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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > Dandruff in kids?

Posted by: MommytoKKC Apr 7 2010, 09:56 AM
I went to brush my daughter's hair today and she had a whole bunch of white flakes right on the top of her head where her part is. She's never had flakes before but she did just turn 9. Does dandruff happen this young? The only other thing i can think if is she's been out in the sun the past two days so maybe it has dried out her skin and it is flaking off? I'm just wondering if I need to buy her some dandruff shampoo because it was really hard to try to comb all the flakes out.

Posted by: lesliesmom Apr 7 2010, 11:33 AM
My almost 9-yo has the same thing. I was thinking it was the dryness in the air because I do go through similar 'spurts' when its dry. I was going to dry Selson Blues Natural line on her to see if it helps and maybe just have her use it once a week.

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Apr 8 2010, 06:46 AM
If you use a ph-balanced shampoo, don't use too warm of water when she bathes, and try not to let the sun dry her scalp out, things should clear up.

Posted by: mom21kid2dogs Apr 8 2010, 07:56 AM
I check 1000 kid heads a week and see dandruff in the occasional preK kid. They certainly can have bad scalps at a very early age.
O has developed it this year (seems like about half the kids this age have it) but it's definitely on her scalp and easy to remove with the fingers/comb. What you can also see in this age kid is patches where they didn't get all the shampoo or conditioner out. If it seems more "sticky" it might be that and not a dandruff problem.

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