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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > Logan's going on his first sleepover!

Posted by: MomToMany May 23 2003, 03:28 AM
He's going to a friend's birthday party tonight, which means when he gets on the bus this morning, I won't see him until tomorrow afternoon sad.gif ! But he needs to get out more with kids his own age, away from his "annoying little brothers" to quote him laugh.gif ! I have to tell myself that he'll be OK, and there's nothing to worry about smile.gif ! I've talked with the other mother already, so I know what they will be doing and all that. I explained to her that this was Logan's first sleepover, so he might be a little shy, and if there's any problems or anything, just have him call me.

Just wanted to share! My little boy is growing up ohmy.gif !

Posted by: supermom May 23 2003, 04:30 AM
smile.gif Sounds like he's going to have a good time. It will probably be harder on you than him, these things usually are!

Posted by: MomToMany May 23 2003, 05:34 AM
QUOTE (supermom @ May 23 2003, 07:30 AM)
It will probably be harder on you than him, these things usually are!

thumb.gif I totally agree! I'm almost in tears thinking about it, and I'm not exactly sure why blush.gif !

Posted by: ashade75 May 23 2003, 06:52 AM
After tonight he'll be a pro!! So be prepared mom for the "Can I stay the night with -------? and then the next week... Can ----- stay the night here?

He'll be fine and I am sure he'll have tons of fun. They always do.

Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 May 23 2003, 07:30 AM
My DD went on her first sleepover during the Christmas Break! I cried so hard after I dropped her off! But she had so much fun! We just don't want to let them go!



Posted by: MommyToAshley May 23 2003, 09:25 AM
Awweee!! Pull out the box of kleenex and log on here. We'll cry right along side you. grouphug.gif It's hard to realize your boy is growing up smile.gif I am sure he will have a blast! Be sure to let us know how it goes!

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