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Parenting Club Forums > Dieting & Healthy Eating > Dieting question

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Jun 23 2008, 11:22 AM
I've been needing to lose weight for a long time but just started trying for real a week or two ago. blush.gif I've been working out every day and I've cut way down on sweets and only drink soda once in a while now, and I've stopped snacking all day long, and I've been drinking a lot of water. But even though I eat normal meals I'm so hungry all of the time - I mean all day long, plus the chocolate cravings are hard to deal with. blush.gif Has anyone here ever used a appetite suppressant/ fat burner that worked for them and didn't have any bad side effects? I have at least 30 pounds to lose, and even though I know I will eventually lose it if I just keep doing what I'm doing, some help would be nice. tongue.gif I came close to giving in and purging on friday night, which is something I swore to myself I'd never do again after I had Andrew. It was just so tempting because I'd finally given in to the hunger and cravings I'd been fighting all day and ate a whole bag of popcorn and a bowl of ice cream after Dh went to work. bawling.gif I have a hard time thinking rationally enough to realize I don't need it until after I've finally given in and eaten it, so I'm hoping some kind of appetite suppressant would really help. Any suggestions? help.gif

Posted by: grapfruit Jun 23 2008, 11:46 AM

DO NOT USE A DIET PILL hug.gif I have 2 friends in their early 20's that have heart palpitations b/c of them. One that had a scare of losing her baby b/c they didn't think her heart was strong enough.

You're sort of going about it wrong. You NEED to snack, just snack healthy. Munch on a hand full of carrot or celerly sticks. A handful of peanuts (unsalted), stuff like that.

By cutting WAY back on food intake your body thinks it's starving and actually SLOWS your metabolism. You need to rev it up.

Drink lots and lots of water. Everytime you feel a little hungry, drink 8oz of water (if you don't like water, mix it w/Crystal Light). It's more about portion control. Just don't OVER eat. hug.gif

Say every 2 hours have a small snack. A cup of yogurt, an apple, something like that. Eat your regular meals (portion controlled!). Make dinner be your smallest meal and try not to eat a good 3 hours before bed time.

It's ok, to have snacks. Popcorn w/o butter shouldn't be bad. Instead of ice cream, try serbert. No calories in that.

About 15 min before a meal eat about 100 calories, it kicks in early enough that you don't feel so hungry and over eat.

And most importantly, don't give up. hug.gif It's not going to be easy, and it's going to take some time. But you CAN do it!!!

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Jun 23 2008, 01:54 PM
Well, I'm not cutting WAY back on food, just the junky kind. wink.gif I'm eating normal meals. I know that healthy snacking is ok, I just have a hard time only eating a little bit for snacks, and if I eat some carrots, then I end up searching for something else too because it wasn't *enough*... I will work on it though. I know that healthy snacking is good, I'm just not quite there yet. tongue.gif

I do drink a lot of water - I have a 32 oz Nalgene bottle that I drink at least two of a day, plus I drink an actual glass or 2 of water a day too. It helps curb the hunger a little, but not for long. tongue.gif I didn't used to like water but I do now. happy.gif

I was kind of hoping to find something more on the natural side for an appetite suppressant... years ago I tried a couple different diet pills that gave me heart palpitations and dizzy spells and made me super jittery, so I definitely wouldn't want anything like that again. I wish I liked green tea, but I think all tea is gross. I guess I could just make myself drink it. tongue.gif I know green tea isn't an appetite suppressant, but it would be something to drink that might help me lose weight I guess. I have some orange flavored green tea that I bought months ago thinking I'd try to make iced tea with it... maybe I'll try it. The only problem with that is I know I'd have to add sugar to it because I wouldn't be able to stand it otherwise, and I'm very anti-nutrasweet and splenda and anything like it. tongue.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Jun 23 2008, 02:21 PM
The only advice I have is lots of fiber....that makes you feel full. Peanut butter and apple slices, etc for snacks. You might also try eating every three hours, small meals, to stay full.

I've heard from sooo many "diet experts" that you shouldn't deprive yourself of all the stuff you love, even junk....give yourself one day a week that is "free" day or still have your treats but every other day and smaller portions or something along those lines.

Posted by: Richie Oct 28 2008, 11:26 PM
well thats very good and you should keep it up! The junk foods and eating all day which are making us fat and fatter! Its beng a long time that i have stopped soda and snaks throughout the day!

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