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Parenting Club Forums > General Discussions > Mums - get saturday mornings off

Posted by: dewtsa Jun 10 2013, 04:45 PM
Hi ladies,

There is a dads playgroup at 123 Paradise Rd Slacks Creek, QLD (in the Salvation Army building). Runs Saturdays 9-11 during school term. Saturday mornings could be yours! Send dad off with the kids and get the house to yourself for a few hours. Have a bath, do housework in peace or do nothing!

We regularly get several guys coming. Its a big space with heaps of toys, bikes, cars, trolleys, dolls, baby toys books galore and we usually try and organise something extra to do each week. We've done painting, built cardboard box castles (HUGE), messy play, when the weather warms up again we'll put out a good old fashioned slippery slide (black plastic and detergent).

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