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Parenting Club Forums > Love And Romance > Nothing, nada, zip

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Feb 14 2007, 08:12 AM
I'm not going to bore you with the details...but let's just say you give me nada, not even a card, you get nada tonight! growl.gif smash.gif new_tomato.gif tank.gif nosmiley.gif saywha.gif noooooo.gif

We promised no gifts, but I made him a cute card from the boys and bought some steaks for dinner. I woke up this morning to nothing but a messy house, dirty stove that I spent hours on Monday scrubbing by hand, dirty poop stains in the toilet (no kidding), coffee grinds all over the counters, his breakfast dishes in the sink and a basement full of toys which I'm sorry, but DH could have at least helped pick up. Nope, nothing. mad.gif

ETA: Oh, did I mention his dirty clothes ON TOP of the hamper...yep, that's the usual...

Posted by: TheOaf66 Feb 14 2007, 08:22 AM
huh.gif ouch, that does not bode well for him I don't think

Posted by: lisar Feb 14 2007, 08:40 AM
Sorry Hun. Hopefully he might have something for you tonight. Atleast flowers or a card. Maybe something. Dont give up just yet. If not then I am sorry. hug.gif

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Feb 14 2007, 09:48 AM
QUOTE (lisar @ Feb 14 2007, 11:40 AM)
Sorry Hun. Hopefully he might have something for you tonight. Atleast flowers or a card. Maybe something. Dont give up just yet. If not then I am sorry. hug.gif

Yeah let's hope so. It's not that I need material items, it's the fact that he just gets up in the morning and just walks out like I'm going to pick up after him. I don't mind doing laundry, but put it IN the basket! I don't mind doing dishes, but put them IN the dishwasher! And please don't pretend you don't see the poop marks you left in the toilet or the toys scattered everywhere throughout the house! I swear I'm living in a frat house!

Did I tell you he had the nerve to tell me to pick up my coffee spoon off the counter last Saturday!! Oooooo was I mad...I said "don't even get me started about not picking up"! He apologized, but gosh, a spoon. mad.gif

Sorry...I'm totally venting.... growl.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Feb 14 2007, 10:46 AM
Not looking good for DH today. If it makes you feel any better you described my house at the moment. I hope he comes home, sends you to the tub, and cleans up while cooking you a romantic dinner hug.gif

Posted by: MyBrownEyedBoy Feb 14 2007, 10:50 AM
Bummer, Rae. Aaron just called me at work to ask me what I wanted for Valentine's Day. I told him I wanted him to figure it out on his own.

Posted by: Boo&BugsMom Feb 14 2007, 11:34 AM
hug.gif I think he needs to stop by the store and pick up a full suit of armor before he comes home because I do believe he will get his butt kicked when he gets home. Ouch. Vent all you want!

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Feb 14 2007, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (luvmykids @ Feb 14 2007, 01:46 PM)
Not looking good for DH today. If it makes you feel any better you described my house at the moment. I hope he comes home, sends you to the tub, and cleans up while cooking you a romantic dinner hug.gif

Yeah, that would be the tub I'M scrubbing today.... rolling_smile.gif

I actually broke down and made cookies for the guy...and I even took a shower (it had been a couple days) and shaved my legs and other nice parts. blush.gif Although I'm mad, I can't hold it against him for too long. Like Lisa said, maybe he will surprise me when he gets home...One can sure hope!

Kelly, I totally understand where you're coming from. I went grocery shopping last night and said, hey, are we doing anything tomorrow night or should I plan something for dinner. DH was like "uh, I didn't plan anything, what do you want for dinner"...So I picked up some steaks at the store that I'm sure I'll be cooking. It will be a typical night for us, which is fine, but gosh, I better get a *&#%&)# card! I was at the dollar store on Tuesday and they had roses for $ there are no excuses! dry.gif

Posted by: CantWait Feb 14 2007, 03:52 PM
I'm with ya there Rae. Sucks big time sad.gif

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Feb 14 2007, 04:18 PM
ohmy.gif I can't believe he didn't at least get a card. I'm sorry, Rae. hug.gif

Scotty will buy something but he doesn't EVER put any thought into it. And it's obvious. Nothing says I love you like a Justin Timberlake CD. dry.gif Justin Timberlake????? I don't buy CD's and what would posess him to get that one of all things? blink.gif Okay, he did good with the roses....he should have stopped there. laugh.gif

Posted by: CantWait Feb 14 2007, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Maddie&EthansMom @ Feb 14 2007, 09:18 PM)
ohmy.gif I can't believe he didn't at least get a card. I'm sorry, Rae. hug.gif

Scotty will buy something but he doesn't EVER put any thought into it. And it's obvious. Nothing says I love you like a Justin Timberlake CD. dry.gif Justin Timberlake????? I don't buy CD's and what would posess him to get that one of all things? blink.gif Okay, he did good with the roses....he should have stopped there. laugh.gif

Maybe he was trying to tell you, you had "sexy back" emlaugh.gif emlaugh.gif
Sorry, I couldn't resist. laugh.gif

Posted by: A&A'smommy Feb 14 2007, 06:10 PM
I'm sorry Rae I hope he surprised you tonight with at least a little something!!! hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: BAC'sMom Feb 14 2007, 07:59 PM
hug.gif sorry

Posted by: coasterqueen Feb 15 2007, 08:18 AM
Well, did he make it up to you?

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