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Parenting Club Forums > Dieting & Healthy Eating > Has anyone lost a huge amount of weight??

Posted by: youngmomofone Jun 26 2008, 07:12 AM
Ok here's my story. I was 180 when I got pregnant with my daughter, which is big but not too bad as I was 5'7" and carried the weight really well. I was 235 when she was born. I got down to 210 before I gained all that weight plus another 10 pounds (turns out I had pcos). Back in January I was able to lose 20 pounds on quick weight loss (dont know if anyone here has heard of it, but it got to be too expensive and I hated taking so many pills everyday). Once I stopped that diet I quickly gained it all back. So, I was back at 246 but I just lost 2 pounds ( dry.gif ) so I have about 114 to go to get to my goal.

I know I have to start with smaller goals, and so my first goal is to lose 10 pounds by July 10th, and then go from there. I could really use the support from someone who lost 50+ pounds if there is anyone here who has lost that much, or needs to lose that much and is already dieting or fixing to start.

Posted by: PrairieMom Jun 26 2008, 07:17 AM
I lost a ton of weight, but it was all pregnancy weight, so I don't know if that really counts or not, I gained 70 pounds when I got PG with Ben.
The thing that really worked for me was doing a total elimination diet. It was horrible, and very very hard. I didn't acutally do it to loose weight, I had some other health issues and my homeopath put me on the diet to see if it would help. I accidentally lost the weight, and it has stayed off for nearly a year now.

Posted by: Teesa®© Jun 26 2008, 10:45 AM
I lost 80 lbs in 20 minutes once.... but I had just given birth emlaugh.gif

I can't afford to lose any weight, but I sure would love to "lose" my belly mad.gif mad.gif

Wait till Rocky gets here - Hillbilly Housewife - she's on this really kewl diet and has lost tons of weight. So has JennasMommy and I'm not sure whom all else blush.gif . You can check out the Dieting Journals in this thread.

Posted by: holley79 Jun 26 2008, 10:53 AM
In 2004 I was sick and tired of being the fat chick. I was 265 pounds, I'm 5'8" but again I was 265 pounds. I had been in an accident in 2000, wheel chaired for 3 months, knee surgery after knee surgery and in 2004 I decided to suck it up and do something about it. I joined Weight Watchers and the Gym. I lost 100 pounds in 8 months. WW is expensive though. After Annika I put the weight back on. I joined Curves and did the Curves Complete weightloss and I have lost not only pounds but lots of inches. blush.gif

Posted by: mummy2girls Jun 26 2008, 01:30 PM
Well I have lost 40 lbs and im done until I get married because my dress fits perfectly now and I dont want it falling off. after the wedding I am going to lose another 35 pounds and im good to go.. Nothign worked for me in the past. I tried pills, slim fast, and so on but i finally had enough So i tried weightwatchers. Very skeptical about because nothing worked and boom it worked. first week i lost 6 pounds and each week i kept losing 1-3 lbs each week. depending how goods my week was.

Posted by: youngmomofone Jun 26 2008, 06:59 PM
I tried to do weight watchers online and even though there are a lot of helpful tools I still was lost as to what to eat on a day to day basis. A lot of the recipes I couldn't make as I don't live in my own home right now, so I think that's why it seemed overwhelming.

I've never did diet pills (slim quick/metabolife) longer than a few days, and I tried slim fast and even with their improved meal plans I still was very hungry as I wasnt allowed to eat much veggies.

I think that if I can figure out weight watchers I will give it another try, as long as I can find some simple recipes and lunch ideas. smile.gif

Thanks for answering! It feels good to know that the weight CAN come off!

Posted by: mummy2girls Jun 27 2008, 05:24 AM
QUOTE (youngmomofone @ Jun 26 2008, 09:59 PM)
I tried to do weight watchers online and even though there are a lot of helpful tools I still was lost as to what to eat on a day to day basis. A lot of the recipes I couldn't make as I don't live in my own home right now, so I think that's why it seemed overwhelming.

