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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > Coworker may be mistreating his 9 year old.

Posted by: TrevorTanner Jul 26 2012, 08:14 PM
One of my coworkers may be mistreating his nine year old daughter. Every time he gets into a fight with a co worker he threatens to have his nine year old daughter say that she was being molested by that co worker. So far he has threatened four male co workers with this. Can this be considered child abuse or does he have to actually make an accusation before it can be child abuse. He already had had children's AID involved because he got so angry at one of the coworkers that he threatened to actually have someone rape his daughter and say that the coworker did, but because the threat was an empty threat in anger his daughter was eventually returned to him.

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