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Parenting Club Forums > General Education > What are you doing for "Summer School"?

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Jun 25 2009, 12:43 PM
I'm always conflicted about summer. I know some families that do "school" every day for 10-30 minutes during the summer. We have been doing some math via a math blaster game and she reads most available waking moments but we don't do much in the way of planned, structured learning. We do lots of learning ops but nothing formal. How 'bout you? Do you do summer school?

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Jun 25 2009, 01:38 PM
Not much I feel Katie gets enough of school during the regular school year she needs a break but she does read on her own :-)

Posted by: A&A'smommy Jun 25 2009, 03:27 PM
Well right now Alyssa is going to practice kindergarden (candy garden LOL) and next week she will be having ALL kinds of fun with her uncle william in ATL. But when we are home we are going to work on writing everyday and math everyday, and of course we will read together.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Jun 26 2009, 01:48 AM
We don't do much... it's summer!!

But, Ashley is taking a really neat class right now. It's part of a gifted program through a college and you had to be recommended by your teacher. There were about 15 different week-long camps you could choose from. She chose one about nursing. She brought in a teddy bear, and has to take care of it all week. The first day, they made their nursing t-shirts (decorated them with paint) and a nurse came into the room to talk about nursing and they got to see an ambulance and fire truck. They learned about the different parts of their body (they traced themselves and then glued the organs on), and they learned how to take your pulse, temperature, and a few other things. They talked about the new food pyramid and more, but I can't remember everything they did. Ashley is loving it as they get to swim and play games outside every day too.

It's really the only official educational thing we are doing. We're going to spend the summer taking some small family trips and hanging out by the pool. School will be back in session too soon and there will be plenty of time for all the learning and work.

Posted by: coasterqueen Jun 26 2009, 04:59 AM
We aren't doing much, really. Kylie is reading at least several times a week (with us, then more on her own) and we do math here and there more as a game than sit down and do worksheets. Both girls are doing an art camp 1x a week for a few weeks.

With Megan we are working on spelling her full name and trying to get her to write her first name, but that's about it, really. Oh and we are working on letter sounds.

But all of it is really in kinda just casual, ask them a question, kind of format. Not a structured sit down and do school work.

Posted by: PrairieMom Jun 26 2009, 05:34 AM
I have a kindergarten work book that Ben does pages from during the week day, just a 4 or so pages a day, a little math, a little reading/ coloring / direction following stuff, and hand writing. I don't want him to loose any of what he gained last year. I'm not tyrannical about it or anything. He actually usually enjoys it, especially the coloring stuff.

Posted by: yvonnemommy Jul 25 2009, 05:50 AM
We don’t do summer school. We just do it at home. DD has been using beestar and loves it very much. It’s a cool website offering weekly math and reading exercises. I registered the summer session for her. This summer, DD keeps doing worksheets on it to prepare for the coming semester. It really helps. tongue.gif

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Jul 25 2009, 07:02 AM
we do "school" thru the week every day, I am so surprised other wise how much he forgets that he knew how to do.
so we do stuff that he has already done and then I have some books that work on the stuff he will be doing next year. we also go to the library once every two weeks and we read books at night before bed. and the kids. and caleb reads to the younger ones.
he does math, measurements, money, time, spelling, reading, word problems, reading comp. writing..
he also have to do a journal during the week about what ever he wants to write that is happening this summer.

he doesnt really mind doing the work either.

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