I've never did diet pills (slim quick/metabolife) longer than a few days, and I tried slim fast and even with their improved meal plans I still was very hungry as I wasnt allowed to eat much veggies.

I think that if I can figure out weight watchers I will give it another try, as long as I can find some simple recipes and lunch ideas. smile.gif

Thanks for answering! It feels good to know that the weight CAN come off!

Well Weightwatchers to me was easy... I didnt do any of thier recipes and they actually changes it around. I get a certain amount of points daily plus an additional 35 flex points I use throughout the week. And my days for example conisists of:

Breakfast: 1 cup of cereal with fresh strawberries and 1 cup milk.
or 2 boiled eggs and 2 toasts

Lunch: A smart one frozen weightwatcher meal with a side salad/sandwich

Dinner: Whatever I was making for my fiance and daughter but i changed it around a bit for myself .. for example: Pasta bake is what I made for them but for me I had 1 cup whole wheat pasta, half cup lean ground beef, half cup pasta sauce, 1 cup corn, 1 cup fresh tomatoes, 1 cup Fresh Mushrooms.
So as im making and layering the pasta bake for them I take out each layer and put on my own plate. Also I added cheese to thier layers but not mine.

or if I make parmesan chicken for them what i do is I just bake my chicken breats with Salsa and have the pasta and sauce without the cheese. And then add a cup of veggies. So its pretty easy. if you want I can give you more ideas on meal ideas... That you can make for your family and use for yourself but just omit some things for yourself.

Snack:It depends on how many points i have left is what i have for a snack.

Also finding a weightwatcher meeting near you helps big time and staying active by havign walks or just goign to the gym...

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Jun 27 2008, 05:33 AM
Well I lost 50 pounds after having Andrew, but it took me almost a year and then I gained it all back with Allie. rolleyes.gif I didn't do anything special, just did 20 minutes a day on my elliptical machine and tried not to eat like a pig like I have a tendency to do. tongue.gif I've procrastinated for over a year (again) about losing weight and I have to lose at least 30 pounds, 40 would be better - I've been thinking about doing Weight Watchers because of the success that Shelly has had with it. thumb.gif

Posted by: youngmomofone Jun 27 2008, 06:56 AM
Wow, that does sound easy, thanks for the advice!

Posted by: JocelynsMommy Jun 27 2008, 08:38 AM
Well I haven't lost 50+ pounds but I have lost 25lbs since I gave birth 6 months ago, and I plan and loosing about 6 more then trying to get some muscle tone. I'm a very short person and don't carry wieght very well. (gaining 5 lbs looks more like 20 on me) One of the best things that helped me loose wieght was going through me entire kitchen and throwing out all of the junk food. This included soda, chips, and anything else that wasn't healthy for my. Then I went to the store and bought a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies. I know what you are going through and you have my support. Good luck.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 29 2008, 04:40 PM
QUOTE (Teesa®© @ Jun 26 2008, 01:45 PM)
Wait till Rocky gets here - Hillbilly Housewife - she's on this really kewl diet and has lost tons of weight. So has JennasMommy and I'm not sure whom all else blush.gif . You can check out the Dieting Journals in this thread.

check my of them posts the diet i was on.

I'm not on it anymore though. I've been staying at between 133 and 135 for a while now. wink.gif

Posted by: Sarah&Mackenzie Jun 30 2008, 08:49 AM
I am on Weight Watchers and have lost 40.4 pounds. 17 more to go to get to my goal!!

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Jun 30 2008, 10:02 AM
QUOTE (Sarah&Mackenzie @ Jun 30 2008, 11:49 AM)
I am on Weight Watchers and have lost 40.4 pounds. 17 more to go to get to my goal!!

ohmy.gif good for you. you looked great when we met last year. was this after then or during?

Posted by: A&A'smommy Jun 30 2008, 10:36 AM
I lost 40lbs 2 years ago but I gained about 20 of it back rolleyes.gif and now I'm working on loosing it again after having my baby (which I only gained 30lbs with her and I lost all of that plus after having her)

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 30 2008, 02:58 PM
oh and I forgot to mention... i lost about 74 pounds, give or take a bit...

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