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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > I'm about to go insane!!

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Feb 8 2011, 12:31 PM
The last few weeks Will has been driving me f*ing crazy!!!! He CONSTANTLY is making noises, talking, yammering, acting like he has some kind of mental issues...I swear if I didn't know him and had just started spending time around him I'd think he needed some serious meds!!!!
I know I shouldn't talk like this about my own baby, but I OMG! His obnoxiousness has caused me to almost completely lose it a couple of times the last few weeks, but even trying to talk to him, take his video game time away, etc. hasn't changed anything. He still incessantly makes loud sounds of some type alllll daayyy looonngg. I'm going completely nuts!!
I know he is hyper, and possibly a little ADD with it, but I do not want him on medication. Usually we can deal with it by making sure he gets plenty of outdoor activity, but since we haven't been able to that much lately (either because of weather or running errands, etc) it's really showing on him.
Please don't think I'm a horrible mom -- he just really has a LOT of energy and HAS to let it out somehow. And I just can't deal when it's being let out inside for days at a time, I guess. sad.gif blush.gif
Thanks for listening to me rant and whine. I always feel better after I vent.

Posted by: coasterqueen Feb 8 2011, 01:14 PM
You are NOT a horrible mom. My children drain the life out of me every day. I love them more than life itself, but they drain me dry every day and I'm not with them all day! blush.gif Kylie is a talker. The moment she wakes up she's talking until she gets on the bus. She tells me every teeny tiny thing that's in her head. Then when I get home she doesn't stop talking until i put her to bed, and then she'll get up to come tell me something she remembered (and that can be several times).

Megan's sensory issues (whining, crying about everything 24/7) drains me dry as well.

I love them dearly but that's how I feel some days. If you are a terrible mom so am I times a hundred since I'm around mine less and still think that way. happy.gif

Posted by: A&A'smommy Feb 8 2011, 01:26 PM
girl my kids drive me crazy. And honestly that does NOT sound like ADD to me, sounds like he needs to get outside (which if ya'll are having weather like us that has been impossible) ..he sounds like a BOY to me!! tongue.gif

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Feb 8 2011, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (A&A'smommy @ Feb 8 2011, 04:26 PM)
girl my kids drive me crazy. And honestly that does NOT sound like ADD to me, sounds like he needs to get outside (which if ya'll are having weather like us that has been impossible) ..he sounds like a BOY to me!! tongue.gif

I agree, my three yr old has about pushed me to my limit, and I think it is the same thing. Everyone is tired of this grey stormy cloudy sky. Hang in there.
Is there something you can do with the kids were he can just go wear off some energy?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Feb 8 2011, 01:43 PM

What about letting him join indoor soccer, or basketball, or take a karate class to get some of that energy out?

Posted by: moped Feb 8 2011, 02:15 PM
No offense to anyone, but any mother who says their children do not drive them insane or drain them of all life is LYING!!!!!!!!!!

trust me, we all understand!

hug.gif hug.gif

And I so get ya on the loud sounds - Jack does this and I want to lose it on him! Or pretend shooting guns growl.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Feb 8 2011, 02:21 PM
QUOTE (moped @ Feb 8 2011, 05:15 PM)
No offense to anyone, but any mother who says their children do not drive them insane or drain them of all life is LYING!!!!!!!!!!

I'm wondering why our mothers never told us this. I mean seriously, I can't believe my mother didn't tell me this before I had kids. laugh.gif rolling_smile.gif Wouldn't have changed my mind, nor would I have listened or believed her laugh.gif but at least I could have said "she warned me". happy.gif

Posted by: luvbug00 Feb 8 2011, 02:30 PM
Oh Mya can be that way at stuff. Hang in there! smile.gif

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Feb 8 2011, 03:38 PM
Seriously, if there was a contest for the worst acting kid, Andrew would win.
Lately I am so embarrassed to take him anywhere. He is throwing screaming temper tantrums, and his normal speaking voice is glass shattering.
I might not be for giving him Meds, but I am sure I will need some for me soon! blink.gif

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Feb 8 2011, 08:08 PM
LMAO!!!! So glad to hear we're normal! Will is in scouts, and soccer will be starting in just a few weeks. The weather here has been so yucky - rainy, cold wind, even some snow/ice days. I am sure that's most of the issue, so we decided tomorrow for our homeschool get together we're going to Monkey Joes! biggrin.gif Got to use up some of that energy!!!
Thanks for helping me feel like I'm not the worst mom ever... makes me think I CAN do this! LOL smile.gif

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Feb 8 2011, 08:17 PM
Add me to the horrible mom's club! Thomas is a huge talker too. Like seriously, ALL THE TIME! He'll be playing the wii and I'm in the same room but doing something else and he's telling me about the game the whole time. I try to ignore but I finally just say, I AM NOT LISTENING TO YOU, SO YOU CAN STOP TALKING! It gets really bad when I'm trying to hush him and he continues with, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy while I'm talking....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's like if he has something he wants to say (which is like Kylie, EVERY THOUGHT IN HIS HEAD), he HAS to say it....he is obviously still lacking in self control.

Posted by: Calimama Feb 8 2011, 08:21 PM
Make him run laps around the house. rolling_smile.gif

My neighbors have 5 kids so they have one of those inflatable bouncy houses in their family room. I laughed at first, but I've sent Bella over there many times this winter!! She NEEDS physical activity for sure!

