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Parenting Club Forums > General Adult Health > I'm so tired

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Jun 18 2008, 11:49 AM
Does anyone else get really fatigued while AF is visiting? It's almost like I don't even want to move. I don't want to get dressed, go anywhere, or even get off the couch. huh.gif I have endometriosis and really bad cramps (that seem to be getting worse.) But this fatigue is becoming a problem. I'm fine the rest of the month. I'm a fairly social person, but not when AF is here. I just have NO energy and no desire to do a thing.

I remember my grandmother telling me that when they were younger they weren't allowed to bathe or go outside at all during AF. She used to always tell me to rest. I wonder if that was an old wives tale about losing blood or if there was something more to that.

Anyway, anyone else feel this way? What do you do to make yourself feel better?

Posted by: A&A'smommy Jun 18 2008, 11:51 AM
hug.gif hug.gif Are you getting enough iron? I'm sorry you feel so bad I rarely feel bad during af but my mom was the oposite she had TERRIBLE af. You might want to talk to your dr about your fatigue especially if it is becoming a problem!! hug.gif

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Jun 18 2008, 12:09 PM
It could definitely be because of low iron - if my iron gets low I get really tired all the time.

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Jun 18 2008, 01:10 PM
I get really tired during AF too. I start feeling drained and sluggish around the time I ovulate and it gets worse when AF actually comes. wacko.gif I've always wondered about the losing blood thing - I guess losing blood can make you low in iron and that can make you tired, so it makes sense. hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Jun 18 2008, 01:14 PM
I do the first day or two. But I guess my body adjusts after that. I know what you can do....NOTHING...just stay on the couch. I mean, we have to go through that every month that's the least we can get away with right? Order out tonight, Pei Wei and think about me and Tim!

Posted by: luvmykids Jun 18 2008, 03:02 PM
Yup, I get like that too hug.gif . Sometimes it's so bad I feel drugged, like my body is just too heavy to move and just too much effort to do anything at all. Have you had your iron checked lately? I know for me it makes a HUGE difference during AF.

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Jun 18 2008, 03:04 PM
Maybe I should just buy some iron and take it and see if it helps. I had low Fe during pregnancy, but usually it's normal. I feel the same way, Monica. My body just feels heavy and I could seriously sleep all day. snooze.gif The heat doesn't help. I try to avoid going outside too much.

Posted by: moped Jun 18 2008, 06:12 PM
Yes I get the same way and I am not looking forward to getting AF back, it has been a loooooong time

Posted by: MoonMama Jun 18 2008, 10:28 PM
I get like that too sometimes during AF. My worst issue with AF is the day before I get the most horrible headache. So bad I can't think or function at all, I feel sick and just want to cry it hurts so bad. bawling.gif

hug.gif hug.gif

I agree are you sure your getting enough iron?

Posted by: MyBabeMaddie Jun 19 2008, 05:49 AM
Are you anemic? You should have your Dr. take a blood sample. Careful with the iron supplements they can make you pretty constipated which is no fun either.

Posted by: Teesa®© Jun 19 2008, 05:56 AM
I'm anemic already so when I have AF, I feel pretty worn out. Some days, I can only stand for about 10 minutes to do dishes and then I have to sit down.

The past year or so, though, I've been noticing I get WAY more gas than usual huh.gif . I've NO idea what that has to do with AF, but it's always worse then blush.gif

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Jun 19 2008, 10:32 AM
QUOTE (Teesa®© @ Jun 19 2008, 08:56 AM)
The past year or so, though, I've been noticing I get WAY more gas than usual huh.gif . I've NO idea what that has to do with AF, but it's always worse then blush.gif

So do clue how it's related but it never fails! blush.gif

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Jun 24 2008, 06:22 PM
Yes, I get this way. I like to workout a lot, but I always feel sluggish and unmotivated to go to the gym right before and during AF. I don't know if it's because I feel heavier, being bloated and all. Or if it's just my mood. But I truly just want to EAT and do nothing. sleep.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Jun 24 2008, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (Maddie&EthansMom @ Jun 18 2008, 04:04 PM)
Maybe I should just buy some iron and take it and see if it helps.

If you do buy the iron, I like the Feosol because it's time released and doesn't cause the stomach upset the regular stuff does wink.gif

I think I asked this before, but do you take any B vitamins? Maybe a super b complex would help?

Sometimes I think it's just part of the whole ordeal dry.gif and that if everyone would just leave me alone for those few days I wouldn't have to try to figure out a way to feel better laugh.gif hug.gif

eta: I just re-read this part:
I'm a fairly social person, but not when AF is here. I just have NO energy and no desire to do a thing.

Have you ever asked your dr about PMDD? I know lots of women feel the same way but that sentence made me think of it.

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