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Parenting Club Forums > General Adult Health > Question for those who suffer from allergies

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 06:58 AM
When you are suffering from allergies do you get tired a lot? Do you sleep a lot? I am sicker than a dog (whatever that means, never really understood that term) and I keep thinking it's allergies, then another part of me doesn't think it is. It's driving me crazy! Anyways, I'm sleeping a LOT (just not at night when I'm supposed to be sleeping). I'm tired all the time too. So then I can't tell if I'm tired all the time from allergies, being sick with some virus OR if it's depression. I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what is wrong w/me and Dh is on my last nerve about how I seem to be so "off" lately. wacko.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 9 2007, 07:05 AM
Are you taking allergy meds? Allergy meds really affect me and make me tired. I hate to take them but sometimes they are a necessity. I would get the shots, but they don't help me. sad.gif

I would suggest going to your doc. They can probably help you to determine what is going on.

Hope you feel better soon. hug.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 07:12 AM
QUOTE (MommyToAshley @ Apr 9 2007, 10:05 AM)
Are you taking allergy meds? Allergy meds really affect me and make me tired. I hate to take them but sometimes they are a necessity. I would get the shots, but they don't help me. sad.gif

I would suggest going to your doc. They can probably help you to determine what is going on.

Hope you feel better soon. hug.gif

Thanks Dee Dee. I haven't taken allergy meds for years but broke down last week and started taking the OTC ones now that I'm not nursing anymore. They help a bit, but they aren't fighting off the severe migraines I'm getting from it and maybe that is what's making me tired. It's Claritin and it says non-drowsy, but that could be wrong. wacko.gif I broke down and took Claritin-D yesterday and it helped for a bit, but that was it.

I do take the allergy shots, have for years but they aren't seeming to help either. They do help, but not as much as I need them to. I don't like my allergy doc at all, she can't speak english very well and we just can't communicate at all. So today I called a new specialist and will see him next Monday. So hopefully he can help me out here. I'm desperate.

I just wish I knew if it was allergies, depression, or what making me tired. wacko.gif blink.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 9 2007, 07:58 AM
well it also could be your not getting restful sleep, that in it self will keep you tired, sick and allergies worse. My DH went to a sleep clinc and since he is not getting 6-8 ren cycles a night its causing alot more than just feeling tired, like short term memory loss, back achs, allerie related symptoms, depression, tons of things all from not getting proper sleep. I kow your not getting the sleep you need and it could be effecting your over all health. This also coudl be the cause f your reoccuring illness. Do you know if you snore? Or will you admit to snoring?

hug.gif however this does seem to be a pretty bad allerie year, I say this as I am sneezing.....LOL

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 08:24 AM
QUOTE (Kaitlin'smom @ Apr 9 2007, 10:58 AM)
well it also could be your not getting restful sleep, that in it self will keep you tired, sick and allergies worse. My DH went to a sleep clinc and since he is not getting 6-8 ren cycles a night its causing alot more than just feeling tired, like short term memory loss, back achs, allerie related symptoms, depression, tons of things all from not getting proper sleep. I kow your not getting the sleep you need and it could be effecting your over all health. This also coudl be the cause f your reoccuring illness. Do you know if you snore? Or will you admit to snoring?

hug.gif however this does seem to be a pretty bad allerie year, I say this as I am sneezing.....LOL

Dh says I snore, but I think it's just heavy breathing. Now HE snores terribly and if I wake at all I can't fall back asleep because of his snoring as well as if he goes to sleep before me I can't sleep hearing his snoring. wacko.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Apr 9 2007, 08:53 AM
I think this allergy season is a lot worse than past years and although I don't have bad allergies the kids do...they have been extremely tired and lethargic. But it could be that you're not getting restful sleep as Di suggested, have you tried earplugs for DH's snoring?

Another thought is anemia...I'm constantly up and down with my iron levels and for me the slightest dip leaves me practically comatose. If you haven't had a full blown physical lately I'd start there just to cover all the bases.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 9 2007, 10:05 AM
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Apr 9 2007, 11:24 AM)
QUOTE (Kaitlin'smom @ Apr 9 2007, 10:58 AM)
well it also could be your not getting restful sleep, that in it self will keep you tired, sick and allergies worse. My DH went to a sleep clinc and since he is not getting 6-8 ren cycles a night its causing alot more than just feeling tired, like short term memory loss, back achs, allerie related symptoms, depression, tons of things all from not getting proper sleep. I kow your not getting the sleep you need and it could be effecting your over all health. This also coudl be the cause f your reoccuring illness. Do you know if you snore? Or will you admit to snoring?

hug.gif however this does seem to be a pretty bad allerie year, I say this as I am sneezing.....LOL

Dh says I snore, but I think it's just heavy breathing. Now HE snores terribly and if I wake at all I can't fall back asleep because of his snoring as well as if he goes to sleep before me I can't sleep hearing his snoring. wacko.gif

well see now with your DH snoring that can cause YOU lack of sleep, and if your allergies are at all bother you I bet you do snore, I know I will if I am really congested. You can always try a sleep clinic to see if you are getting the proper sleep or if something is interfeering with it. I am not 100% sure of them yet, let see if they really help DH or not I gave him some questions to ask we will see what he comes back with.

