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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > What time do you put your kids to bed?

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 23 2011, 01:18 PM
Sometimes I think I'm more strict than most parents on bedtime and every school year I get to feeling guilty because their bedtime is so early and by the time we get home from work there is only 2 hours before bed, and if you throw dinner and homework in there, that's about all the quality time we get together. sad.gif During school year the girls go to bed at 7:30 and they fall asleep anywhere from 8 to 8:30.

In summer we let them stay up until 8 or 8:30. Sometimes later than that. I know I'm a real party animal to my kids. tongue.gif

So what time does your kids go to bed during school season?

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Aug 23 2011, 01:21 PM
Finally! I found a parent like me! I make the younger kids go to bed at 730p even in the summer. They usually dont fall asleep until after 8p. I let Caleb stay up this summer until 9p but only if he was reading. Now that school is starting its 730p for everyone again.

I also think sometimes its not just to benefit the kids and their need for sleep, but parents need time to unwind too or spend time together...

The kids usually sleep until 7am most days.

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 23 2011, 01:29 PM
QUOTE (boyohboyohboy @ Aug 23 2011, 04:21 PM)
Finally! I found a parent like me! I make the younger kids go to bed at 730p even in the summer. They usually dont fall asleep until after 8p. I let Caleb stay up this summer until 9p but only if he was reading. Now that school is starting its 730p for everyone again.

I also think sometimes its not just to benefit the kids and their need for sleep, but parents need time to unwind too or spend time together...

The kids usually sleep until 7am most days.

Yeah, the time to unwind is nice, but since I only get 1.5 to 2 hours with them I always feel guilty about any unwinding time. blush.gif

And my kids have to get up at 6:30 for school. Actually we are going to start getting them up at 6-6:15 instead because getting up at 6:30 makes it too much of a rush to get ready before bus comes. So really they don't get a LOT of sleep. sleep.gif

Posted by: A&A'smommy Aug 23 2011, 01:56 PM
We put them in bed at 7 but they can watch movies (Unless Alyssa is on restriction and then she can read) until 8:30 which is really the only tv they watch all day. Which is fabulous because alyssa would watch tv all day if we would let her... Autumn doesn't usually fall asleep until 9 and Alyssa most days falls asleep pretty quickly after her tv is turned off, I get Alyssa's up at 6:45 and we are usually out the door between 7:30 or 7:35... 7:40 at the latest we only live about 5 minutes from her school but I want her to have plenty of time to walk to her class and get settled.

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Aug 23 2011, 04:56 PM
The girls go to bed at 9:00 during the school year, but they don't have to get up until 7:30-7:45 because the bus doesn't come until 8:30. If they had to get up any earlier they'd be in bed earlier too.

During the summer we're much more flexible - usually 10:00 and sometimes later on the weekends if we're out somewhere.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Aug 23 2011, 05:40 PM
Ashley is a night owl... I could put her to bed at 7pm but she would lay in bed and sing and play games with her fingers and toes in the dark for two hours, trust me, I have tried. She goes to bed between 8:00 - 8:30... (8:30 lights out, no more reading), but it is usually 9:30 by the time she finally falls asleep. She gets up at 7:45 or 8:00 am. She has to be at school at 8:45.

In the summer, she outlasts me. She's usually in bed by midnight though. LOL

I have tried and tried an earlier schedule but she is wired like her daddy - a night owl.

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Aug 23 2011, 08:06 PM
kids are in bed 7-7:30 during the school year for sure, and summer if I am grouchy smile.gif
Matt typically goes straight to sleep he gets up early and plays hard all day. Johnny sometimes will stay up and play in his room for a few hours and sometimes will go straight to sleep. Katy typically will sit in bed and read for an hour or so then go to sleep.

Posted by: lesliesmom Aug 24 2011, 06:00 AM
Started my kids on their school schedule this week. Lindsay (5), goes to bed at 8 (not sure when she actually goes to sleep though - probably between 8:30 and 9). Chris (8) has an 8:30 but sometimes 8 if he has a rough morning waking up for mommy - if he doesn't play his DSiXL he's out within 15 minutes, if he sneaks it in then he's up until 9:30 (need to start patting him down before bed I think). Leslie (10) is 8:30 as well but she can read until 9/9:30. she's always been the easy one to get up in the morning. school doesn't start until 8:35 so they will get to sleep in until 7:30/7:45a this year since we're only about 5 minutes away.

