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Parenting Club Forums > Dieting Journals > Year 24 - year of the "Loser"

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 8 2006, 05:56 PM
My goal, for year 24, is to lose 1 pound a week, for the remaining 51 weeks of the year. By the time I turn 25 - I will weigh 145 pounds.

If I lose more than one pound in a week - I will not count it as that.. it will only be counted as 1 pound - any excess loss is bonus loss.

I have a lot to do, starting with making myself an excersise routine. Dh had been home these last few weeks - making my life difficult... he'd go to the grocery store and come back with McDicks, or donuts or what have you... no moree grocery shoppinh for dh. tongue.gif

I think i'm going to look around for an all-in-one excersize machine, either to rent... or buy if i have to...i'm sooooo going to do this this time. Time to get serious. mad.gif DH promised to give me 30 minutes every evening for me to work out. Let's see if he can keep his promise!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 9 2006, 04:54 AM
Tuesday May 09 2006

For breakfast today I had a big glass of 1% chocolate milk (1/2 mixed with white skim milk), a slice of bread, toasted with peanut butter, and a coffee.

Lunch today is going to be chicken wraps again... it was quick, easy, and the kids liked it. It's a small skinless boneless thigh piece chopped up - the tortilla bread is Pesto Garlic, or I can use tomato basil flavored flavored, there is a bit of mayo, some cottage cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, and some alfalfa sprouts. Very yummy, filling too! I'm going to have carrot and celery sticks with dip on the side, the kids love dipping. happy.gif

Dinner is going to be spaghetti, for me and the girls - we're stuck going to this stupid function of my MILs - she even suckered my mother and grabdmother to buy tickets. They bought my ticket and are making me go...they know i would never have bought a ticket and went willingly. It's a Mother & Child spaghetti dinner with the Daughters of Isabella. One of THE most BORING functions ever.


Their sauce is too gross too... need to wash it down with loads of bread. Maybe I'll just eat beforehand, and not have ANY spaghetti. huh.gif

Oh well... snacks today are apples for the morning snack, and cheese and crackers for the pm snack.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 10 2006, 07:00 AM
For breakfast, I had a bowl of Raisin Bran with 2% milk, and a coffee, and some apple juice. I had a multi-grain and dried fruit muffin around 10... For lunch, we're having hotdogs - I'm going to have 2. For dinner - I put a Porc Rib roast in the crockpot with some quartered onions, sliced carrots, sliced celeri, and some spices. I'll make rice later on today to go with it.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 11 2006, 06:06 AM
I had about an ounce of cheese yesterday with the hotdogs, and late at night I had a carrot muffin, about 1/3 box of Kraft dinner, and Mug's Root Beer. sleep.gif

This morning, I had some oatmeal for breakfast with a few bites of an english muffin. Lunch today will be either tomato soup with crackers, vegetable soup, or pizza - not sure yet... tongue.gif

Dinner will be Chicken Pot Pie, assuming I get to the store and buy some pie shells and some potatoes. I don't feel like making the dough. emlaugh.gif Otherwise, it will be chicken stir-fry. rolling_smile.gif

Snacks today are carrot sitcks with Ranch dressing, and apples.

Oh yeah - edited that this mroning, the scale said 194.4. Yesterday, it was 196.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 12 2006, 05:19 AM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ May 11 2006, 09:06 AM)
Dinner will be Chicken Pot Pie, assuming I get to the store and buy some pie shells and some potatoes. I don't feel like making the dough. emlaugh.gif Otherwise, it will be chicken stir-fry. rolling_smile.gif

Actually - dinner was sliced chicken in a pan with Broccoli - and bacon with potato filled perogies - and I had a few sips of pepsi.

I had a decent slice of Dairy Queen ice cream cake my mom bought me at my birthday too. yummy.gif

This morning - the scale still said 194.4

I had oatmeal with 2 toasts this morning. With coffee. Lunch today will definitely unequivocably be soup, since we had th e pizza yesterday. Dinner will be roast porc with pasta and cream sauce... hamburger helper style.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 13 2006, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ May 12 2006, 08:19 AM)
Dinner will be roast porc with pasta and cream sauce... hamburger helper style.

Lied again.

I forgot I had a birthday dinner to go to... I had a Quarter Pounder with cheese on the way NOT eat so much at the restaurant... but dang italian food... I had brushetta and Canelloni.


This morning I didn't have anything for breakfast. I had a wrap for lunch, with some cheese, a nutri-grain bar, an orange, a coffee, water...

Dinner was KFC. I was wayyy too tired when I came home... and we ALL know that DH isn't the one that's going to cook. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 15 2006, 10:44 AM
I had a bowl of tomato Penne pasta yesterday - actually, half of it - cuz I think I overcooked it in the microwave, and it got all mushy. I could only stomach half. I had a fruit bar (nutrigrain) and some cheerios, some cheese, and an apple.

Dinner last night was Chinese take out - I only had one plate. tongue.gif

Breakfast today was 2 toast with Peanut butter and honey. Lunch was perogies and roast porc... dinner tonight is Cod fish with rice and brocolli.

The scale is still the same... but I think it may go up a bit ( dry.gif ) - not from the food - but from the way my butt and thighs feel... I had quite a workout on them and my theighs this weekend... so muscles hurt...


Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom May 15 2006, 12:24 PM
You're doing good, Rocky!! cheerleader.gif

You have a plan and that is the most important thing. thumb.gif Keep up the good work!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 16 2006, 06:39 AM
Thanks Aimee.

