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Parenting Club Forums > Love And Romance > proposing poll

Posted by: luvbug00 Jul 18 2007, 10:45 AM
I was just wondering this because that engagment we went to on saterday night was HORRIBLE! it was the single most akward, embaressing and ruined moment of almost every guest and the grooms life.. the future bride and her mom were fine though..(LONG STORY). It had many of the men with girlfriends at the party petrified. Lars couldn't even watch it. can we say TRAIN WRECK! so anyway i was thinking what do you think of the girl asking? ( as many of us ladies attending were talking about doing it someday. as our men had their tails tucked between their legs)

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Jul 18 2007, 10:46 AM
We need more details Nadia....what was so bad?

Posted by: A&A'smommy Jul 18 2007, 10:51 AM
wel I think it depends for some its de-masculating for others they don't care as long as both are ready for it.

Posted by: luvbug00 Jul 18 2007, 11:01 AM
as we all know i was inlisted to help. i made up the trunk with the ring..

Dan (groom) - VERY quiet private kinda guy. VERY STRESSED about the whole ordeal

Davi (bride)- materialistic girl who if it would be possible would have had it on national tv in a primetime spot.

delly (brides mom)- nagging the entire time!!!! runined the whole thing

* brides family throws a "going away party" ( they are moving out of country)

*plan was we arrive after DC united game at 10 pm (so most of the party guest would have left by then as the party started at 5pm. AS PRIVATE AS POSSIBLE)

*by 8 pm i had 9 messages from delly saying her friends are waiting to get to the party. (so much for a smaller crowed dry.gif )

* Dan texts "no worries follow plan"
* we arrive at 10:15
* i got horded by her mother who i finally told to just SHUT UP!( she was mad we were so late.
*finally bride gets trunk with ring inside ( not opened yet)
* her mom yells for EVERYONE (40 people) to come into the kitchen
*dan is now a lobster , bright red\
* davi opens box and thinks ring is from me. turns arround to come over to hug me as dan is on one knee alone in the kitchen.
*family pushes her back into kitchen
* dan had a BEAUTIFUL speach he wanted to say but the propsal ended up with "marry me?"
* he was compleately embaressed and you could see he SOOOO didn't want to be there.

the whole thing was so horrible and akward. and by the time we got there. all the friends of her mom knew what was gonna happen and were just waiting for it to happen so that they could go home. blink.gif

Posted by: Bamamom Jul 18 2007, 11:04 AM
Man that stinks for Dan. I hate it didn't go well. I'm thinking that eloping might be a good idea!

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Jul 18 2007, 11:04 AM
WHOOPS! That doesn't sound good at all!

Posted by: Crystalina Jul 21 2007, 07:05 PM
wacko.gif Maybe there was a bit "too much" planning. Poor groom. blush.gif

I, of course, am the odd man out voting that there is nothing wrong with the female proposing to the man. If she can work outside the home and in some cases be the "bread winner" then why in the heck not? Alot of woman scream "a woman can do anything a man can do" yet they want to pick and choose what that is. dry.gif This is 2007. Men are marrying men, woman marrying woman (legal or not), so woman can propose to men. emlaugh.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Jul 21 2007, 09:02 PM
OMG that poor guy, what a crazy girl for her to think the ring was from you. Not belittling your friendship or anything, but what girlfriend gives an engagement ring as a going away gift??? laugh.gif

What a bummer that it didn't go as well as planned dry.gif

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Jul 22 2007, 01:30 PM
I think it's great for a woman to propose as long as the guy isn't the old-fashioned type and wants to do it himself. My DH is this way. He wouldn't be mad if I had done it, but I think he would have been disappointed. My DH likes things just right and so when it came to proposing, he had it all planned out. If I had come in there and proposed before him, he probably would have been a tiny bit hurt.

Wow, I couldn't imagine doing that in front of so many people. Poor Dan. sad.gif

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