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Parenting Club Forums > General Education > Good site w/ worksheets for memorizing math facts

Posted by: MommyToAshley Jan 17 2009, 12:59 AM
Ashley will start having timed math drills next week. She's pretty quick, but I am not sure she has all the facts memorized yet. I know she can add quickly in her head though, I can see the wheels turning as she adds them up. LOL.

Anyways, if anyone is getting ready for timed drills, I found this site with all kinds of great worksheets, drills, etc.

Posted by: lovemy2 Jan 17 2009, 06:10 AM
Thanks Dee Dee - that is awesome - Olivia is having some trouble in math - she does it and gets it but it doesn't come easy....I was the same way - still am - surprisingly I am a tax accountant laugh.gif Calculators/Adding Machines are a beautiful thing laugh.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Jan 17 2009, 06:20 AM
Thank you! thumb.gif I was looking for something like that and couldn't find what I wanted, this is exactly it!

Posted by: boogiemomster Jan 23 2009, 09:37 AM
good stuff...ill have to pass it along to my little one!

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Jan 23 2009, 09:58 AM
I used that web site before, after my x boss had his stroke, he was having problems with numbers do I printed off a few pages and gave the website to his wife. It really helped him.

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