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Parenting Club Forums > General Adult Health > ouchie!!!!!

Posted by: mummy2girls May 12 2008, 05:19 AM
Welll I woke up on mothers day with still a sore throat but just on the left side but closer to my ear. So when i swallowed my ear throbbed. it was odd. I was battling a bad sore throat for a week and i tthought it was goign away. Well we came hoem froma day of activities and i am layign onteh couch and i decided to feel where my lymph nodes (sp?) are on my neck and i felt a hard lump on the left side. It felt like a ball under the skin and it was a bit tender to teh touch. i was worried because i never had that before so i asked marcus to feel. He thinks it is a swollen lymph node. So he said fi it gets really bad tomorrow then we will got o the medi centre after work. Well i woke up and when i swallow my ear HURTS! the swollen area is even more swollen and my ear is throbbing. So marcus felt it and he didnt even have to press on it because it HURT!!!! and its bigger in size. now its spreading toarwds my neck area behind the ear:(

Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 May 12 2008, 05:31 AM
hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif I hope you feel better soon! hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: ediep May 12 2008, 11:17 AM
what did the doc say? ear infection??

Hope you are feeling better soon

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