 Aug 16 2006, 09:10 PM
I think a couple of people are right here. Judging from the ways you could "get around" both a count and a time limit, I think the safest way is having both in place as the gauge.

Posted by: CantWait Aug 16 2006, 11:09 PM
QUOTE (Brias3 @ Aug 17 2006, 02:10 AM)
I think a couple of people are right here. Judging from the ways you could "get around" both a count and a time limit, I think the safest way is having both in place as the gauge.

As Rod mentioned.

Just wanted to let everyone know, that I can take way post counts when needed. I will do this when I see someone just posting nothing to get their count up high. A mod will let me know if someone is just posting one word sentences or nothing useful just to get in that forum. I will simply reverse their post count.

I'm quite confident that the best measures are in place. Knowing that some blowjoe can't just intrude by racking up the posts without having them taken away is good enough for me.

Posted by: ashtonsmama Aug 19 2006, 08:36 AM
QUOTE (AlexsPajamaMama @ Aug 16 2006, 12:05 PM)
QUOTE (ashtonsmama @ Aug 13 2006, 06:28 PM)
QUOTE (YuMe-n-GavMakes3 @ Aug 13 2006, 02:29 PM)

No offense was taken here happy.gif

I just wanted to be sure you all understood I'm  REALLY not just some passing troll or perv. Just a newbie with a lame sense of humor.

Being a newbie I CAN get away with saying the truth about that type of forum without offending because I don't know anybody by their personality.

The truth is even WITH all the safety settings and time limits. A site this size will STILL have select members that pass all those gain access, yet members that have gotten to know them wish that ******** wasn't allowed in there because well.....I dunno they just kinda creep me out.

I can say that from being a Mod and knowing theres those select few at every website. Yet I'm not aware of who that type would be here cause I don't know nobody yet. laugh.gif

And if you don't have a few of those here, Man is this site blessed!

Let me just say that we all have kind of funny senses of humor...if that's the right way to put it, and some people just take it the wrong way, it happens at every site, but we're a great and diverse group and all of seem to get along just fine...unless I'm blind...I'm happy to be a member here.

And oh yeah-I think that the post count and maybe time restriction is a good idea too, I've posted quite a bit, just because I'm such a postaholic, and I can honestly say that I NEVER make it to P & I forum...
blush.gif blush.gif
I rarely make it past General Discussions, sadly.

Anyone else do the same?

I never think to go into P&I even though I do have the password to get in there. I just click View new posts or todays topics and read whats there, if P&I doesnt pop up for whatever reason I forget to check in in there.
We're all differant I guess....

I'm so I said, I honestly don't make it past Gen. Discussion or the Pregnancy area on a good day...I want to get down to the other forums, just never remember to!

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