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Parenting Club Forums > Humor, Games and Entertainment > Book Club

Posted by: TANNER'S MOM Apr 24 2005, 04:58 AM
I am sorry I have been very busy:

Ok here is the plan. We are going to start posting the Book Club info here.

We will still try to read one book a month and then at the end of the month complete a questionaire.

If you involved in the reading for this month.. you may want to add a tag line. And we may want to discuss this in PM with each other. I think Pm b/c I know I people will get to different parts at different times.

So let's pick for NEXT month. Due to me getting this done so LATE. Lets just all get our books ordered and ready..

Book Suggestions Please!


Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Apr 24 2005, 08:06 AM
Thought the Lipstick Chronicles sounded good... someone mentioned that before..

Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Apr 24 2005, 08:12 AM
Oh, i just had another thought! maybe instead of trying to decide on a book as a group, we can make a list of who's doing the book group activley and each month a different person is assigned to pick a book. That way we aren't trying to decide for 2 weeks and never getting the choices of some people read. ALso it broadens our reading span cause while everyone may not agree to a certain book, they may really enjoy it after they have read it.
Just a thought!

Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 24 2005, 10:31 AM
Well I just started reading Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella, the author of Shopaholic and Sister. I'm only 15 pages into it so I can put it aside if something else is picked.

I'm not sure I'll get it done in a month though but I'll try. I'm also reading The Happiest Baby on the Block for some tips on my extremely colicky Megan, so it's my first priority right now wink.gif.

Posted by: mammag Apr 24 2005, 10:40 AM
QUOTE (cam&kat's_mom @ Apr 24 2005, 11:12 AM)
Oh, i just had another thought! maybe instead of trying to decide on a book as a group, we can make a list of who's doing the book group activley and each month a different person is assigned to pick a book. That way we aren't trying to decide for 2 weeks and never getting the choices of some people read. ALso it broadens our reading span cause while everyone may not agree to a certain book, they may really enjoy it after they have read it.
Just a thought!

I like this idea. I think we spend too much time deciding. What do you think Mel?

Posted by: TANNER'S MOM Apr 24 2005, 03:03 PM
Umm I also like the idea. I think it will givea all of us a chance to read something different that our fellow readers might have liked and not really us.

I just don't want to get into a "it's my turn to pick" and I was left out thing. I don't want to accidently hurt any ones feelings.

I think we are all mature enough to get along, but I just wanted to state that.

Ok opinions everyone?


Posted by: mammag Apr 24 2005, 03:30 PM
Okay, anyone who is planning to be in it and wants to pick a book post here. We'll go in alphabetical order or something so that it is fair. How's that?

I have.....


These are the people who have responded to the last couple of posts about it. Anyone else interested? Or anyone on the list who no longer wants to join in?

Posted by: amymom Apr 24 2005, 04:05 PM
I'm in and I like that it is pinned so if I don't get on for few days I will know whatgoing on. Any book is fine with me.

Posted by: TANNER'S MOM Apr 25 2005, 07:53 AM
Ok I am in..

If things get out of hand this way.. we will have to go back to the post a poll and vote Sorry I sound so negative.

Any one else want to add there name to the list.


Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Apr 25 2005, 11:46 AM
This sounds good to me. Here's my reccommendation:
Little Bitty Lies

In a suburban Atlanta neighborhood where divorce is as rampant as kudzu, Mary Bliss McGowan doesn't notice that her own marriage is in trouble until the summer night she finds a note from her husband, telling her he's gone—and taken the family fortune with him.
Stunned and humiliated, a desperate Mary Bliss, left behind with her seventeen-year-old daughter, Erin, and a mountain of debt, decides to salvage what's left of her life by telling one little bitty lie.

At first, Mary Bliss simply tells friends and family that Parker is out of town on a consulting job. Then the lies start to snowball, until Parker turns up dead. Or does he?

Mary Bliss's formerly staid existence careens into overdrive as she copes with an oversexed teenager, a mother-in-law with Ethel Merman delusions, and the sudden but delicious shock of finding herself pursued by two men: the next-door neighbor who's looking for a suitable second wife, and a dangerously attractive ex-cop who's looking for the truth about Parker McGowan.

Little Bitty Lies is a comic Southern novel about all the important things in life: marriage and divorce, mothers and daughters, friendship and betrayal, small-town secrets, and one woman's lifelong quest for home—and the perfect recipe for chicken salad.