We had green peppers roasted instead os brocolli, and mashed potatoes instead of rice. dry.gif

I had one toast this morning, with nutella. And of course coffee! Lunch will be leftover

Lunch will likely be chinese leftovers... dh didn't take it all to work, so...

Dinner will maybe be macaroni with meat sauce.

Posted by: coasterqueen May 16 2006, 07:12 AM
Sounds like you are doing good Rocky! Keep it up. thumb.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 23 2006, 06:01 AM
Well my goals have "almost" been met. I'm missing .2 pounds to have reached my goal - but I think that's pretty darn good anyways. I know exactly where my problem lies - I ate out all day Saturday, for one - and for two - I had 2 glasses of wine last night, as well as 2 handfuls of peanuts, and about 1/4 of a bag of barbecue flavoured chips. Gotta love having friends over, huh?


I'm also going to be adding 5 minutes of strength training - like pushups and situps, lifting my kids with my feet (airplane!) etc... it's hard on me going up and down stairs like 12 times a day - but it's helping. lol

We cut our grocery budget back by about 30$ - and thought I am eating less because I am careful of portion size, dh seems to be pigging out at every opportunity. He took a Michealina's pasta lunch, 2 hotdog wieners and slices of bread, a 1/4 of a quesadilla left over from this weekend, an apple, a granola bar, a piece of cake, 2 frozen muffins, a small container of mixed nuts, a couple arrowroot cookies, and the whole container of cut up carrots I'd cut up for the kids snacks for this week. dry.gif

Today's lunch is grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids, and a 1/4 leftover quesadilla piece for me. With cut up apples and milk.

I took out a ham for dinner - I don't konw if that's what we are going to have, but that's what I took out. I'm planning on making some rice to go with it, as well as some steamed broccoli. Let's hope things go according to plan!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 29 2006, 04:40 AM
Well, I weigh 191 pounds.

I've met my goal so far. thumb.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 30 2006, 05:29 AM

Probably because I've been sleeping a heck of a lot more than usual and eating about 1/2 of what I nbormally eat, with my not feeling well, but whatever - I'll take it.

Yesterday I had 2 slices of toast with peanut butter and honey, and about 2/3 cup of spaghetti dh made, with meat sauce. I was feeling a little weak... so dh made me drink a cup of milk with a scoop of chocolate slim fast in it for the calories. I mixed it with a cup of cold water too... it's wayyy too thick with just the milk.

This morning I had some flat ginger ale to settle my stomach, and I had a slice of toast with peanut butter, since EMilie didn't want to eat it, and half a slice of taost with Nutella. I'm most likely going to make vegetable soup for lunch... I'm not up, energy wise, to actually standing around and making something. emlaugh.gif

I might peel some potatoes later though, for dinner... that is, if I don't nap instead. rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife May 31 2006, 05:39 AM
Well the kids requested kraft dinner for lunch, so I made it.

Dinenr was perogies and hotdogs. rolling_smile.gif

We had oatmeal for breakfast this morning, with some toast. I had a coffee. I think my appetite is back... this morning, my tummy was grumbly. rolleyes.gif

It's so fricking hot here, I've been drinking at least a gallon of water each day since this weekend... I've been peeing like mad too. I haven't weighed myself today though... But i'm sure it was another small loss.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 2 2006, 05:19 AM
I'm happy to report I'm still on track. I had a small "hiccup", but then I had another AF so I chalk it up to having been bloated. tongue.gif

Posted by: mammag Jun 2 2006, 05:52 AM
We all have "hiccup" along the way. Keep up the great work!

Posted by: booey2 Jun 2 2006, 06:00 AM
Great work Rocky, the hiccups are what make life interesting. Keep it up and you will be where you want before you know it.


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 3 2006, 05:42 PM
I made some chili for dinenr today. It was actually really good... it had 5 kinds of beans (red kidney beans, white kidney beans, soya beans, black turtle beans and some other green colored bean), a can of diced tomatoes, ground beef, an onion, and some spices.

My kids didn't really like it though... it was too spicy for them, they said it burned their tongue. tongue.gif

Me and the kids made oatmeal-butterscotch cookies and peanut butter cookies... and I only had 1/2 of one of each kind. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 5 2006, 07:38 AM
Boy do I have well developped self control. NOT!!!

I've already eaten like 10 cookies.


Next time, I will only make 1 dozen of each. I have like 7 dozen cookies, total.


Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Jun 5 2006, 07:57 AM
sweets like cookies and browines a BIG weakness for me to sad.gif I so try not to even have them around.

YOU CAN DO IT. Keep going. I want to on your birthday to call you a BIG loser (in a good way rolling_smile.gif )

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 7 2006, 04:48 AM
Thanks Di!

I'm not quite meeting my goals. I'm at 191.1 this morning. I guess I gained back, or i'm retaining water. It is true that I haven't been drinking as much water as I should... but still, no excuses.

I'm having a few people over this morning at 9:30, and I'm taking out the cookies and the muffins... so hopefully with people here, I can inly take like 1. emlaugh.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 15 2006, 05:59 AM
I was at 190.8 lasrt night with full bbs.

I had 4 chocolate fudge oreos though. Whoops!

(i hit the submit button but I had more to say... lolol)

Ok so average - I've met my goals in th elong run. I started at 196, and i'm at 190.8. I got to my goals within .2 pound, but i haven't been excersizing asd much as i should, what with helping with the flooding at my mom's other housde and my grandmother packing, movimng and unpacking.... so i got the workout done anyways i suppose

i've been eating really well for the ,ost part.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 19 2006, 04:36 AM
Ok today is day 1 of my elliptical routine.

