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Parenting Club Forums > Fatherhood > childbirth and parenting class

Posted by: J-rod Jun 6 2006, 09:20 AM
just wondering who all went and what you thought...we are in a class right now... only 2 couples showed up for this class so we get alot of one on one...i think its great. put on by the hopsital with their maternity ward nursing staff.

Posted by: TheOaf66 Jun 6 2006, 09:43 AM
the one we went to sucked, we did not get anything out of it, there was really nothing that we did not get out of a book, we will not go to one again

Posted by: J-rod Jun 6 2006, 09:45 AM
i agree books are great...but i HATE to read..if i hear something ill remember it more than if i read it. this is a 4 week class from 7-9 once a week.

they also gonna teach me to relax so i dont get up out of bed at midnight to do my dishes. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: TheOaf66 Jun 6 2006, 09:47 AM
well it works well for some people, just wasn't for us so good luck with it...the videos were interesting anyways biggrin.gif

just remember, no class can prepare you for the real thing wacko.gif

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Jun 6 2006, 09:50 AM
We went to both.The childbirth education classes were interesting but somewhat a waste of time for us since we planned to get an epidural and they basically spent all their time on natural childbirth.

We also went to breastfeeding class, child safety/CRP class, car seat safety, and basic parenting 101. I got interesting information out of all those classes.

Posted by: PrairieMom Jun 6 2006, 09:53 AM
We went when we were PG with our first. I thought they were very helpful for DH. I didn't learn anything new, but I deal with medical stuff every day. Our class was really slow paced, we would have been fine if it had been 1/2 as long.

Posted by: BAC'sMom Jun 6 2006, 09:58 AM
We both went to childbirth and breastfeeding classes at the hospital where our first son was born. They helped a little I guess. We watched the natural childbirth video…Richard was the only man left in the room by the end of the tape. All the other men vacated…they bolted…spilt…one of them actually had the dry heaves. rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: CantWait Jun 6 2006, 10:01 AM
Ron wasn't around during either pregnancy, on course or overseas, so I did go, but just not wish him. I found it to be very helpful, more so with the second because I was more nervous then the first.

Posted by: ashtonsmama Jun 6 2006, 10:01 AM
We went to a Lamaze type class, and another one at the hospital too. I'm really happy we did!

Posted by: AlexsPajamaMama Jun 6 2006, 10:06 AM
We didn't go to any classes. DH was starting a new job and it was hard to find a good time that worked around our work schedules.

Posted by: C&K*s Mommie Jun 6 2006, 11:13 AM
I think out of the few classes that we went to, Chris was able to go to only one with me (work conflicts). I was embarrassed to be the only one there without a partner. blush.gif

Posted by: Boo&BugsMom Jun 6 2006, 11:17 AM
We both went, and it totally sucked!!! I didn't learn one thing I didn't already know and nothing we did learn came in handy. I wish we wouldn't have wasted our money or our time to be honest.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Jun 6 2006, 11:20 AM
yes we both went, it was more for DH than me. I learned a bit but not as much as he did.

Posted by: luvmykids Jun 6 2006, 11:32 AM
I didn't go, I had enough "experienced" people and books to satisfy me. I did have a doula also who gave me a quick study in about an hour.

Posted by: holley79 Jun 6 2006, 11:37 AM
Yes and we loved it.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Jun 6 2006, 01:37 PM
DH and I took a childbirth class and breastfeeding class together for our first. We signed up for a refresher childbirth class for this pregnancy, but they cancelled due to low enrollment. So I just rented a Lamaze video from the library to refresh my memory for this time. Went over a lot of the same things. Plus, I plan to meet up with a LC at our ped's office this time re: BF. So I think we're covered.

BTW, I think they are a good idea...good idea for both partners to attend that is!

Posted by: mckayleesmom Jun 6 2006, 04:05 PM
I didn't...I grew up with 3 sisters and 2 brothers, and 10 nieces and nephews.....Plus I took took child developement and education in school.

Posted by: J-rod Jun 7 2006, 06:18 AM
one thing i like is they say they can help "ME" relax....anyone who can do that is okay in my stress levels are so high right now it not funny.

9 days to pack one house, paint rooms in another, have yardsale, move, etc. etc.

Posted by: salmndr007 Jun 7 2006, 09:52 AM
Jess and I went to was kinda wierd, but we scheduled more at a different place and hopefully they will be better.

Posted by: TLCDad Jun 7 2006, 11:02 AM
We both went to both the birth clases and parenting classes. It was more of a fresher course though since we both liked to watch the baby shows on the learning channel and discovery channel. It was fun though.

Posted by: salmndr007 Jun 7 2006, 11:03 AM
It was more of a fresher course though since we both liked to watch the baby shows on the learning channel and discovery channel.

Jess loves those shows too. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: J-rod Jun 7 2006, 11:14 AM
QUOTE (salmndr007 @ Jun 7 2006, 02:03 PM)
It was more of a fresher course though since we both liked to watch the baby shows on the learning channel and discovery channel.

Jess loves those shows too. rolleyes.gif

as does Steph. we DVR'd a few of them

Posted by: kimberley Jun 7 2006, 11:44 AM
i went to childbirth classes when i was expecting my first. my ex came but he was a total moron mocking the whole experience dry.gif i liked it and found it somewhat informative. i wish i went again with dh when we were expecting Jade. he really was unprepared for what the next year brought his way lol.

Posted by: DVFlyer Jun 8 2006, 08:27 AM
We went but ended up not finishing because Chloe decided to come early. This was a Lamaze type class and I can't say I got much out of it (It was my idea too.). If anything, it was nice to interact with other parents-to-be and share what each was going through.

Posted by: redchief Jun 13 2006, 08:50 PM
We went to birth classes for the boys, not for the girls.

We actually learned a lot from the instructors, who were a mom and dad team. They even gave us their home numbers. I forget how many children they had, but they had a lot, including a special needs child. On top of all of that, the mom has MS.

There weren't any parenting classes when we were getting started out as parents. I suppose we learned the most from our parents, and a lot of trial and error.

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