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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > Only 9 and it happened already

Posted by: My2Beauties Aug 14 2005, 03:01 PM
Yep Desiree became a woman last night wacko.gif ALREADY! Her mom called Brian and I around 11:00 pm and I heard Brian say huh blink.gif ?? Do what?? Then he goes here, Staci wants to tell you something and I get on the phone and she says guess what? Our girl became a little woman tonight!!!

Can you believe she is only 9 and started her period already blink.gif unsure.gif Oh Lord the emotions, the cramps, the hormones - here we go - HELLO teenage years! bawling.gif

Oh guys - I am giong to spend the next 9 years going crazy wacko.gif laugh.gif !!!!!

I didn't have to worry about pads and boobs until I was like 12/13 years old - they start 'em young nowadays!

Posted by: akbutterfly83 Aug 14 2005, 04:17 PM
I know how that is.... everyone in my family...... started @ 9, exept my step-sister... she was 11......

wow.... congrads on becoming a young lady......

Posted by: mammag Aug 14 2005, 04:37 PM
That is young. I'm thinking Kristen will go along with where I was... 14. Or....I hope anyway! I'm not ready for that soon.

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 14 2005, 05:53 PM
Yikes! I fear hearing things like this, I sure hope my girls don't have their early. dry.gif sad.gif

Posted by: MissyKay2005 Aug 14 2005, 05:57 PM
I got mine at 10 and hearing about this makes me glad i am having another

Posted by: Mommy2BAK Aug 14 2005, 06:44 PM
Aww, poor girl. I always feel so bad for these girls that have to mature so fast and learn to use pads and such. sad.gif I was 14 (the last of my friends) when I started. So I was ready and praying for it to come along. Stupid, I know rolleyes.gif

Posted by: mummy2girls Aug 14 2005, 08:06 PM
Wow! thats is early. I was in grade 8 when i got mine so lets hope jenna is that old as well:)

Posted by: My2Beauties Aug 15 2005, 07:07 PM
I had just turned 12 and Desiree's mom, Staci, was 10 when she got hers. So we were both young, not that Desiree's has anything to do with mine, but Hanna's will. Yeah she is acting like it's no biggie neither! She called me Sunday and was like hey LeaAnn do you have any spare pads my period went away today but it might come back and mom doesn't have her bank card to get any money out. I was like blink.gif you just said the word period so nonchalant - at 9 I would have freaked at even saying the words "my period" together! It doesn't help that she already looks like she is 13, maybe 14 and teenage boys look at her! We have our hands full, if you see me on America's Most Wanted it's because I went cuckoo on a 16 year old boy trying to talk to my 9 year old stepdaughter emlaugh.gif

Posted by: ediep Aug 16 2005, 04:10 AM
oohh, poor thing? Was she happy about it? I was 9 when I started mine and I was not happy about it!! I was so embarresed, I didn't tell any of my friends about it until a year or 2 later

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Aug 16 2005, 04:45 AM
My Katie was the same age and I almost cried thinking this is to young sad.gif

But it doesnt seem to bother her any more she is 12 now

Posted by: TANNER'S MOM Aug 16 2005, 05:22 AM
My Tiffany was 9..and it was hard.

Her body grew faster than her mind. At first she was like Oh yeah..then it HIT her that she had no idea what was going on..

We actually put her on the pill..but she didnt know it was the PILL..its her hormones..because he breast devolped at an amazing rate aslo..32c almost 12..the DR felt she needed to slow down and regulate and it has helped her.

But every girl is different..

When my girls did I made it a BIG day..we went and shopped for BIG girl stuff. A cute new purse and whatever else they wanted. I made it a big day..


Posted by: boysmom Aug 17 2005, 12:03 AM
That is young, I was 13. Kid's are going through puberty a lot younger aren't they? My 9 yr old son has started I think, his emotions are up and down and all over the place, he's had 2 pimples and has developed a real interest in girls. I am not ready for this yet!! wacko.gif

Posted by: Sarah&Mackenzie Aug 17 2005, 05:47 AM
That is young, but I guess I would say that only because I started mine in 1991 I was in 8th grade. Well I am glad she is handling it well.

Posted by: A&A'smommy Aug 17 2005, 05:48 AM
OMG I can't believe I missed this

Welcome to Woman hood, Desiree!!!

All I can say is POOR girl!! I got mine when I was 12 but my breast never really "sprouted" wacko.gif

Posted by: Jamielou Aug 17 2005, 05:54 AM
my neice just started hers and she is 11 i thought that was yound. but i was 12. biggrin.gif

Posted by: lisar Aug 17 2005, 08:06 AM
I was 11 when I started mine. I dont want my girls to start that early.


