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Parenting Club Forums > Trying To Conceive > b/c planning...

Posted by: wcs40110 Mar 30 2009, 03:04 PM
So daddy and I decided we want another lil one. I have always wanted another before D turned 4. Well, this and the fact that we want me to be preggers during the winter (Last time it was summer and I was miserable.) make our idea window July, August, September. Further complication is we are getting married in Aug. I have no problem being a month or two prego at my wedding, but really don't want anymore.

So, I'm on depo. Next shot is due like halfway through April, each one good for three months. I'm trying to figure out if I should just not get that, give myself 6 months to clear or what. Just don't know how to be too protective during the 2 months I don't want to make a baby. I can't really naturally plan because I don't have anything to base it off from, but I want to be able to during the idea 3 months.

Just looking for your ideas. blahblah.gif blahblah.gif

Posted by: CantWait Mar 30 2009, 09:59 PM
Depo ideally needs 6 months to clear out of your system completely. That being said, everyone is different and it may not be completely protective for that long after the three months is up. You really should let it clear out though, less complications if you conceive right away and you'll have time to start tracking.

Good Luck.

Posted by: coasterqueen Mar 31 2009, 05:14 AM
I'd use the trust ole condoms in the mean time. They really are safe if used properly. Dh and I used them for several years between the girls and didn't get pg intentionally. happy.gif I'd definitely get off the shot now to get it out of your system and give your system time to re-establish itself. Some get pg right away after stopping the shot, and some can take a lot longer. GL. thumb.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Mar 31 2009, 07:45 AM
I agree, I'd get off it now and use condoms until you're ready to start trying. I know it doesn't work this way for everyone, but a friend of mine was on the depo shot and it took her over a year to get pregnant. She had to go on the pill just to get her period back, and it still took a while after that.

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