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Parenting Club Forums > Single Parents > How long do you think it'll be before

Posted by: Mis Jan 4 2006, 07:12 AM
you single parents here find someone new?

My bro has moved on rather quickly and it kind of scares me!

Posted by: mummy2girls Jan 6 2006, 09:49 AM
well..... depends... it depends on the person. some just move on right away some just want to wait. My situation was a little diff... i bnroke up with my BF 2 weeks before finding out i was pregnant. then throughout my pregnancy we just were friends. when she was 8 months old we got back together but that only lasted a few months if that. then i met someone when jenna was close to turning 3 but broke up. now i met someone new.

For me i didnt want to go back after my breakup with the dad at all. But after a while i felt lonely and wanted that companionship...

Posted by: Rileysmom Jan 23 2006, 08:20 AM
I was a single throughout my pregnancy and for the first six months of Riley's life I didn't even consider dating. Then I got in touch with my highschool sweetheart who I hadn't talked to in like 3 years. We started hanging out and a year later we were married.

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