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Parenting Club Forums > Fitness & Exercise > Need some motivation

Posted by: amynicole21 Feb 2 2008, 07:24 PM
I've been working out at least 3x per week since October, and while I lost 10lbs pretty quickly and several inches, I haven't seen any progress since before Christmas. I'm starting to really resent working out, especially since I'm not seeing many results.

I really haven't changed my eating habits, which I know would make a HUGE difference. I just can't stand dieting, and I know if I hate something I'm not going to stick to it. rolleyes.gif

I went from a completely sedentary lifestyle to working out regularly with weights and cardio... shouldn't this still be working? I've bumped up my reps and weight a few times, and try to make my cardio as efficient as possible by increasing resistance.

Anyone have advice or words of wisdom to keep me interested in this?

Posted by: kit_kats_mom Feb 2 2008, 08:30 PM
my fitness trainer told me to do intervals on cardio. 2 minutes fast and easy, 1 minute double hard, on and on. I'm doing the recumbant bike and now I've lost quite a bit of weight.

Posted by: CantWait Feb 2 2008, 09:44 PM
QUOTE (kit_kats_mom @ Feb 3 2008, 01:30 AM)
my fitness trainer told me to do intervals on cardio. 2 minutes fast and easy, 1 minute double hard, on and on. I'm doing the recumbant bike and now I've lost quite a bit of weight.

I believe that's called the titantic and it works GREAT.

How long have you been sticking with your routine? It may be time to completely change it up. You should do this at least every 3 months.

Hang in there, we're rooting for you.

Posted by: austins mom Feb 2 2008, 10:28 PM
Try the dieting somewhat. I have been watching what I eat since Nov 1 and I have lost 18lbs. Dont cut away all your fav food at once. Do it slowly. Every week just take away something and replace it with something healthy. I have cut out soda which made a huge difference for me. Also with eating once you are full stop eating. Dont stuff your self...

Posted by: MommyToAshley Feb 3 2008, 03:04 AM
Have you talked to a trainer? When we joined the Y, we met with a trainer. I learned a lot... I didn't realize how important it is to maintain your goal heart rate when working out. I had been setting the pace too fast on the machines, making my heart rate too high and I was burning sugar instead of fat. It does make a difference. I would definitely talk to a trainer, it is well-worth the time.

Now, I just need to get my butt back in the gym.

Posted by: amynicole21 Feb 3 2008, 06:11 AM
I did have some training sessions, but never actually figured out what my target heart rate should be. Maybe I'll ask today. So, I wonder why it's better to vary your heart rate than to keep it at a constant speed? Wouldn't you be burning LESS calories if you keep slowing down?

I've been doing the same routine since November I guess, but it includes all the machines at the gym and the treadmill... not many other options to change them up... unsure.gif

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Feb 3 2008, 06:38 AM
I know you aren't fond of classes, but it will help mix things up and you will get over your plateau. Drop a few calories a day on your eating....not so much that you will feel deprived, though. Just cut back a little each day. And pump up the cardio to 5 times a week, 30 mins each time. If you lift weights, lift first, then get on the treadmill low and slow for 30-45 mins after lifting. Your body is ready to burn more fat at that point and it works. Lifting weights is a GOOD thing. You lose so many inches and the more your muscles grow, the more fat they burn. Most people don't like to lift, but it's my favorite. I see results so much quicker that way. The down side is that the scale moves much slower. In this case, you have to put the scale away and go by how your clothes fit...or take measurements each week. Whatever helps you. I put my scale away for a couple of months and took measurements every 2 weeks b/c I like to see a bigger change, kwim?

Eating is still huge. You want healthy food to feel good and to give your body the fuel you need. The more you lose, the less food you will want to eat. And eventually your body will be burning so much fat in a sedentary state that you will be able to treat yourself every once in awhile without it showing on the scale.

Good luck! You are doing great...just keep going on. Don't let the plateaus stop you. It's just a hurdle. wink.gif

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Feb 3 2008, 08:11 AM
Also, keep in mind - all the exercise is really good for you - even if you're not losing weight, you're getting all of the health benefits from it!

