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Parenting Club Forums > Children Health > Swollen gums, fever

Posted by: DVFlyer Jun 2 2008, 02:26 PM
Hi all,

Chloe (4 y/o) has just developed and odd case of swollen... really swollen gums and a slight fever. She started complaining about feeling sick a day or so ago and now this. It was so odd that Michelle took her to the ER at 1:00am this morning. They prescribed her Penicillin and some gum wash and called Gingivitis.... not sure I buy that. We're talking one day she seemed fine and the next her gums, mostly in one spot are really bad.

Any one else gone through this?


Posted by: my2monkeyboys Jun 2 2008, 03:35 PM
Are the gums getting a blue tint to them, kind of like they are bruised?
Will had this about 2 yrs ago, and they gums literally were swollen up around his teeth in some places. The Dr. said it was either the first infection of herpes (cold sores) or this other viral infection (can't remember the name, sorry!). She could have done a culture and found out which it was in about a week, but by that time it would have been healing up so we didn't do it.

Posted by: DVFlyer Jun 9 2008, 11:44 AM
Sorry for the late reply...

Yes, that's it. She just got back from the dentist and they contradicted the ER doc (although he was *technically correct*). What she has/ had is Herpetic Gingivostomatitis. 7-10 days and she should be fine. This is what my internet search led to also.

The penicillin did nothing since it was viral.

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Jun 10 2008, 05:54 AM
It's kind of freaky, isn't it!?! Glad it's something simple. Hope she gets to feeling better soon!!

Posted by: DVFlyer Jun 10 2008, 07:36 AM
Yes, very freaky. One day fine- two days later a mouth full of swollen gums.

Checked them out yesterday and almost totally healed.

The toughest part of the whole ordeal was getting her to take the penicillin. Yucky medicine is never fun to a 4 y/o. It was pretty sugared up, but still bitter. We had her chase it with milk and a cookie. smile.gif

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