I'm going to start with 5 minutes, twice a day, because I'm really out of shape.

Yesterday and the day before, I helped my mom bring in boxes upon boxes of laminate flooring. Those things weigh a TON.We brought in enough laminate flooring for the basement at my mother's, the basement at the neighbour's 2 doors down (my mom owns it, my grandmother's cousin's gfrandkids are renting it from her), the basement at my grandmother's (which is literally across the street from my mom's - we were having a laugh waving at each other from the kitchen windows) and my grandmother's living room and dining room.

Ugh. My arms and back are like JELLO. Those boxes are heavy... there was about 48 boxes total to bring in from the car to the houses... not to mention loading them in the car from the dang store.... we had to do quite a few trips.

I'm just happy that after bring down to the basement a few boxes, we decided that we were goig to slide them down the sliding them and my mom catching them... lol then we switched off for a while

I was snooze.gif snooze.gif snooze.gif sooooo good last night... my whole body ached. I got a good workout though! emlaugh.gif

Posted by: booey2 Jun 19 2006, 05:43 AM
Good job Rocky, slow and steady with the elipitcal, that is how I started with the gazelle 4 weeks ago and I am no up to 30 minutes a day. Great work helping mom with the boxes, that alone is a really good workout. Keep it up. cheerleader.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 19 2006, 06:58 PM
Thanks Terri!

I did my 5 minutes today while the 2 older ones wre sleeping and Naomie was playing inb the floor in my room. I helped my mom move some jiprock sheets (or whatever that stuff is called...) so i'm too bused to do another 5 minutes like i was planning to.

Oh well... tomorrow!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 21 2006, 05:23 AM
I did 10 minutes on my elliptical yesterday.

The first two minutes were rough... then I realized my dh had turned the difficulty level up a bit. emlaugh.gif So I turned it back down... and the next minute was rough too. After that it went better. I was only plannin gon doing 5 mintues... but I was watching the tv at the same time... and next thing I know, I look down and it said 8 mintues... well... might as well do the 2 more to get to 10. And we went out last night, so I didn't do my other 5 minute stint.

Today, I *almost* got on it before going down with the kids, because for once I got out of bed no problem, whereas usually I have to drag my arse outta bed... but my shoulder was very sore... and so I took the time to stretch it properly instead. It's still sore. I don't know what I did...maybe I slept on it wrong.

I had a cheese day yesterday... I had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches, a grilled chicken burger and some fries, 2 coffees, and a coke, as well as water and a tiny bit of lemonade. I had a bowl of Corn Flakes this morning, with some strawberries. And a coffee.

Posted by: booey2 Jun 21 2006, 05:50 AM
Awesome job Rocky, slow and steady will win the race to a better body. smile.gif cheerleader.gif I know you can do it. smile.gif


PS Remember to drink your water beer.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 21 2006, 04:25 PM
Well I did another 5 minutes today. I had a bowl of corn flakes with skim milk and strawberies for breakfast, pasta shels with ground beef for lunch, and 2 small slices of porc roast with sparagus and teriyaki rice. yummy.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 22 2006, 05:32 AM
Well - I'm happy to report that this morning, I weighed 189 pounds.

That's 7 pounds lost since my birthday!

I LOVE being on track. cool.gif

Posted by: mammag Jun 22 2006, 05:46 AM
groupwave.gif partying.gif horray.gif beer.gif jazzband.gif thumb.gif redbounce.gif banana2.gif woohoo.gif Myself and all these smilies are very proud. You're in the 180's now! Great job!!!!!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 22 2006, 06:12 AM
Thanks Jeanie!

I'm so happy!!!

I do drink lots of water... but nowhere near what I should be drinking. I probably drink 5 to 6 cups a day... and a glass of skim milk, and a glass of juice... but I should still drink more water, I know. rolleyes.gif I bet if I drank more water, I'll be down to the 170s in no time!

Posted by: booey2 Jun 22 2006, 06:31 AM
Awesome news Rocky. You ROCK. Keep up the great work. cheerleader.gif


PS Got Water?

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 23 2006, 04:14 AM
Well... went off the bandwagon yesterday,... but I sorta had a good reason... lol

When dh got home at 4:40 - we loaded the kids up, went to the pharmacy, went to pick up the case that goes with Zach's guitar, picked up Emilie's guitar, picked up my fixed violin (the one I ordered is on backorder for 2 months so I said forget it and transferred the down payment to a smaller violin for the kids) then off to the beer store to pick up a 12 pack of Blue for my brother (he graduated yesterday) then we went to bring him the beer... by this time it's almost 6pm... we went to McDonalds and let the kids play in the big slide area until almost 7... then they CRASHED at home, since they hadn't napped yesterday since we were in the church for the grad.


But I had a grilled chicken burger... which is a step up from the bigmac i'd normally have. tongue.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 25 2006, 04:25 AM
We went to MIL's trailer yesterday afternoon... I spent some time int he pool. Not doig much in the pool, becaue I was holding the baby, but I got some sun at least... I have a little bit of a sunburn though.

I've been eating pretty well, in general. I don't deny myself anything... I just have what I want in smaller portions. Like yesterday... I wanted chocolate... Snickers in particular... so I bought one - had a few bites... then gave the rest to the kids. It satisfied my craving... and i didn't "have to" finish it. tongue.gif

I haven't been back on my elliptical though... timing has just sucked butt these last few days. Between the laundry etc that needs to get done... I jsut haven't taken the time to get on it. Today I definitely will htough.

