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Parenting Club Forums > Fatherhood > Question for the men on the board

Posted by: Halo42101 Jun 10 2006, 04:11 AM
I have a question for the men on our board. Do you have a different way of dealing with grief then your wife or s/o? I was just curious because since mine & my husband's m/c, it seems he had a much easier time moving on than me. And when I try to talk to him about it, he says he is not sure what to say. It's not that he's not supportive to me about it, he just doesn't know how to talk to me about it. I was just wondering if this is normal for men. Thanks for all the men who reply.

Posted by: gregory04210 Jun 10 2006, 04:24 AM
Men just deal with emotions totally differant than women

Posted by: redchief Jun 10 2006, 11:33 AM
I agree with what Greg said. Men and women handle grief emotions differently. Men will normally immerse themselves in work or other interests, using those as diversions while time heals the grief.

Posted by: 1lilpeanut2love Jun 10 2006, 11:35 AM
QUOTE (redchief @ Jun 10 2006, 03:33 PM)
I agree with what Greg said. Men and women handle grief emotions differently. Men will normally immerse themselves in work or other interests, using those as diversions while time heals the grief.


Posted by: salmndr007 Jun 12 2006, 05:31 AM
I agree with what has already been said. I know what I do with grief. Usually I immerse myself in work or helping others. I usually internalize it and then move on after I feel I have done my part in grieving.

Posted by: kimberley Jun 12 2006, 05:38 AM
i totally agree with the others. when dh and i lost our angel in nov 02, i was devastated. i still have my bad days. dh was supportive the first few months but seemed emotionally removed after that. part of it was that even though he knew i was pg with his baby, pg is not real for most men until they see the baby, so it is difficult for them to be as emotionally invested as we are when we are the ones who feel it growing inside our bodies. and he is the type of guy who needs to move forward and not dwell. he did his mourning and was ready to move on. that doesn't mean he loved me or our baby any less than i did, it just means he deals with things differently.

we are always here if you need to talk hug.gif

Posted by: TheOaf66 Jun 12 2006, 07:09 AM
yes, men are not real keen on showing emotion when it comes to grieving, they will keep it locked up inside and deal with it privately, for a man the best way to deal with it is not to talk about it...that is true for many situations


Posted by: Halo42101 Jun 12 2006, 07:46 AM
Thank you all for your replies. They all hit home and I can see Theron dealing with it alot like you all said. It helps to know. hug.gif

Posted by: TheOaf66 Jun 12 2006, 07:56 AM
the best advice I can give is let him deal with it in his own way

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