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Feb 9 2011, 04:46 AM
We're going to bouncy house heaven in just a little while - it would be awesome to have one in the house, though!! biggrin.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Feb 9 2011, 07:30 AM
QUOTE (my2monkeyboys @ Feb 9 2011, 12:08 AM)
LMAO!!!! So glad to hear we're normal! Will is in scouts, and soccer will be starting in just a few weeks. The weather here has been so yucky - rainy, cold wind, even some snow/ice days. I am sure that's most of the issue, so we decided tomorrow for our homeschool get together we're going to Monkey Joes! biggrin.gif Got to use up some of that energy!!!
Thanks for helping me feel like I'm not the worst mom ever... makes me think I CAN do this! LOL smile.gif

thumb.gif Monkey Joe's sounds like the perfect solution for everyone! Have a great time!

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Feb 9 2011, 08:44 AM
Omg, you could be talking about my Andrew. He's gotten a little better in the last few weeks, but he still walks around the house making weird noises. For a few weeks there it was CONSTANT, and I was always telling him to be quiet because it was driving me nuts! So I definitely know how you feel lol! tongue.gif When he finally stopped making all the weird noises and sound effects, he started whistling. And this boy can whistle. And he would. not. stop. All day, super loud, constant whistling. I almost went certifiably insane. wacko.gif He still likes to whistle and he still makes weird noises but we've gotten it down to just some of the time. happy.gif

Posted by: moped Feb 9 2011, 09:15 AM
I am sure if you look back in my posts over the years there are a few about Jack making repetitive noises and it was driving me nuts - seriously! Now he pretends he is holding a gun and shoots everything OR......get this ladies, walks around singing some song he has made up in his head that goes like this "Oooooo oh sexy ladies" OVER AND OVER. I have told him it is unacceptable to be singing it but he doesn't understand why - UGH.

Posted by: cameragirl21 Feb 9 2011, 12:49 PM
QUOTE (moped @ Feb 9 2011, 09:15 AM)
walks around singing some song he has made up in his head that goes like this "Oooooo oh sexy ladies" OVER AND OVER.

OMG, sorry but this made me laugh so hard I am literally crying here...I can't stop laughing and my jaws hurt. old is Jack? Wasn't he born around 2002 or something?
Wow, he's getting a headstart, ROFL
Jen, it's too bad you live so far away, I would LOVE to meet Jack, lololol

Posted by: moped Feb 9 2011, 01:15 PM
QUOTE (cameragirl21 @ Feb 9 2011, 03:49 PM)
QUOTE (moped @ Feb 9 2011, 09:15 AM)
walks around singing some song he has made up in his head that goes like this "Oooooo oh sexy ladies" OVER AND OVER.

OMG, sorry but this made me laugh so hard I am literally crying here...I can't stop laughing and my jaws hurt. old is Jack? Wasn't he born around 2002 or something?
Wow, he's getting a headstart, ROFL
Jen, it's too bad you live so far away, I would LOVE to meet Jack, lololol

LOL, yeah he is 6, 7 in June. He is so beyond his age though. I remember his pre school teacher called me at work to say "I just wish jack would just be a kid" Yeah well he ISN"T, as hard as I try!!!!! He is like talking to a 30 year old man!

And while singing it - he sort of does this funky breaky dance thing to it! UUGGHH

Posted by: cameragirl21 Feb 9 2011, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (moped @ Feb 9 2011, 01:15 PM)

And while singing it - he sort of does this funky breaky dance thing to it! UUGGHH

Oh man, please capture it and upload it to youtube...share! Inquiring minds want to see for ourselves.
LOL, he sounds like a cool kid, precocious perhaps, but a very cool kid.

Posted by: moped Feb 9 2011, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (cameragirl21 @ Feb 9 2011, 05:03 PM)
QUOTE (moped @ Feb 9 2011, 01:15 PM)

And while singing it - he sort of does this funky breaky dance thing to it!  UUGGHH

Oh man, please capture it and upload it to youtube...share! Inquiring minds want to see for ourselves.
LOL, he sounds like a cool kid, precocious perhaps, but a very cool kid.

I will sure try to catch it on video, might be more of the words because he seems to sing it where ever he is......I will try! LOL

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Feb 10 2011, 06:47 AM
I agree - I would LOVE to see that on video!!! rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: cameragirl21 Feb 10 2011, 07:09 AM
Looking forward to seeing it Jen, sorry, but this sounds hilarious! Please don't keep us waiting too long, lol.

Posted by: mckayleesmom Feb 22 2011, 04:18 PM
If it makes you feel any better..Mckaylee sings 24/7 and I tell her at least once a day to please be quiet so I can think for a minute. rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Feb 22 2011, 05:07 PM
Just now seeing this.

Maddie is my talker. She is like Kylie and Thomas--everything that runs through her head has a story and she must tell it! wacko.gif As if that's not enough--she makes stuff up to tell MORE stories.

Yeah--she's getting on my nerves lately. blush.gif

Neither of my kids make noises. I'm so thankful for this and that totally might be my fault b/c I HATE HATE HATE noises.

But, Ethan is my whiner. That drives me crazy, too.

You are totally normal! hug.gif

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