I'm letting dh sleep in this morning... and in a bit, the kids and I will go and make him breakfast to take in bed. happy.gif

Posted by: mammag Jun 25 2006, 05:16 AM
I honestly think that is the only way to get in shape for good, not to deprive yourself of anything. Good for you for not finishing it! I couldn't do I just let myself eat the whole darn thing and consider it for the greater good of keeping myself motivated. laugh.gif

What a sweet way for your honey to wake up! Your such a good wife.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 27 2006, 04:38 AM
lol good wife? my husband doesn't always think so... rolling_smile.gif

He really enjoyed it. We made him a toasetd bagel with jam, some yogurt, some strawberries, and some orange juice. We put it on a tray and I put one of my fake fushia daisies on the tray, with a nice cloth napkin I have, and we took it up. The kids were being really quiet...and they cimbed onto the bed to wake him up... he tickled them, then we gave him the tray, I got the baby from the playpen downstairs and we all sat with him while he ate, watching cartoons on our tv in our room.

It was fun, and a sweet moment wub.gif

Yesterday I wasn't too hungry. All I had all day was a bowl of tomato soup with some crackers for lunch, then a hotdog and a few fries for dinner. And a handful of red grapes.

This morning, I gave the kids a special treat - we had Corn Pops for breakfast. We don't usually have sugary cereal, other than the Honey Nut Cheerios... so it was fun for them. They usually ahve Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies or Cheerios, with no sugar added. I had some too... I had a craving. blush.gif

I have no idea what we're going to have today.,. I really don't feel like cooking anything - it means I have to empty and re-fill the dishwasher... since I didn't do it last night... there are 2 loads worth... I filled it this morning... but there's still a double sink full emlaugh.gif frig... 5 people make a LOT of dishes over 2 meals.


Oh well... such is life. On the positive side - I helped my mom clean out one of her closets yesterday, since she will have a friend ofmy brother's stay at her palce over the summer, since his parents are moving to Montreal, and the kid wants to finish working here over the summer. Makes sense. So we cleaned out the closet... then my mom suckered me to move some furniture over to my grandmother's house, which is across the street from my mom's house.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 28 2006, 04:51 AM
I weighed 188.4 this morning cool.gif

I made pancakes this morning... the kids were wild yesterday - and last night I bribed them with it...if they went to bed with no more arguing, I'd make pancakes as a treat this morning...


Oh well... it worked last night. emlaugh.gif

But I only had one, about 6 inches across and not very thick.

amd coffee of course! wink.gif

I don't know what lunch will be today... dh is taking half the day off because he's not feeling too good. So he'll be home around 1pm... maybe I'll make pasta with spaghetti sauce or soemthig simple like that. smile.gif

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Jun 28 2006, 04:56 AM
you are doing so well
Keep Up The Great Work!!!!!!!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 29 2006, 12:22 PM
Today was a fun day.

We all had Corn pops for breakfast with skim milk, a big glass of cranberry juice mixed 50-50 with water, and I had a coffee.

For lunch - we had raspberry jam and cheese on a bagel, and juice.

I had a sprite as a snack... emlaugh.gif

I'm baking a honey loaf right now - and dinner will be chicken thighs with frozen veggies. blahblah.gif

Posted by: booey2 Jun 29 2006, 12:43 PM
Sounds like a great day of food, enjoy.

Terri smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 29 2006, 02:07 PM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ Jun 29 2006, 03:22 PM)
Today was a fun day.

We all had Corn pops for breakfast with skim milk, a big glass of cranberry juice mixed 50-50 with water, and I had a coffee.

For lunch - we had raspberry jam and cheese on a bagel, and juice.

I had a sprite as a snack... emlaugh.gif

I'm baking a honey loaf right now - and dinner will be chicken thighs with frozen veggies. blahblah.gif

well i lied - dinner was a tortilla wrap with tuna salad.


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 30 2006, 04:57 AM
I went out with my mom and my grandmother, with Zach last night, to look for carpet to put in the spare house. We stopped at Dairy Queen afterwards... and I had a small sundae with minimal hot fudge.

Posted by: booey2 Jun 30 2006, 04:59 AM
Don't cha love it when your menu changes after you planned on one thing. Variety is the spice of life, so I am told. Good job on controlling the sundae. If you were following WW it would have only been 7 points for that sundae. jk You are making good choices for you. thumb.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 8 2006, 02:46 PM
I haven't been eating much at all these last few days... I was sick, and my throat is raw. I can hardly talk... the kids have been wild too, since I couldn't really punish them without explaining what they did wrong... well I could, but you know what I mean... so today I got my voice back a little (more like a soft croak...) and were they surprised when I gave them crap about something... lol

I haven't really stepped on the scale... because I don't really care all THAT much... but I've been drinking lots of there's bound to be a loss rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 10 2006, 06:03 AM
well - my weight was at 185.4 last night.

I'm proud of myself. cool.gif

Posted by: booey2 Jul 10 2006, 06:05 AM
Great job Rocky, sorry you were under the weather there. May you get better fast. Keep up the great work. cheerleader.gif


Posted by: coasterqueen Jul 10 2006, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ Jul 10 2006, 08:03 AM)
well - my weight was at 185.4 last night.

I'm proud of myself. cool.gif

Congratulations Rocky!!! thumb.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 10 2006, 01:03 PM
Thanks ladies....

