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Parenting Club Forums > Humor, Games and Entertainment > Coraline

Posted by: Celestrina Feb 18 2009, 05:04 PM
What age would be too young to watch it? Did you see it?

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Feb 18 2009, 05:13 PM
We haven't seen it yet. Olivia wants to but we haven't had time. The Col. Dispatch gave it rave reviews but did note that it was basically a kids horror (without the blood and guts, I guess) flick so not apropriate for young children. My guess with that is 6 or under. Olivia is 8. She's not that reactive to fantasy style shows likely because she's seen very few of them. I, too, would be interested in the opinons ofpeople who have actually seen it, too! thumb.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Feb 19 2009, 06:17 AM
We saw trailer for it when we saw Dogs Hotel and I thought it was awful for a kids movie. It freaked Ryan and I, both out. Kylie has asked to see it, but we told her it wasn't appropriate. I am not a fan of those kid horror animated movies.

Posted by: mckayleesmom Feb 19 2009, 09:16 AM
Mckaylee is dying to see it, but we only have a small theatre that plays 2 movies here and it hasn't gotten here yet. Mckaylee doesn't scare easily anyways.

Posted by: luvbug00 Feb 19 2009, 09:27 AM
mya wants to see it. i have NO idea what it's about though..

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