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Parenting Club Forums > Single Parents > Single.....

Posted by: amandadakota Aug 29 2006, 06:49 PM
When is it the right time to get into a relationship.. my son is nine months and I haven't been in a relationship since I found out I was pregnant with him . I think I have found a guy that this intrested in my son and I. But it's hard to trust anyone again. I don't know what to do

Posted by: mummy2girls Aug 29 2006, 07:25 PM
It depends on the person... personally i waited till jenna was over a year... i wanted my heart to heal from my breakup with my ex and such. i have been dateing off and on... my sister started right afer she seperated from her hubby... and i mean right away. she moved out of the house where she lived with hubby into her boyfriends house ohmy.gif So it just depends on how you feel! My advice though being through alot of crappy realtionships... take it slow if you decide to date this guy. dont rush into anything... because this is a big step and havign your child involved is somethign you have to be careful about. he is young right now so he wont really know but as he gets older he will know and you have to be sure that the guy is the right guy because not only you will get hurt but your son too!

Good luck! And WELCOME! It will be nice to talk to other single moms...

Posted by: Masons Mummy Sep 1 2006, 05:40 AM
HI There i know how you feel.

I split with my sons dad when Mason was only 5 days old not through my choice but now its happened i could be happier.

I havent been in a relationship since but like Jennasmommy said everyone is different you have to do whats right for you and your child. Dont get me wrong i would like to be with someone who cares for me and my son but its just not the right time for me at the minute plus i never get the chance to meet anyone other then the window cleaner at the minute and he isnt my type ha ha.

Just take it slow and do it when your ready, its really hard trusting someone after being hurt so bad especially when there is a child envolved.

Hope it helps and is you know any cute guys that are single send them my way ha ha (Joke) smile.gif

Posted by: amandadakota Sep 1 2006, 07:21 AM
Honey! If I could find any cute single guys I would have them. LOL tongue.gif

I don't know... I talked to the guy last night and told him that I was worried about how things might happen and turn out in the end. He said that he understands and has mine and dakotas best interest at hand. I am waiting to see how it works out.

Posted by: Masons Mummy Sep 5 2006, 08:55 AM
Good luck i hope it all turns out great for you both

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