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Aug 24 2011, 06:08 AM
during the summer the kids bedtime has been 9 or 9:30, but sometimes it got a little later. During the school year it's 8 or 8:30. happy.gif Andrew usually wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 8 - it varies a lot. rolleyes.gif Allie will usually wake up around between 8:30 and 9:30, but if she went to bed late she sleeps later. One thing I do like about homeschooling is we don't have to get up super early! tongue.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 24 2011, 06:11 AM
Y'all start school late it seems, or some of you do. tongue.gif School starts at 8:10 for us. The girls get on the bus between 7:20 - 7:30, so that's why we have to get up so early. Plus my girls are 50 minutes is not enough time it seems...I still find myself being a drill sargent trying to get them out the door. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 24 2011, 06:30 AM
I must seem awful to my kids... lol

Last year the girls would go to bed at 7 and Zach at 7:30.

During the summer it has been 8 or 8:15 for the girls, and closer to 9 for Zach. because he's been playing football and only gets home at 8:15, then he needs to eat a snack and take a shower, because he's a stinker.

For this coming school year (they start Monday) the girls will go to bed between 7 and 7:30, and Zach will go to bed between 7:30 and 8, but 9ish on the days he will have football.

They are usually all awake by 6:30... sometimes they sleep in until 7

Posted by: moped Aug 24 2011, 08:50 AM
Laila at 7 all year round
Jack at 7:30, sometimes a bit later if he forgot to read his school book when he got home - which won't be happening this year, he reads it when he gets home or no bike riding! Now he does have karate 3 nights a week, so those night might be 8 - UUGGGHH

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Aug 24 2011, 11:18 AM
Thomas' bedtime on school nights is 8:00. Summertime is closer to 9.

Karen I was thinking the same thing, some of y'all start LATE! We start at 8:10 and let out at 3:15.

Posted by: lesliesmom Aug 24 2011, 12:39 PM
We have staggered times in our district. Highschool goes from 7:20 to 2:15; Middle school (6-8th grade) goes from 8:00 to 2:55. Elementary goes from 8:340 to 3:35. Think they do this because of budget cuts with the buses. The buses we do have service all the schools and this way they could get the kids where they needed to be without them being too early or too late or spending a lot of time on the bus.

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 24 2011, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (Our Lil' Family @ Aug 24 2011, 02:18 PM)
Thomas' bedtime on school nights is 8:00. Summertime is closer to 9.

Karen I was thinking the same thing, some of y'all start LATE! We start at 8:10 and let out at 3:15.

Yep, we get out at 3:10, so about the same as you. thumb.gif

Posted by: Swood75 Aug 24 2011, 02:29 PM
Kameron (7th Grade) goes to bed at 9 and Kyleigh (3rd Grade) goes to bed at 8:30. Kyleigh starts at 7:50 and gets out at 2:40 and Kameron starts at 8:05 and gets out at 3:15-3:20

Posted by: msoulz Aug 24 2011, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (lesliesmom @ Aug 24 2011, 04:39 PM)
We have staggered times in our district. Highschool goes from 7:20 to 2:15; Middle school (6-8th grade) goes from 8:00 to 2:55. Elementary goes from 8:340 to 3:35. Think they do this because of budget cuts with the buses. The buses we do have service all the schools and this way they could get the kids where they needed to be without them being too early or too late or spending a lot of time on the bus.

Carrie, that must be a Michigan trend. We have the nuttiest schedules in Troy. We have half the elementary schools going from 8:40 - 3:31 and the other half from 9:10 - 4:01 (those are not typos, they count the minutes). Half the middle schools go from 7:55 - 2:32, the others 8:20 - 2:57. And the high schools are 7:20 - 2:04. It is all about the budget and fewer buses necessary with the staggered schedules.