Posted by: coasterqueen Feb 4 2008, 06:11 AM
I wish I had some advice for you, but I have zero motivation here. wacko.gif

hug.gif hug.gif I hope you find something that works for you soon.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Feb 4 2008, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (Maddie&EthansMom @ Feb 3 2008, 09:38 AM)
I know you aren't fond of classes, but it will help mix things up and you will get over your plateau. Drop a few calories a day on your eating....not so much that you will feel deprived, though. Just cut back a little each day. And pump up the cardio to 5 times a week, 30 mins each time. If you lift weights, lift first, then get on the treadmill low and slow for 30-45 mins after lifting. Your body is ready to burn more fat at that point and it works. Lifting weights is a GOOD thing. You lose so many inches and the more your muscles grow, the more fat they burn. Most people don't like to lift, but it's my favorite. I see results so much quicker that way. The down side is that the scale moves much slower. In this case, you have to put the scale away and go by how your clothes fit...or take measurements each week. Whatever helps you. I put my scale away for a couple of months and took measurements every 2 weeks b/c I like to see a bigger change, kwim?

Eating is still huge. You want healthy food to feel good and to give your body the fuel you need. The more you lose, the less food you will want to eat. And eventually your body will be burning so much fat in a sedentary state that you will be able to treat yourself every once in awhile without it showing on the scale.

Good luck! You are doing great...just keep going on. Don't let the plateaus stop you. It's just a hurdle. wink.gif

Ditto to what Aimee said! I know you don't like classes, but sounds like you really need to change up your routine. Do you not like the classes because they are too dance like? I know some people can't follow along with step, I'm not that great at it, but what about a conditioning class where you are lifting weights with an instructor. I take a 20/20/20 class sometimes that does 20 minutes of cardio aerobics, then we stop and lift weights for 20 minutes, then we get our heart rate up again. I see the most results from this.

I don't know how you eat now, but maybe cut your portions a bit. And cut out any bad oils, soda, refined sugar.

Posted by: holley79 Feb 4 2008, 02:29 PM
I get so burned out with working out. Conventional aerobics have just totally been a bummer for me. I found Fit to Strip and it has been awesome. It's fun, energetic and just gets away from the same ole same ole. Maybe look into that. I am back on my WW and even though I hate dieting I at least don't feel like I'm dieting, KWIM. thumb.gif Are you still losing inches but not maybe pounds due to working out?

Posted by: amynicole21 Feb 4 2008, 04:26 PM
I don't like classes because I have no coordination and look like an epileptic frog trying to keep up with the teacher rolleyes.gif I also get very winded (smoker blush.gif ) and need time to settle down between exercises which you don't get in a fast-paced class.

I haven't lost many inches in the past 2 months... just something like another .5" on my butt (exactly where I didn't need it - my butt's gone very flat). I lost a ton of inches in the first two months though.

Posted by: bawoodsmall Feb 4 2008, 05:46 PM
Dont stop now Amy!!! You are the reason I joined the Y!! I agree to switch it up. They would know better than me. I am just starting and I am going to need you as a success story.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Feb 4 2008, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (amynicole21 @ Feb 4 2008, 07:26 PM)
I don't like classes because I have no coordination and look like an epileptic frog trying to keep up with the teacher rolleyes.gif I also get very winded (smoker blush.gif ) and need time to settle down between exercises which you don't get in a fast-paced class.

Ah, gotcha! wink.gif Well do you think maybe you are just gaining more muscle and that's why the scale has stayed the same? Muscle weighs more than fat. I worked out six days last week and I am actually higher on the scale. Frustrating, but I tell myself it's muscle...or AF is on her way. tongue.gif

Keep it up Amy! Just try to mix things up, even if it means you start at the bike instead of the treadmill. How about grabbing a workout buddy? This way you can look like an epileptic frog together... rolling_smile.gif A good laugh always motivates me!

Posted by: Grace Jul 2 2011, 11:53 AM
If you are having trouble with motivation to exercise, Zumba may be just what you are looking ...

Almost everyone likes music, and exercising to music is a big motivator. Getting caught up in the music keeps the mind occupied and keeps the focus off of ‘exercise’.

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