I think dh has noticed... it may only have been 11 pounds... but he noticed that I was wearing a pair of pants I've been wanting to get into


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 14 2006, 06:08 AM
I've been doing a lot of physical work these last few days... and I haven't been drinking as much water as I should have, considering the amount I sweated's been soooooo hot... like 35 degrees outside (like 95 F), and the inside of the house didn't have A/C... rolleyes.gif but I've continued to eat well, so i'm looking forward to stepping on the scale again soon

Posted by: booey2 Jul 14 2006, 06:21 AM
thumb.gif Great work Rocky, just make sure to get in water or the scale will not be your friend because your body will hold onto everydrop of moisture you have given it and it won't be nice. Keep up the great work.

Terri smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 18 2006, 10:43 AM
Well, today was my first day back on the elliptical. I did ten minutes, very easily... then I did 50 crunches. Then I did another 10 mintues on my elliptical.

This morning, I sorted the kids' clothes... and put aside everything that was torn, too small, etc... then I sorted the linen closet and put aside stuff I didn't want anymore, older towels etc... I deep cleaned the kitchen... I did some laundry... I LOVE when dh is home on weekdays - I can do a heck of a lot more stuff.

Today I didn't eat very much... my appetite sucks today. I woke up at 8:15... I had a coffee while I made the kids pancakes this morning... and I wasn't hungry... then I got into doing things and didn't realize the time that went thing I know it's lunch time... I had almost half of a cantaloupe. tongue.gif

I'm thinking of having another coffee.... but I'll have lots of water instead, cuz I sweated my butt off earlier!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 19 2006, 04:48 AM
so yesterday I had almost half a cantaloupe, 2 coffees, a rice krispies square, a small bowl of "dinner", which was 9 bean soup mix, with rice, green string beans, yellow string beans, carrots, and some cream of chicken soup. It was interesting, very heavy, and filling. Could have used more spices though. wink.gif I also had a big glass of mango juice, mixed half and half with water - and 2 more big glasses of water.

Then around 12:30, I had 12 soda crackers with some Kraft cheese slices, some dried apricots, and another rice Krispies square... dh has McDonalds - he brough me back yet another coffee... so I drank it - who can resist Tim's coffee? emlaugh.gif

I told dh to give me another kick in the pants tonight when he gets home, to get on my elliptical again. It felt really good yesterday. I'm going to be drinking about 2 litres of water today... wish me luck.

Posted by: booey2 Jul 19 2006, 04:58 AM
Great job Rocky, doesn't it feel nice to be in control again. Keep up the awesome job. cheerleader.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 19 2006, 08:35 AM
Thanks Terri! I had a Peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich for lunch, and about half a mango. I had 2 pieces of Rice Krispie squares this morning for breakfast. I'm going to have the second half of the mango next time I'm hungry... and for dinner, we're having meatloaf, with kernel corn and rice cooked with soy sauce. smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 20 2006, 07:37 AM
Today, I had a coffee, 7 big goldfish crackers, 7 pieces of dried apricot, and 3 glasses of water. For lunch, we're having fish... I don't know with what. I feel too lazy to cook. tongue.gif

I have no idea what's for dinner, we're going to the in-laws for it. dry.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 20 2006, 11:14 AM
Bah... I just had a big bowl of cookies and cream ice cream.

yummy.gif yummy.gif

And, turns out we're going out to Ruby King (chinese buffet) for dinner... woohoo!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 22 2006, 08:27 AM
Well - week 11, and I lost just over 11 pounds total.

I'm on track - but I wish I had lost a little more. I'm not really dissapointed though, because I know that my thighs and my arms are getting stronger, I can feel it in the additional ease I can lift my kids and go up the stairs. My clothes are fitting better, and I tried on a 99$ dress I bought last summer on sale for 19.99$... it fit nicely, but it could have been just a tiny bit looser. I didn't even have to suck in my gut or anything!! rolling_smile.gif

I've been drinking lots of water yesterday and today, the water that I should be drinking, so I'll weigh in again in a few days to see if I've dropped any water weight. I seem to have more energy too... and I haven't been as bit**y. I'm hoping to be in the 170's soon!!! biggrin.gif

Posted by: mamasbigbaby Jul 22 2006, 09:27 AM
WTG!!! thumb.gif

Posted by: CantWait Jul 22 2006, 12:52 PM
Doing great Rocky. Keep up the great work.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 24 2006, 04:56 AM
Hmmm. Yesterday around 1 in the morning, I had a Big Mac, fries, and a chocolate Milkshake. sleep.gif Don't ask.

Then, yesterday, I also had a bigger breakfast than I was planning...dang restaurants... I had 2 eggs, scrambled, some potatoes, beans, and sausages.

But I had nothing else to eat all day. I just wasn't hungry! Oh wait - that's not true - I had a handful of barbecue chips around 9pm. emlaugh.gif

Today I started off the day right, with my multi-vitamin, my coffee and my small bowl of raisin bran. The kdis aren't feeling the greatest today I don't think... because they haven't wanted to do anything I suggested to them... they're both zonked on the couch under a comforter and watching the boob tube while Naomie is busy playihng with blocks. Today is going to be one of those whiny-bratty-I don't wanna days, I can feel it, and it's not even 9am yet. dry.gif

Lunch today is leftover macaroni with meat sauce from dinner last night...which I didn't have. blush.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 25 2006, 04:50 AM


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 26 2006, 04:40 AM
I had 2 small slices of ham for dinner last night, and some butter and herb flavored pasta.

