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Parenting Club Forums > Postpartum Depression > Question about PPD

Posted by: hopefulmomtobe Apr 4 2007, 10:38 AM
Ummmmm....I get this pretty bad...I have anxiety anyway from stresses that have happened in my life and it seems to get worse after delivering my children I guess because your hormones go crazy trying to get back to normal. But, after my 2nd child, my husband and I divorced (I divorced him) because I couldnt even stand to hear his voice, my daughter was 4 months old. Then after my 3rd child, my 2nd husband and I got divorced because I couldnt stand him being around either....I dont know they just irritated the death out of me and I just wanted to be alone. My son was only 5 or so months old when it started getting really bad. So, now as you can see...I am preggo and dont want to ruin this marriage with PPD, so does anyone have any suggestions? I am fine with the baby and all and dont sit around and cry or anything, I just feel angry and want nothing to do with my spouse to a point where it ruins the marriage bigtime!

Posted by: 3xsthefun Apr 4 2007, 11:36 AM
Only thing I can suggest is talk to your doctor.

I had PPD with both my girls, only thing was I didn't want anyone around me except for my husband and babies. I did not want any of my family members around because they just bugged the crap out of me, and didn't really like for friends to just pop in after I had the baby. I was so bad, I cried and pretty much begged my husband to stay home with me.

I wish I could give you more suggestions. But I really don't know what to tell you.

This is one thing that bothers me the most about having another baby. I just know how I get. It is like people I get along with everyday any other time just start to get to me after I have the baby. I don't want to talk to them or anything. sleep.gif

I hope your doctor can help you. hug.gif

Posted by: hopefulmomtobe Apr 4 2007, 12:25 PM
yea, that is how I am but I put it towards my husband. I guess I put it towards other people too but I am nice to them because they are my friends, but mean to my husband because I guess in my wierd state of mind..I think he should understand. I dont know, but I just dont want to get that way again. I read the previous posting about PPD from CJ'SMOM2002 and it scared the crap out of me because I get angry too but hope that it never goes that far. I felt terrible for her and had tears in my eyes trying to read it. Poor thing! I just get really angry and resentful.

Embarrasing to talk about, but I am glad I am trying to face it this time and not trying to figure out how to deal with it myself. It gets really really bad for me. UGH!

Posted by: kimberley Apr 4 2007, 03:28 PM
hug.gif hug.gif i hated my husband post partum. his touch made my skin crawl. sad.gif
this was the man i was madly in love with and i couldn't stand the ground he walked on after i had his child. i think anxiety gives you a predisposition for PPD. how it manifests is different to each person. some attempt suicide, others have homicidal thoughts, others hate their husbands for no good reason. definitely talk to your doctor. you know the symptoms so be prepared for it to happen again. meds, even temporarily, can diffuse a disastrous situation. if you need to talk, i am around most evenings. hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 Apr 4 2007, 05:05 PM
hug.gif hug.gif I understand how you are feeling! I would suggest talking to your doctor ASAP and getting a referal to a psychiatrist, this way you can get a heads up on the problem before the baby is born! Does your DH know about your history with PPD? If he doesn't I would talk to him about it. Nothing says you will have it this time, but talking about it would really help you! hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: lisar Apr 4 2007, 07:34 PM
I dont have any advice. I just wanted to offer some hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: hopefulmomtobe Apr 5 2007, 08:19 AM
Thank you girls! That really helps to know I am not alone because sometimes you really feel like such a freak and dont know why you keep acting the way your is like out of your control. I remember I used to try to be sooo happy when my ex was on his way home from work, I would have dinner ready, be all cute to see him, but as soon as I layed my eyes on him...uuuurrrrr I hated him and wouldnt talk to him. How dumb is that, I couldnt control it either, but then one day he had enough of me and I was served with papers. sad.gif I dont want that to happen again in this marriage. I will talk to the doctor at my next appt. Thanks again!!!!

Posted by: ZandersMama Apr 5 2007, 09:38 AM
Maybe you could have counselling arranged before the baby is born, so that if things get that bad again, you will have something in place to work with.

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