Posted by: amymom Apr 25 2005, 12:05 PM
Ok I am picking a book. I will post tonight what it is.

I hope I do a good job! blink.gif


Posted by: mammag Apr 25 2005, 12:22 PM
You'll do fine! So we are going to try this out (going alphabetically) and if anyone doesn't like the way it's going feel free to let Mel or I know and we'll figure something else out.

Posted by: ammommy Apr 25 2005, 12:32 PM
Oh, can I jump in too?
If you guys like humor books, I'd recommend the Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love. It's hilarious laugh.gif

Posted by: mammag Apr 25 2005, 01:01 PM
Of course Lisa, I'll add you to the list. Amymom (you 2 are confusing me with the names) is picking the first book and is going to let us know tonight what we are doing for May. What we can also do, when it is your turn to pick, is pick out a couple and have everyone vote on them however you want to do it. I'll pm you when your turn comes around.

Is everyone okay with alphabetical order or would you like to do it another way?

Posted by: amymom Apr 25 2005, 06:25 PM
The book I picked is:
tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I was able to get it at the local library. And it is available on Amazon.

The hardcover edition I have is 192 pages. There are many chapters but they are very short. Do we read a certain amount and then discuss? Or do we discuss when we are done reading?

I hope we all enjoy this book.


Posted by: coasterqueen Apr 26 2005, 05:52 AM
Oooh I think I read this book in college, but it's been a LONG time ago. if I can get in to town to get the book, hee hee.

Posted by: TANNER'S MOM Apr 26 2005, 05:59 AM
Well... Everyone here reads at a different pace. I have always discussed the books in a PM.. as not to ruin the story for everyone.

We may do a post that says what page is everyone time goes on. Just to check.


Posted by: ammommy Apr 26 2005, 06:03 AM

Posted by: 3_call_me_mama Apr 26 2005, 11:17 AM
Sounds good .. i'll pick it up tomorrow
going to the library for story hour..... laugh.gif

Posted by: amymom May 3 2005, 02:47 AM
I have begun reading tuesdays with Morrie

Has anyone else? Are you liking it?

Posted by: mammag May 17 2005, 05:25 AM
Well, I've been trying to read the book. Having just found out about the woman from the school getting diagnosed with ALS I'm having a hard time getting myself to read it.....I don't want to read anything too upsetting. Anyway, I've set my mind to getting it done this week.

Who all is reading? What do you or did you think so far?

ETA: I'm about 1/3 of the way through. So far, I think it had the potential to be really moving but it seems like he goes through things a little quickly, not giving the reader time to absorb each lesson or what have you. I think he would have been better served to focus on a few lessons and gone into more detail and emotion with them....jmo.

Posted by: 3_call_me_mama May 17 2005, 06:01 AM
My library didn't have a copy available, so I am getting it from a friend tomorrow. It's been a very busy month, but i finally got to finish soem magazines i've been trying to get through rolleyes.gif

Posted by: boobies4virtue Aug 6 2005, 09:08 AM
May I join? I love to read. I have plenty of time at work, about 5 hours every night to just sit there and read.

Posted by: mammag Aug 6 2005, 12:09 PM
Well, we've started it a couple of times and it never really got anywhere so it's just kind of become extinct. I would love to have one but I don't think enough people were able to keep up with it.

Posted by: NikkiM Oct 17 2005, 06:40 PM
Are you guys still doing the book club? I would love to join.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Dec 17 2005, 09:38 PM

this still going on?? How about we do a book SWAP? Everybody sends a book to somebody, we read an send off again... I must have, no joke, 2000 books. wacko.gif

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Feb 12 2007, 03:03 PM
Anyone else want to get this thing up and running again?

Right now I'm reading a Fern Michaels book called The Nosy Neighbor.

Posted by: CantWait Feb 12 2007, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (ZEN Mommy @ Dec 18 2005, 02:38 AM)

this still going on?? How about we do a book SWAP? Everybody sends a book to somebody, we read an send off again... I must have, no joke, 2000 books. wacko.gif

I like that idea. I'm sure it'll be cheaper to send one to another person they buying one.

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Feb 13 2007, 03:48 AM
Is it to late to join? I love to read.
was it decided how it was going to be discussed?

Posted by: shellybelly Aug 10 2010, 07:46 AM
Would love to join the book club.. biggrin.gif

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