This morning, I'm going to have a small bowl of corn flakes with 1% milk, with 1/3 sliced banana in it, I've also already had one bottle of water, (I need to drink 4 in a day) so i feel that today will be a good water day. happy.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 29 2006, 05:37 AM
This morning, the scale said 181.4

I'm so happy!!! I've really been forcing myself to drink all the water I can. I've been eating not so great though... I had 3 hamburgers this week, with fries. We were on the go, and it was quick and easy... I felt kinda grody after though... you know when you haven't had grease in a while? puke.gif

Yesterday for breakfast, I had some cornflakes with milk. For lunch, I had a piece of fish with about 1 cup of steamed broccoli, and for dinner I had a BigMac with Fries. blush.gif I had some triscuit crackers as a snack, as well as a small bite of cake. emlaugh.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jul 29 2006, 02:15 PM
Wow. Too many burgers in a week.. I've got big time gas. Tmi, I know. rolling_smile.gif

I had a chicken burger and a cheeseburger today, and a banana, a few raspberries, a few blueberries, some watermelon, and TONS OF WATER.

I spent the day today grocery shopping, chopping veggies, making sandwiches, salads, cheese plate, cold meat plate... lugging 6 cases of pop and 2 cases of beer around, then I totally cleaned my house. The kids have been gone since yesterday aftrenoon, so dh and i relaxed last night... knowing today would be harsh... but then MIL called to they they have an appointment, so dh needed to go to etheir trailer (about 30 minutes away) to watch the kids while they were gone... and he just now is coming home. dry.gif I'm a little annoyed... but there was no point for him to come back at 4 just to leave again at 5:30.... so I cleaned it all myself.

I dusted everywhere, got rid of all the junk, trash, clutter etc... i swept, mopped floors, vaccuumed, cleaned the playroom, cleaned all our bedrooms, I cleaned EVERYWHERE. I cleaned the bathrooms, scrubbed the toilets and the sinks and the tub...

i'm sweating like a pig... it's sooo grossed. my tank top is soaked through!!! rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Now i've got 30 minutes to eat and shower before the dh and the kids get home... and 10 minutes after that we have some company coming over for a while... naomie's godparents actually... and her mom. Who is very critical. rolleyes.gif

Anyhoo... off to sh*t shower and shave!!! laugh.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 1 2006, 11:22 AM
so you loser how is it going? thoguht I woudl bump it up for you so you can check in biggrin.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 1 2006, 12:32 PM
It's been steady - still hanging at 181.4, 181.6, 181.2 throughout the ladt couple days... I've been eating egg salad sandwiches and ham sandwiches and fruit and veggies left over from sunday...with cake of course emlaugh.gif rolleyes.gif

I should probably update my ticker, eh?

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 1 2006, 12:56 PM
Well if you have noticed you have been keeping up with yoru goal of 1lb loss a week thumb.gif CONGRATS (well your slightly above it but we wont count those right?) I am hoping to join you, while I only have about 17 weeks till my birthday I am hoping to be at least 20lbs or more gone by then. So about 1lb a week for me as well. KEEP GOING!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 1 2006, 05:15 PM
Yup - thanks for noticing!! In these last 13 weeks... i've lost over 14 pounds - but that's just extra!! tongue.gif

I'm doing great. I'm proud of myself... and I only have about 1/2 an inch to drop before the next dress size down. thumb.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 2 2006, 04:49 AM
Well this morning I'm at 180.4, finally dropped that other pound that I've been ahning on to the last couple days. I hadn't drank as much water as I should have drank... but it's been drunk.

Last night dinner was 3 chicken fingers with some fries. Lunch had been a ham sandwich with some fruit, snack was Bits & Bites, and a Nutrigrain bar.

I haven't had breakfast yet... because I got anutious about 10 minutes after I took my meds and vitamins this morning...and I didn't want to risk upchucking breakfast. So it's 8:47am right now - around 9:30 we're going up to the kitchen for a snack, I'll have breakfast then. Most likely a bowl of Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran.

Our planned snacks today are Apple-Banana fruit snack in the morning, and pieces of mango in the afternoon, lunch will be tuna casserole. Dinner is going to be meatloaf I think... with frozen veggies

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 2 2006, 06:09 AM
WOOO HOOO congrats you loser. 15lbs GONE I am so proud of you. How are you feeling?

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 2 2006, 06:45 AM
QUOTE (Kaitlin'smom @ Aug 2 2006, 09:09 AM)
WOOO HOOO congrats you loser. 15lbs GONE I am so proud of you. How are you feeling?

I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'm having an easier time getting down and messy with my kids... It's not as hard to get up off the floor... emlaugh.gif

My only problem, so far, is not sleeping enough... I am having a slight bout of insomnia, I think it's because of the meds I'm taking... most nights I can't even think about going to bed before 11:30 pm or later... and usually I lie in bed watching tv until 2am or so because I can't sleep. So instead of tossing and turning, I watch tv.

And the off night that I DO fall asleep, when Naomie wakes up around 3, then I'm awake and up until about 5:30.


But physically, I feel fit - I feel like I have lots of energy, my clothes fit looser, I feel more toned... and my belly pooch doesn't seem to hang over my panties as much. Not that it was really hanging... but I'd get the image of teenage girls having their sides haning out their jeans... rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 2 2006, 07:40 AM
Well I hoep you can get some sleep, I am having some of the same issues. Its hard when you have to get up and ready for work driver 45 minutes to pre-school and go to work. I sooo wish I could afford a chauffer. Or I guess move closer laugh.gif

anyway congrats again. I am looking forward to 15lbs off my self then I can have a pedicure smile.gif 3 down 12 to go.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 3 2006, 06:12 AM
This morning the scale said 178.6. I know that weight can vary up to 4 pounds in a day... but I was sure happy to be under 180!!! I drank lots of water yesterday.