In answer to your question though I do tend to be more tired when my allergies are going wacko since I cant sleep good.

Posted by: A&A'smommy Apr 9 2007, 10:07 AM
hug.gif hug.gif It really depends usually when I get sick at first I'm REALLY tired.. and I have always been told that is just from your body trying to heal itself!!! hug.gif hug.gif I hope you feel better soon... and I'm like you I don't really get the "i'm sicker than a dog" phrase either tongue.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Apr 9 2007, 10:31 AM
Heh heh... you're not pregnant, are you?

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 10:45 AM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ Apr 9 2007, 01:31 PM)
Heh heh... you're not pregnant, are you?

laugh.gif Um....NO! tongue.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 10:46 AM
I think I will maybe make a visit with my doc for a physical, but I will wait to see what this new allergist says next week. I was anemic a long time ago, so it is possible, I guess. I haven't had problems with it for years, though. I have not tried ear plugs because I'm afraid Dh won't wake if the girls need him and I wouldn't be able to hear them. I usually get up and go sleep on the couch if I can't listen to him snore. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 9 2007, 10:47 AM
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Apr 9 2007, 01:46 PM)
I think I will maybe make a visit with my doc for a physical, but I will wait to see what this new allergist says next week. I was anemic a long time ago, so it is possible, I guess. I haven't had problems with it for years, though. I have not tried ear plugs because I'm afraid Dh won't wake if the girls need him and I wouldn't be able to hear them. I usually get up and go sleep on the couch if I can't listen to him snore. rolleyes.gif

see if I cant sleep when DH's snoring I make him leave.

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 9 2007, 10:48 AM
QUOTE (Kaitlin'smom @ Apr 9 2007, 01:47 PM)
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Apr 9 2007, 01:46 PM)
I think I will maybe make a visit with my doc for a physical, but I will wait to see what this new allergist says next week.  I was anemic a long time ago, so it is possible, I guess.  I haven't had problems with it for years, though.  I have not tried ear plugs because I'm afraid Dh won't wake if the girls need him and I wouldn't be able to hear them.  I usually get up and go sleep on the couch if I can't listen to him snore.  rolleyes.gif

see if I cant sleep when DH's snoring I make him leave.

I would, but oddly enough I find the couch more comfortable than our bed these days. I'm sure the bed issue isn't helping me sleep either. It's so uncomfortable but I just can't bring myself to spend money on a new one. blush.gif

Posted by: cameragirl21 Apr 9 2007, 10:49 AM
allergies have made me very tired before, especially if i'm in a new place, exposed to a new allergen.
i remember shortly after my parents moved to Jacksonville, i came home for a summer in between college semesters and i lost at least 25 pounds that summer because all i did was sleep the whole time...i was SO allergic.

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Apr 10 2007, 08:50 AM
Stephen has a number of confirmed allergies. He is ALWAYS sick from November to June. I think it totally stinks. He gets every little thing that goes around. He just went back to his allergist for shots again last month as the OTC/prescrption route just seems like it's not keeping up. He's tried everything from herbal, a nasal irrigation system, air purifiers, ionic systems, etc. Nothing has ever been a solution. I hate to see him suffer so much.
Sorry, I guess I can only offer sympathy and lots of hug.gif hug.gif .

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 10 2007, 10:37 AM
QUOTE (mom21kid2dogs @ Apr 10 2007, 11:50 AM)
Stephen has a number of confirmed allergies. He is ALWAYS sick from November to June. I think it totally stinks. He gets every little thing that goes around. He just went back to his allergist for shots again last month as the OTC/prescrption route just seems like it's not keeping up. He's tried everything from herbal, a nasal irrigation system, air purifiers, ionic systems, etc. Nothing has ever been a solution. I hate to see him suffer so much.
Sorry, I guess I can only offer sympathy and lots of hug.gif hug.gif .

Thanks Cheryl. It's nice to hear how you feel for your DH struggling through it. Ryan just doesn't seem to understand and he tries to be sympathetic, but sometimes I think he doesn't understand whatsoever how badly I struggle with them. sad.gif

Posted by: Kentuckychick Apr 10 2007, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Apr 9 2007, 07:12 AM)
They help a bit, but they aren't fighting off the severe migraines I'm getting from it and maybe that is what's making me tired.

That sentence right there is what caught my attention.

I too get the severe migraines and mine tend to be caused by changes in the atmosphere (pressure, alot of pollen, anything that makes the air "thicker"). I take medicine that helps to prevent the worst of the migraines but I still get them and even when I don't get the actual headache itself I can tell when I'm having the other symptoms... fatigue is a MAJOR one (both a symptom of a migraine and a warning sign for a migraine).

I have been having days in the last few weeks where I sleep 13 hours a night, wake up and then take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day and I still feel tired... it's awful, especially when you have life to be living.

So I'm thinking this could be a major factor for you and you might want to ask your doctor about it (migraines can contribute to depression as well).

My doctor actually gave me a nasal spray (Flonase and Rhinocort) and these seem to help a little bit with easing the head pains. For the exhaustion I just have to drink extra caffeine or try to be more active.

Hope you feel better!

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