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Parenting Club Forums > Fitness & Exercise > I lost weight

Posted by: Nina J Jul 22 2006, 12:47 AM
I lost 10 pounds woohoo.gif Although I don't feel like I've worked that hard, I've noticed a huge change in my appetite lately. I eat 3 meals a day because I try to set a good example for Emily, but I've not been very hungry lately and my portions are small. I've been working out every day, but it's not like I'm pushing myself. I just do some yoga, and go for a 10 minute run in the morning. Plus, I think now I don't eat meat, that's made a big difference in my diet. I didn't realise how much meat I actually ate.

I think it'll get harder from here, to lose the rest of the weight I put on when I was pregnant. But, it made me happy to lose the first 10 pounds easily biggrin.gif


Posted by: CantWait Jul 22 2006, 01:23 AM
WTG!!!!!!!! Best of luck on continuing the success.

Posted by: mamasbigbaby Jul 22 2006, 07:08 AM
WTG!! thumb.gif Better than I've ever done!

Posted by: mammag Jul 22 2006, 11:11 AM
Congratulations!!! That's wonderful. thumb.gif

Posted by: Brias3 Jul 22 2006, 12:26 PM
Good for you! thumb.gif That's quite an accomplishment after baby.

Posted by: Nina J Jul 23 2006, 06:30 AM
hug.gif Thank you everyone .

I still can't get over it, I think DH is sick of hearing me brag laugh.gif

Posted by: ediep Jul 23 2006, 10:27 AM
thats wonderful! keep up the good work!!!

Eventually, you'll be able to run for longer than 10 minutes and that will help you lose the rest of the weight! When I am not preg, I am a very into running!

Posted by: MyLuvBugs Jul 23 2006, 10:31 AM
Congratulations!!! THat's quite an achievement!! thumb.gif Keep up the hard work! smile.gif

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