Oh, and to make it just this much better, next year the "early start" elementary and middle schools become "late start" and vice-versa, so we working parents have to beg our employers to change our schedules yet again ... dry.gif

Posted by: ZandersMama Aug 25 2011, 03:04 AM
My kids will be starting school at 835, and get out at 205 and 215. We dont start for another week and a half, but I will be aiming to have them both asleep for 9. In bed for 8ish. Zavs is a night owl, likes to sleep in the mornings so he is going to be tricky. Summer has been a free for all, I loved being able to go for walks for them at 10pm and check out the stars. So it's all my fault tongue.gif and i'm going to have trouble getting them on any kind of routine. It has been more "go to bed when you are tired" or "mom is tired time to crawl in" I would say between 10 and 11 all summer. Sometimes 12 blush.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 25 2011, 05:05 AM
QUOTE (lesliesmom @ Aug 24 2011, 03:39 PM)
We have staggered times in our district. Highschool goes from 7:20 to 2:15; Middle school (6-8th grade) goes from 8:00 to 2:55. Elementary goes from 8:340 to 3:35. Think they do this because of budget cuts with the buses. The buses we do have service all the schools and this way they could get the kids where they needed to be without them being too early or too late or spending a lot of time on the bus.

Ours are like that too. I am not looking forward to when Kylie is in middle school and so she'll be at one and Megan will be at another. They won't get on the same bus or at the same time. wacko.gif

Posted by: moped Aug 25 2011, 06:44 AM
QUOTE (ZandersMama @ Aug 25 2011, 06:04 AM)
My kids will be starting school at 835, and get out at 205 and 215. We dont start for another week and a half, but I will be aiming to have them both asleep for 9. In bed for 8ish. Zavs is a night owl, likes to sleep in the mornings so he is going to be tricky. Summer has been a free for all, I loved being able to go for walks for them at 10pm and check out the stars. So it's all my fault tongue.gif and i'm going to have trouble getting them on any kind of routine. It has been more "go to bed when you are tired" or "mom is tired time to crawl in" I would say between 10 and 11 all summer. Sometimes 12 blush.gif

I would die!!!! LOL.

But I like having some quiet time around the house to do what I want before I go to bed!

You are a way better mom than me!

Posted by: luvbug00 Aug 25 2011, 07:41 AM
8:30 -9 in the summer
8:00 in the school year.
Mya goes into her room at this time but she doesnt sleep until 10pm or so.

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 25 2011, 07:48 AM
QUOTE (moped @ Aug 25 2011, 09:44 AM)
QUOTE (ZandersMama @ Aug 25 2011, 06:04 AM)
My kids will be starting school at 835, and get out at 205 and 215. We dont start for another week and a half, but I will be aiming to have them both asleep for 9. In bed for 8ish. Zavs is a night owl, likes to sleep in the mornings so he is going to be tricky. Summer has been a free for all, I loved being able to go for walks for them at 10pm and check out the stars. So it's all my fault  tongue.gif and i'm going to have trouble getting them on any kind of routine. It has been more "go to bed when you are tired" or "mom is tired time to crawl in" I would say between 10 and 11 all summer. Sometimes 12  blush.gif

I would die!!!! LOL.

But I like having some quiet time around the house to do what I want before I go to bed!

You are a way better mom than me!

I would have to agree with Jenn here. tongue.gif I need at least an hour of winding down. happy.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Aug 25 2011, 08:14 AM
QUOTE (ZandersMama @ Aug 25 2011, 07:04 AM)
My kids will be starting school at 835, and get out at 205 and 215. We dont start for another week and a half, but I will be aiming to have them both asleep for 9. In bed for 8ish. Zavs is a night owl, likes to sleep in the mornings so he is going to be tricky. Summer has been a free for all, I loved being able to go for walks for them at 10pm and check out the stars. So it's all my fault  tongue.gif and i'm going to have trouble getting them on any kind of routine. It has been more "go to bed when you are tired" or "mom is tired time to crawl in" I would say between 10 and 11 all summer. Sometimes 12  blush.gif

We're the same way in the summer. It's really nice having that extra time with Ashley in the evening when you are not just rushing to eat dinner, take showers, and put them to bed. It's the perfect time to do stuff together without other daily interuptions. Like I said before, she's a natural night owl so she is in a much better mood when she can go to bed late and sleep in.

Posted by: mummy2girls Sep 2 2011, 08:16 AM
LOL... my bedtime i set for the kids is more out of selfishness for me...LOL. I am on teh go with 6 kids every day from 630am until 530pm. and then i have dinner, dishes, cleaning the dayhome, bath , homeowrk etc., I just want ME TIME... so weekdays i put them to bed at 7 for breanna and 730 for Jenna. weekends 730 for breanna and 800 for jenna. Holidays the same. And the other reason i do this is because if jenna does not get at least 10 hours sleep she is a MONSTER to deal with!

Posted by: youngmomofone Sep 22 2011, 11:50 AM
She's in bed by 9 year round.

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