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Parenting Club Forums > General Relationships > So over it

Posted by: luvbug00 Nov 30 2009, 07:52 PM
long story short i have NEVER ever gotten along with my mother.
The two of us in a room together equals 5 min. of peace and then a fight of epic proportions. wiether it's about how I raise Mya or my choises in boyfriends or my job.
I got into some trouble recently and my dad has been very supportive. Jon has been amazing, my brother a HUGE help but my mom has been a super ...well you can figure it out..
They took mya for turkey day. It was MY YEAR to have mya but because of several circomstances i couldnt go to NY this year. All i ask is that they have her home asap when they got back.
well the night of their return i get a call saying they are trapped on NJ turnpike. ok well i said just bring her by in the morning when they get up. (there are babies here and this house is on the move by 5 am easy) The reason is because the weekend is technically Brads. (when it is brads weekend i leave the house so they have their family time) So I'm at Jons and I get a text at NOON the next day from brad saying mya wasnt there yet. I call my mom to find out what is up. She said "well I'm gonna take a bath and blowdry my hair first"....
WHAT!!!!!!?? a "bath" for this woman is like 1.5 hrs and then her hair is insane and there is no way to blowdry that mess!
so mya didnt get home until almost 2. growl.gif
This is just one example of many of how selfish my mother is. Everything is about her .."well did you think of what happens to me when you do this?" "how am i going to explain this to my friends?" , yada yada...
I'm over her and I'm cutting her out. Until she stops being so selfish and self serving. Not doing it anymore.

Posted by: luvmykids Dec 1 2009, 07:55 AM
I'm sorry, I'm sure it's very hard to not get along with your mom sleep.gif I hope somewhere down the line you're able to mend fences hug.gif

eta: I may have read something wrong, are you living with Brad? What did you mean you leave so they can have family time? Sorry if I sound nosy tongue.gif I just couldn't figure out what that means.

Posted by: moped Dec 1 2009, 11:28 AM
I was confused by that as well, and some of your facebook updates...........we need the details girl! We are confused! tongue.gif

Posted by: PrairieMom Dec 1 2009, 12:11 PM
QUOTE (moped @ Dec 1 2009, 02:28 PM)
I was confused by that as well, and some of your facebook updates...........we need the details girl! We are confused! tongue.gif

ITA. I have no idea whats going on. hug.gif

Posted by: Cece00 Dec 20 2009, 06:42 PM
I'm also confused about this.

Also- what sort of trouble did you get into?

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