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Parenting Club Forums > Children Health > Sedated Hearing Test

Posted by: dermaus Apr 24 2012, 09:13 AM
My spouse and I are wringing hands over whether or not to have our child (Josey) go in for a sedated BAER test. She's had at least four inconclusive hearing tests since birth and is at the age (13 months) where sedation is necessary to keep her still in order to get a definitive result. The previous tests have all come back with Josey having anywhere from normal to mild/moderate hearing loss. This test is supposed to be definitive and will also get everything needed for her to be fitted properly for hearing aids (if necessary).

Of course we don't want Josey to lag behind others her age in language development, but we also don't want to subject her to general anesthesia for something that could come back normal. Her audiologist recommends sedation, as does a second audiologist we went to, and a speech pathologist. However, her pediatrician recommends waiting.

I know this seems like small potatoes compared to what some other parents have to go through with their children, but has anyone else faced the decision to have their child sedated? What was your experience like?

Thanks for listening.

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