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Parenting Club Forums > Breastfeeding > Still bf at 1, and getting frustrated

Posted by: BabyOwen427 Apr 5 2007, 09:26 PM
I still bf ds at least twice a day sometimes more if he or I am feeling in need of cuddles. But lately he has been scratching at me, my boobies have red marks all over them. Or he'll hit them. And when I move his hand or put my hand between his nails and me he gets mad. I keep his nails trimmed as much as possible but it still hurts! And I get so frustrated with this that I just want to give up and wean him, but then he'll settle down and stare at me and fall asleep nursing and I realize how much I love this. wub.gif I feel like I am getting mixed signals from him. One minute he doesn't want to nurse and the next minute he can't get enough! I am not sure if I am ready for all this toddler stuff wacko.gif Ugh! Thanks for letting me blahblah.gif blahblah.gif blahblah.gif

Posted by: StephanieM Apr 5 2007, 10:40 PM
Wow, so sorry you are going through this. My DD likes to pinch my nips and it hurts, she's 11 months. I think I'm going to try and wean her around 1 yr. Not really sure though because she refuses the sippy and I don't really want to try a bottle so........ It always sucks when they fall asleep in your arms or look up at you so sweet while makes you never want to stop. Sorry I couldn't offer more advice. Good luck

Posted by: EvesMom Apr 14 2007, 05:58 AM
I went through this with my DD. I made a nursing necklace to occupy her while nursing. It worked wonders. I just strung a bunch of different beads (different colors and shapes) and put it on while nursing. She loved to play with it while nursing, and it saved me from the scratching and biting.

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Apr 14 2007, 06:20 AM
My son did the scratching and pinching thing too. Ouch! blink.gif I never tried it, but a nursing necklace is a good idea. Good luck! hug.gif

Posted by: holley79 Apr 16 2007, 10:35 AM
hug.gif I know how you feel. Annika does the same thing to me. It got so bad that I was ready to just give up and just wean her. So far we are still going strong.

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