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Parenting Club Forums > Introductions > Malakis Mommy

Posted by: malakismommy114 Sep 9 2010, 05:09 AM
Hello everyone!
I'm Natasha. 19 years old. Married. Living with parents. Going to college. Stay at home mommy.
Malaki is my son. wub.gif He was born January 14, 2010. My son have given me a reason to do better in life, to step up to my goals, and to be a better person. He has changed me for the better! I wouldn't trade my son for the world!
(Just because I live with my parents does not mean I do not take care of my child. People like to judge on that subject but with all honesty I have taken care of my son since day 1! I am very weird about baby sitting and I want to spend every moment with my precious baby boy.)
My husband is going to Mechanics school. So he is gone most of the time. He has came a long way though, and I love him very much. He is a loving father and wonderful husband.
We married due to our religion (Christianity). We also wanted it. We had a hippie themed wedding. It was amazing!
I love my life although it is going slowly right now, and I thank my parents so much for letting us stay with them until we get on our feet and get our own place.
I came here for friends, advice, and to relive stress and aggravation.
I can't wait to meet some of you.

Posted by: MoonMama Sep 9 2010, 09:52 AM
wavey.gif Hi Natasha!!


I'm Ally, I'm 26. I'm a WAHM. I have a son Braedin who will be 4 yrs on Oct 18th. I'm divorced from my son's dad who is living in the UK now and is no longer a part of our lives. But I am engaged to a wonderful man who has been a good friend my who life, who treats Brae like his own. wub.gif wub.gif

Hope to get to know you better. smile.gif

Posted by: grapfruit Sep 9 2010, 10:35 AM
Hi Natasha! I'm Casey, 26, work outside the home and mommy to 2(!) now! Isabelle Rayne (8/11/09) and Liam Michael just born on Tuesday (9/7/10). Welcome to our board!!

Posted by: A&A'smommy Sep 10 2010, 03:24 PM
wavey.gif Hi I'm Jessica, 24 stay at home mom to Alyssa Faith 6 almost 7, and Autumn Brooke 2. Welcome wavey.gif

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