Yesterday, for breakfast - I had a bowl of raisin bran with skim milk, and a coffee with about half the sugar I normally take. I had no snack in the morning because I could still feel the cereal sitting in my stomach. For lunch, I had a bowl of tuna casserole, and a piece of marshmallow chocolate fudge (basically fudge with marshmallows in it.. lol). For an afternoon snack, I had a clementine, and for dinner I had a small bowl of spaghetti with ground beef. I also had a diet coke and a diet pepsi to drink. blush.gif But hey - one was 0 calories, the other only had 1 calorie. emlaugh.gif

So far today, I had a coffee, and a bowl of raisin bran. The kids had clementines for a snack just now, I didn't have any. Lunch today is leftover chicken fingers and fries, with some macaroni salad. Afternoon snack will be cupcakes left over from the christening for the kids, and probably one for me too. blush.gif Dinner I'm not sure on yet... probably meatloaf and frozen veggies.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 3 2006, 06:23 AM
WTG Rocky....have to admit I am a bit jealouse. You go keep on loosing.

Posted by: redchief Aug 4 2006, 08:20 AM
WTG Rocky! I gained 2lbs. Didn't eat anything all week because of the heat and I still gained two pounds. Good job!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 7 2006, 07:26 AM
178.2 this morning - so 0.4 lost! biggrin.gif

I had a couple big dinners the last couple days... went to my aunt's yseterday for a wedding music practice... and we had a bbq - I had a porc chop, some green salad with mediteranean dressing, 3 slices of bbq'd potatoes, and some yellow string beans. It was delicious!! Of course, then I had to have a piece of lemon meringue pie... laugh.gif

DH bought me a case of Diet Pepsi... because I really have a Pepsi craving lately... and there's only 1 calorie per can... so... emlaugh.gif

I feel good aobut myself. I'm more determined than ever. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 8 2006, 04:26 AM
Dinner last night was Sheppard's Pie. Yum yum!! It also "happens" to be lunch today... tongue.gif My breakfast yesterday was FOUR DONUTS sad.gif I didn't even notice myself eating the 2nd 3rd and 4th... emlaugh.gif

Breakfast so far has only been a coffee.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 9 2006, 05:41 AM
Breakfast yesterday ended up to only be the coffee. I had a nutri grain bar around 10 though. I was feeling a little nautious in the morning... I usually feel a little nautious for about 30 minutes after I get up and take my meds and vitamins... and eating just makes me want to hurl. tongue.gif

Lunch was indeed Sheppard's Pie yesterday. Dinner was Harvey's. sad.gif I don't know what's wrong with our familiy - we've eaten more takeout these last 2 weeks than we have in the last 3 or 4 months. emlaugh.gif I did drink all the water I needed to though.... rolling_smile.gif

it's 9:38 now - and the kids didn't want to have breakfast this morning either. I'm not doing daycare today, or tomorrow, so it's no big deal... I will take them upstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast in about 15 minutes... I'm just going to give them cereal, and I'll likely have some too. Corn flakes with dried raisins and some wheat germ sprinkled on top. yummy.gif

Lunch today is planned to be spiral pasta with cream of something soup. Probably cream of mushroom.

Dinner will be... um... chicken? I don't kinow yet.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 10 2006, 09:25 AM
Dinner last night was Paté sandwiches. You know...that squishy expensive meat that you spread on baguette bread? dh was late getting home, i totally forgot we had an appointment at 6:30 with some guy from Claric for Life Insurance... and I'd forgotten to let the chicken thaw.

Oh well... they sure were tasty! rolling_smile.gif

I had 2 though. rolleyes.gif

I didn't have breakfast this morning, because I had to go to the clinic with the kids - I needed a paper signed by my doctor. I got there at 9am... I left at noon. Yay...go free health care. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 11 2006, 04:38 PM
Ick. I had a diet pepsi today, as well as a small bowl of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. Among other stuff, of course, but the rest was healthy. laugh.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 13 2006, 05:16 AM
This morning I weighed in at 176.4

I had a nice big juice pepper steak last night with a baked potato and some peas, at a restaurant... OMG it was soooo good. I haven't had a "real" steak in ages... we buy the cheap stuff. rolling_smile.gif

thumb.gif thumb.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 14 2006, 04:53 AM
I haven't been drinking the ater I should be. I woke up this morning with a minor headache from dehydration. I drank a whole bottle (2 cups worth) this morning before the daycare kids got here though - 3 more bottles to go!!! I figure one at snack time, one at lunch time, one at snack time will do me good for the day - and I'll try to have one at dinner time and one after dinner too. I usually have one around bedtime too. Usually... guess I didn't last night! blush.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 21 2006, 05:56 AM
My weight is stagnant... growl.gif

Coiurse it could be the fact we ate out soooo much lately... rolleyes.gif

Lunch today is going to be string green beans, wild rice, and chicken. Dinner will be lasagna.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 23 2006, 05:37 AM

Up 0.2 pounds.


I'm hoping to go down another pound by this weekend.


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 24 2006, 04:49 AM
Last night I had some ketchup chips. Lots of em. emlaugh.gif

I've been doing good with food though since this weekend... really good actually. The only thing is, I'm extremely tired...and I've been drinking lots of coffee - not because I'm tired, but because it cuts my appetite for some reason...and I've been really hungry the last few days. dry.gif

My legs are sore...I worked out more than I should have last night.

