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Parenting Club Forums > Children Health > Feeding Evaluations

Posted by: Mom to Jessica Jun 1 2005, 12:20 PM

Hi Everyone! I'm a newbie. My name is Kathy and I have 2 girls. Sara is 7 and Jessica is 16 months.

I am having a feeding problem with Jessica. She does not like to eat table food. The only thing she will eat is Motts Applesauce, Cheerios, Arrowroot Cookies or the Gerber Fruit Puffs. She does, however, still eat stage 2 foods. She likes the fruits and vegetables and her meats, but when we give her gerber graduate foods she spits them out or throws it on the floor.

Her pediatrician suggested for her to go through a feeding evaluation. Does anyone know what that is or does anyone know of someone who went throught it?

We will be moving to another part of NJ soon. I don't need anymore stress than I already have.

I looked this up on the internet and it is usually associated with kids who have developmental disabilities or feeding disorders. I would hate to see my 16 month old go through this. Does anyone know if they grow out of this???

I am very concerned for her.

Thanks for any help you can offer!


Posted by: mammag Jun 1 2005, 12:51 PM
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about this but just wanted to say that I hope it turns out to be nothing and she starts to eat better soon. Welcome to the board by the way. wavey.gif

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Jun 1 2005, 02:04 PM
Hi Nice to meet you
I know nothing about this but wanted to wish you luck with everything

Posted by: aspenblue1 Jun 1 2005, 02:05 PM
I haven't heard of that before but wanted to wish you luck.

Posted by: 5littleladies Jun 1 2005, 03:17 PM
I don't really know anything about feeding evaluations, but I'm wondering if she is doing ok size wise? If she isn't small for her age or anything like that I wouldn't worry about it-Just feed her what she wants to eat, maybe give her a vitamin supplement, and keep trying with the other foods. Sometimes kids are just picky and it takes them time to get used to eating regular food.

Welcome to the boards! I have a 7 year old daughter too-It's a fun (and interesting rolleyes.gif ) age isn't it? happy.gif

Posted by: amymom Jun 1 2005, 03:49 PM
I know very little about the feeding evaluation, but IMO I would wait until you were moved and settled. UNLESS there is a nutrition problem suspected. If she is of a good weight then I would just wait until the move. Will you have to change doctors with the move? If yes, then that is a 2nd opinion without the stress. Just my 2cents.gif

Posted by: ediep Jun 1 2005, 04:33 PM
I don't know anything about a feeding evaluation, but I wasnted to say that my friends daughter is 20 or 21 months and she just started eating all table food. She ate stage 2 jars un until a few weeks ago. She has no other problems.

Try not to worry and I agree with the others that if she is growing and gaining well, I'd wait until I was moved and setteled to do any food evaluations

Posted by: Mom to Jessica Jun 2 2005, 07:09 PM
Jessica weighs 23 pounds and she's 31 inches long. She loves her soy milk but the doctor wants me to put her back on regular milk. She had a sensitive stomach when she turned 12 mos.

Now she is okay. She is taking her liquid vitamin. I guess she's just a picky eater and maybe she's not ready to eat table food yet.

My husband and I will wait until we move and settle in before we make any decisions about the baby. She must be sensing the stress between the two of us about the move. plus she is teething again.

Hopefully by the time we are settled she'll be eating regular food.

Thanks for replying to my post!

wavey.gif thumb.gif

Posted by: Celestrina Jun 2 2005, 09:53 PM
My son did not start talking until recently. He has been getting help for the past 6 months and it has done wonders for him. Don't be afraid to get help - they can give you guidance for how to work with any problems there might be. As everyone has said, wait until you are settled so you don't have too much going on at once. If you have a new pediatrician they will know who to go to in your area.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Jun 3 2005, 04:26 AM
Can't hlep ya - Emilie is 17 months and she's been eating table food since she was about 7 months old... she only eats table food now.....

Maybe try giving her stuff that isn't mushy. I'll assume she has teeth at 16 months? Skip the mush and give her some cheese. Give her some cooked carrots. Give her some macaroni.

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