Posted by: My2Beauties Aug 17 2005, 11:33 AM
She acts like it doesn't bother her, but let me tell ya - it bothers me! This goes back to Rocky's post in GD about what is in our milk and in our meat! Girls nowadays are developing so fast. She has been growing boobs since she was 7 and other things since that time too. She has to shave her armpits and has been for quite some time now, she is in elementary school for pete's sake sad.gif Poor girl, she is as big as me. I know I am not a big person but to be right at 100 pounds and 5 foot tall at 9 is something, I don't outweigh her by much and I am only 3 inches taller than her unsure.gif Then you have Brian's little brother, Kenny who is 8, not even an entire year younger than her and he only weighs like 50 pounds and is no where near my height blink.gif How can that be? I know girls mature faster, but to almost double the boys weight - it's crazy! let me tell ya girlfriend has the body of a 15 year old teenage girl blush.gif and it is so scary!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 17 2005, 11:47 AM
Yeah... I had big ones at 10 years old...had my period at 9 as well...

I was more developped that other kids my age, that`s for sure.... and my mom practically forcefed me milk until I was like 12

I HAD to have a small glasss in the morning, and a decent glass with supper, everyday.

Now I pretty much only have milk in my cereal, which is like 2x a week... and I have a few sips after I eat something really sweet, which doesn`t happen too often.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Aug 17 2005, 12:00 PM
Sorry to chime in when I don't have teenagers myself, but as I've told ya all, I was 17 when I got mine and that was only because my mom put me on BC to get it started. SO who knows when it would have actually started on it's own! Anyway, it's not always true that you develop exactly the way your mother had. Look at my situation. My mom was young when she started, so was my sister. Just proves that we're all very unique and that nothing is predictable when it comes to our children's development. It's why I'm so darn sick of hearing MIL compare DH to my DS. Also goes back to the post about kids doing things on their own time.

BTW, a good friend of mine was 6 when she got AF!!! Now that's young...poor thing hid her panties in the closet.

Posted by: mckayleesmom Aug 17 2005, 01:48 PM
I was 10 and it was Thanksgiving day.....I was not Thankful for it either.

Posted by: Giasmommy Aug 18 2005, 05:44 AM
My DD is 9 also...I can't imagine her starting already! I just discussed this with her over the summer. Mostly because she has a few older friends and I didn't want her learning about it from them. I didn't start until 8th grade....I hope she takes after me and waits a while.

Posted by: My2Beauties Aug 18 2005, 05:53 AM
QUOTE (mckayleesmom @ Aug 17 2005, 04:48 PM)
I was 10 and it was Thanksgiving day.....I was not Thankful for it either.

laugh.gif Sorry but that was so funny the way you said that!

Posted by: Ashlynn's Mommy May 25 2006, 12:28 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new to the board. It is such a coincidense that I found this topic. My daughter is also 9, and she has been complaining that her stomach has been bothering her. It's obvious that she started to develop (little bumps I call them). I'm so worried about this. I have no idea what I would say to her. I am so not ready for this!! help.gif .

Lonnie wavey.gif

Posted by: A&A'smommy May 25 2006, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (Ashlynn's Mommy @ May 25 2006, 02:28 PM)
Hi everyone, I'm new to the board. It is such a coincidense that I found this topic. My daughter is also 9, and she has been complaining that her stomach has been bothering her. It's obvious that she started to develop (little bumps I call them). I'm so worried about this. I have no idea what I would say to her. I am so not ready for this!! help.gif .

Lonnie wavey.gif

this post is almost a year old but if you would like to talk to someone about it go ahead and start a new post! smile.gif

Posted by: beavair Apr 9 2007, 08:42 PM
That freaks me daughter is 8 and my newest concern was whether or not to tell her the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny! I am NOT ready for her to get her period. I have been reading to her a wonderful age appropriate series called God's Design for Sex (I believe-if anyone wants to know I will double check.) It is very matter of fact so she has heard about changes and how babies are actually made and that sex is a gift from God for a husband and wife. I guess its time to talk to her more about her body and getting her period. I was told American Girl has a great book on girls' bodies/changes.

I found out my 8 year old niece is getting pubic hair-it was a shock for her and obviously her mom (and me!). Her ped did recommend hormone free milk, eggs, etc... months ago as she was getting greasy hair/sweaty pits but doesnt seem to have done a whole lot of good! I grew up on regular milk/eggs/etc... (not sure if we had the same hormones in dairy back then) and I didnt get my period until my freshman year in highschool! I didnt get boobs until I was in college-and barely even then!

Posted by: StephanieM Apr 9 2007, 09:02 PM
OMG! I do not want to hear this!! My twins are 9! I'm not ready for them to be little women yet ohmy.gif bawling.gif It's bad enough they have little hairy armpits already....oh my, what will I do?


Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 Apr 10 2007, 05:28 AM
hug.gif hug.gif This is exactly the age Emily started and it really hasn't been to bad, except for the fact that she can't swallow pills. But we found liquid Tylenol in the US and it has worked great for her. Good Luck! hug.gif hug.gif

Posted by: jcc64 Apr 10 2007, 06:25 AM
I found out my 8 year old niece is getting pubic hair-it was a shock for her and obviously her mom (and me!). Her ped did recommend hormone free milk, eggs, etc... months ago as she was getting greasy hair/sweaty pits but doesnt seem to have done a whole lot of good! I grew up on regular milk/eggs/etc... (not sure if we had the same hormones in dairy back then) and I didnt get my period until my freshman year in highschool! I didnt get boobs until I was in college-and barely even then!

Not sure how this very old thread is now resurfacing, but this particular part really caught my eye.
The reason you didn't have the problems that your niece is having is because the dubious practices of factory farming have changed since you were coming up. To compensate for chronic ill effects caused by the deplorable living conditions of dairy producing livestock, animals are pumped full of antibiotics, hormones, and other toxic substances known to compromise the health of both the animals themselves and the humans that consume these products (especially children). There have been many attempts by public interest groups to at the very least label milk, eggs, etc that contain BGH (bovine growth hormones) so the consumer can choose to avoid these products, but of course the FDA and our esteemed political representatives are much more concerned about the business interests (and campaign donations) of Monsanto than they are about the health of our children.
What can you do? Buy organic and free range as much as possible. Of course, families on a budget don't always have that option, but the gov't really doesn't care about the problems of poor people anyway, especially kids.
Can you tell this is a hot button issue for me?!

Posted by: cameragirl21 Apr 11 2007, 08:02 AM
QUOTE (jcc64 @ Apr 10 2007, 06:25 AM)
I found out my 8 year old niece is getting pubic hair-it was a shock for her and obviously her mom (and me!). Her ped did recommend hormone free milk, eggs, etc... months ago as she was getting greasy hair/sweaty pits but doesnt seem to have done a whole lot of good! I grew up on regular milk/eggs/etc... (not sure if we had the same hormones in dairy back then) and I didnt get my period until my freshman year in highschool! I didnt get boobs until I was in college-and barely even then!

Not sure how this very old thread is now resurfacing, but this particular part really caught my eye.
The reason you didn't have the problems that your niece is having is because the dubious practices of factory farming have changed since you were coming up. To compensate for chronic ill effects caused by the deplorable living conditions of dairy producing livestock, animals are pumped full of antibiotics, hormones, and other toxic substances known to compromise the health of both the animals themselves and the humans that consume these products (especially children). There have been many attempts by public interest groups to at the very least label milk, eggs, etc that contain BGH (bovine growth hormones) so the consumer can choose to avoid these products, but of course the FDA and our esteemed political representatives are much more concerned about the business interests (and campaign donations) of Monsanto than they are about the health of our children.
What can you do? Buy organic and free range as much as possible. Of course, families on a budget don't always have that option, but the gov't really doesn't care about the problems of poor people anyway, especially kids.
Can you tell this is a hot button issue for me?!

Jeanne, i just want to say i'm so glad you brought this up. i am a big milk drinker and as you know, i'm also a big animal lover and i've been wondering about how buying milk from the market may be affecting the well being of animals who produce milk.
i will buy organic from now on, regardless of the cost. i assume the same is the case with cheese and other dairy you buy yours organic? can i get these things at Whole Foods for example?
thanks.... smile.gif
i already buy my eggs from cage free costs twice the price but is so worth it for me.

Posted by: msoulz Apr 11 2007, 05:10 PM
I've given Erin organic since she started milk and now I will continue this too! Thanks for the info. hug.gif

Posted by: jcc64 Apr 12 2007, 07:25 AM
Yeah, Jen, you can certainly get organic dairy at Whole Foods, - most mainstream supermarkets now carry several brands of organic everything. The hardest thing to get on a consistent basis is organic meat, but you are a vegetarian, so that's not an issue for you.

Posted by: polyphoniesauvage Jul 20 2007, 12:59 PM
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but...

EEEEP! 9?!?!?! Wow. I remember in like 6th grade, everyone found out that a girl got her's when she was 8, and everyone teased her about it for so long. sad.gif

I got mine when I was 13, and by then I too was wanting it to come along really badly because all of my friends had theirs'. laugh.gif

Capucine got her's when she was 15. wacko.gif She didn't really want it, strangly, lol. She dreaded it. For a long time, obviously. Haha. My kids are late developers, really. Capucine is 16 now and she looks about 13. My 7 year-old looks 5! They didn't get it from me, I don't think, lol.

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