Posted by: booey2 Aug 24 2006, 04:55 AM
Good morning Rocky, the caffine in the coffee will cut your appetite but so will water. The caffine in your system isn't really your friend as it will dehydrate you too which may be the cause of your sleepiness. Keep up the great work you are doing and you will see the results. cheerleader.gif

Terri smile.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 24 2006, 08:29 AM
Thanks Boo.

I'm trying to drink as much water as I can... all I get in is 4 x 500ml Bottles, which is still great. I know it's not enough though... rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: booey2 Aug 24 2006, 08:33 AM
You are very welcome, you are getting in 8 glasses which is awesome. Keep it up.


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 28 2006, 05:02 AM
This weekend was harsh. We went out of town for my cousin's wedding, which I saing at - 6 songs. I was a pack of nerves, so I ate like a pig. rolleyes.gif

One cool thing though... I went shopping for a bathing suit, since the hotel room we were in had a pool and sauna, and I'd left my ratty old needed-to-be-replaced-anyways bathing suit at home... I bought a BIKINI. Can you believe it? There was hardly any bathing suits left... and what was left was too small or too big... except for this one particular bikini, which just happened to fit...dh brought it to me, trying to be nice... I tried it on just for shiggles... and it was actually really nice. It's white, with some purple and some yellow-green neon spots. It's bewtter looking than it sounds, trust me.

I never ever thought I'd wear a bikini again.

Posted by: booey2 Aug 28 2006, 05:05 AM
Good for you Rocky, feels nice when something surprises you like. Way to go. smile.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 29 2006, 04:44 AM

Phew! I thought I was plateauing. emlaugh.gif

Posted by: booey2 Aug 29 2006, 05:28 AM
Way to go on the loss Rocky, keep it up. cheerleader.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 30 2006, 07:47 AM
This morning I was at 175.2..... I have a feeling I will go down a lot these next few days... I'm so sick..and not eating at all... i can't...i throw up... emlaugh.gif

ETA - well I managed to drink and keep down a Slim Fast shake, mixed with milk and water added to thin out. It's stayed down so far... there's about 250 calories in it... it made me feel a little better anyways...

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 31 2006, 04:45 AM
This morning I was at 174.2.

I ended up having a small lamb chop last night for dinner, a tiny bit of mashed potatoes, rice, and carrots... it stayed down, I was really happy about that. Today I've had a slim fast vanilla drink... I'm probably not going to eat much all day... I'm still feeling is dh... and Emilie too...N still has the runs... and Zach's at school... so probably just soup for us today.


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Sep 12 2006, 05:30 AM
Since my last post, I've been awful in the eating department. We've had take out at least 1 meal every DAY for various meals, we've been to a restaurant 3 times... and it's only been 12 days. I've gained 3 pounds. I've been really lazy... emlaugh.gif

I don't feel like changing my ticker though. emlaugh.gif

Today is day one of my "back on track"-ness.

Posted by: gabriella Sep 12 2006, 07:26 AM
You're so funny. It's like reading Bridget Jones again. rolling_smile.gif

I haven't read all messages yet because hubby is screaming to get on-line (he needs to work mad.gif ) However, I'll get on again later to read the rest. I so hope you reach your target hug.gif

I especially liked your theory of eating fast-food before dining out rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: CantWait Sep 12 2006, 08:49 AM
Oh Rocky I'm with ya there. During my 2 week lax and bout of depression, I gained almost 10 lbs. Best of luck getting back on track. hug.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Sep 12 2006, 12:23 PM
Isn't it SOOO WIERD how eating 1/2 a pound of chocolate results in having 2 pounds of extra weight?

Hmmm. So much for keeping chocolate on top o fthe fridge so the calories get scared and jump out... who was the smartypants who said that?

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Sep 21 2006, 06:03 AM
Back on track... 174.1


Posted by: booey2 Sep 21 2006, 06:14 AM
Great job Rocky, keep it up. You will get there. TOT - how is going otherwise? hug.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Sep 21 2006, 10:19 AM
QUOTE (booey2 @ Sep 21 2006, 09:14 AM)
Great job Rocky, keep it up. You will get there. TOT - how is going otherwise? hug.gif


Took me a second to figure out TOT (totally off topic, right? ) emlaugh.gif

It's going alright, I guess. My house has never been cleaner. Everything I clean STAYS clean! rolling_smile.gif I'll be posting in PPD in a minute for an update on more.

Posted by: booey2 Sep 21 2006, 10:21 AM
Glad you got it, happier that things are okay, take care. smile.gif


Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Sep 27 2006, 04:57 AM
Yuck. 2 small bowls of S&V chips last night... and a bottle of pepsi.

Although I'm not too worried... I'm still on track for my goals. I've lost just about 22 pounds in 21 weeks.

I've cut down on the sugar in my coffee from about 1 teaspoon to about half of that...

I eat smaller things throughout the day instaed of just the regular meals...

I eat lots of fast food recently... I don't know why... I just have been...and I have been craving junk, and lots of it. Maybe it's the winter blahs coming on very strong... that, or I'm pregnant again... rolling_smile.gif wink.gif

I haven't been drinking the water I should be drinking these last couple weeks... but I will be, I'm waiting on my water bottle from flylady.

Posted by: booey2 Sep 27 2006, 05:31 AM
Hang in there Rocky, sounds like you are right on track. Hurry up and get there bottle so Rocky can start drinkning her water again. Keep it up. cheerleader.gif


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